Richland Bombers
The Alumni Sandstorm is - for the most part - about
Richland. About growing up there, about living there,
about working there; and about why Richland exists: its
genesis, its development, its future. It provides a
common meeting place for Bombers of all ages to renew
friendships and to make new friendships.
We publish items of historical interest, short - sometimes
long - descriptive literary sketches of life in Richland,
fact pieces of concern to former and current residents of
Richland and similar material written by one of
"US" (Bombers, Bomber family members, and/or Bomber
Boosters); that is, pretty much anything *about* Richland.
When submitting a fact piece, please document source(s).
We're looking for entries that are friendy, entertaining,
thoughtful - even serious. We expect courtesy and respect of fellow alumni in the Alumni Sandstorm.
We reserve the right to edit for clarity and good taste.
We will usually ask you before publishing anything that
needs MAJOR editorial changes.
We try not to let submissions that are purely opinion in
nature or entries of non-Richland material creep into the
Alumni Sandstorm. There is no room for long quotes or
verbatum "copying" from outside sources. You may cite
website(s) as reference(s).
As far as "allowable" topics: Alumni Sandstorm readers
have said time and again that they do NOT want to read
subjects that they can read in their regular newspaper(s).
The following is a partial list of subjects that you will
NOT see in the Alumni Sandstorm:
~ Political invective/rhetoric
~ Libelous or defamatory material
~ Commercial advertisements
~ Anything gruesome
~ Coarse language
~ Negative opinions
~ Ad hominem attacks
~ Rants
~ Sex
~ Guns
THE SANDBOX was established to provide a possible forum
for such material. They particularly appreciate well
written and thoughtful submissions.
Do not challenge the Alumni Sandstorm editorial staff into publishing anything that belongs in THE SANDBOX. It won't work.
Sincerely, and with Bomber cheers,
Alumni Sandstorm Editorial Staff
page started: 03/22/99
page updated: 02/06/01
E-mail the webmaster