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Alumni Sandstorm Archive ~ June, 2005
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Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/01/05
11 Bombers sent stuff:
Jim Jensen ('50), Bev Smith ('52)
Lenora Hughes ('55), John Adkins ('62)
David Rivers ('65), Bob Grout ('66WB)
Clif Edwards ('68), Ben Jacobs ('69)
Mike Hogan ('70) and Lori Simpson ('70)
Barb Hogan ('72)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Ellen Foley ('59)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Don Llewellyn ('60)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Carolyn Roe ('63)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Roberta Lawrence ('66)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Michael Furner ('68)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Kerry Steichen ('74)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Jim Jensen ('50)
Re: Olio
Re: The great number of comments on Northwestern noshes (tree and bush
varieties) brought to memory an autumn sojourn to Wenatchee to view
a 1949 Bomber-W. football game. Just outside of town we paused to
stretch the legs and noticed a huge orchard of apples. The five of us
picked one delicious apple each. They were by far the largest I have
ever seen... took both hands to hold one. The weather was chilly...
the apples were crisp, juicy and ice cold. Best I ever ate.
To: Bill Berlin ('56)
Your posting of 5/30/05 convinced me that you have more expertise
about ferries than anyone I have ever known. As I read your comments
I thought about my first ferry ride from Seattle to Bremerton (circa
1946). What an experience for a land lubber!!! The ferry was one of
the older ones, but was still equipped with a "diner-like" eatery. The
weather was cold and wet outside. The enormous bowl of beans that I
enjoyed in the "diner" was memorable. Some years later my family and a
girl friend made the same crossing on the Kala Kala... at that time an
unmatched, streamlined, silver visage.
To: Rick Maddy ('67)
Your 5/30/05 posting on pain, pills and depression brought some
memories to mind. About twelve years ago I began to feel so deeply
depressed that even the thought of climbing out of bed was repugnant.
Lifting my arm took such an excruciating effort that I could barely
endure it. My doctor - with consultation - diagnosed my condition as
"clinical depression" and said the only remedy was prozac. He gave me
the prescription. I had it filled. On the way home from the pharmacy I
recalled many of the horror stories I had read about people falling
"off the edge" after taking prozac. Got home and decided I didn't want
to be chemically addicted... flushed the prozac down the toilet. After
considerable introspection that day I chose a different course of
action. My wife was in the process of becoming semi-invalid. I
concluded (finally and at last) that she needed a great deal more
from me and I walked away from my career. The time we have spent
together since is the most precious of our 48 years of marriage. I
spent a lot more time on my knees asking for strength and spiritual
guidance. I made a concentrated effort to look around and see whether
there were others who might need whatever help I could provide. These
"remedies," in my judgement, have proven to be far more effective to
me than prozac or anything like it. Do I slip? Sure - but when I
get back to basics I come out of it. I admire your courage and
determination, Rick. Sometimes you just have to tough it out - right?
And then there are others who provide worthy examples for us - Nancy
Riggs Lawrence ('51) comes to mind. After retiring from hospital
work she became a hospital volunteer. She also dedicates much of her
time in looking after older folks in church-related, social activities
...what a lady!!!
I agree with your assessment, Rick. Hang in there.
Bomber cheers,
-Jim Jensen ('50)
>>From: Bev Smith Jochen ('52)
Re: The Requas and Robert Chisholm
To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49) and Betty Conner Sansom ('52)
In the Sunday, November 21, 1999 issue of the Sandstorm, I responded
to Gail Henderson Renner ('53) who was asking if anyone remembered an
"older couple who were teaching commercial and social studies classes,
respectively, to Juniors/Seniors in the early '50s" with the following
"A couple of months ago, during a get-together while Norma Tausch ('52)
was in town, we recalled the very same situation that you describe as
being Herman Requa's U.S. Government class! Ring a bell? His wife's
name, I think, was "Gunda"--as we disrespectfully called her behind
her back--and she did teach Commercial Studies...
"As you mentioned, the *primo* seats in that class were in the very
front, since they were UNDER his field of vision... Norma, Lou Ann
Binns, Margaret Pendergast & I had staked our claim on those seats
from 'Day One' (on the advice of some former student/friends who knew
the 'drill'...)
"One day, when 'Herman' was wielding his yardstick, while driving
home an 'exciting' point of US Gov., Norma slipped her hand under it
just as it struck her desk & then let out a (fake) shriek! and began
shaking her hand and moaning. The poor man was beside himself with
remorse and apologized all over the place while the whole class was
in stitches! This, I am not very proud to say, was only one of many
pranks played on the gentleman. However, he always picked up where he
left off and rarely missed a beat!
"Kind of scary, dredging up all of these memories that I thought were
long gone. But also very rewarding to be ABLE to recall all of this
stuff, huh?"
Now, from what I just read about "Gunda's" mistreatment of Betty, I
believe that it was indeed fortunate that the four of us "Front Row
Terrorists" from Herman's class did not pursue any Commercial classes
under her unprofessional guidance or else the harmless, if tasteless,
pranks might have been a bit more grim!
That was NOT a pretty story, BUT! on the flip side, I'm very glad that
Betty brought Robert Chisholm's name into it... He was one of the
fairest men that I have ever known and was always my "hero" not only
during his Vice Principal years, but even more than a decade later
when he was Superintendent of Schools. He pulled rank and championed
us when one of my sons was put into an "experimental" class at Lewis &
Clark that was totally unacceptable to us because the (seven year old)
boy was miserable--where before had been a happy camper--at being
segregated from many of his friends and teammates all in the name of
"progress?" We could get no satisfaction from the L & C administration
because "If they changed ONE, they would have a bunch more wanting in
the wings to change classes!" But, Bob Chisholm knew right away that
there were some kids that would flourish in this class and others who
would wither. So, just a few words (speak softly and carry a big
stick) in the right places did the trick and we have been forever
grateful... Of course, MY name was "MUD" for going to the top, but
I've never been sorry...
-Bev Smith Jochen ('52)
>>From: Lenora Hughes Bejarano ('55)
Just a reminder about the Las Vegas luncheon coming up this week-end.
It will be on the 4th of June from 1:00 P.M. until "whenever" at the
home of Jim and Ginny Nelligan. For directions and information on
what to bring, please contact either Lenora Hughes Bejarano ('55),
Jim and Ginny Nelligan, or Robbi Hills Karcher ('49).
Hope to see a lot of our Bombers there.
-Lenora Hughes Bejarano ('55)
>>From: John Adkins ('62)
Re: Club 40 golf outing
Saturday September 10 – 7:30 Shotgun Tee Off
This will be a golf outing day with member of both of the Richland
High School Golf Teams – Girls and Boys are being invited.
Entry fee will cover – Course Tee Fees – Cart Fees – and "Tee Prize"
remembrances. (Any moneys left over will be put in a pot for "closest
to the pin" prizes – "Longest Putt" prizes and the like.)
Come out and enjoy a round of golf and see these kids play – they are
Cost - $50.00 and must accompany your entry form.
I must have your entry forms NO LATER THAN August 15th.
For more information and entry information - check the Club 40 Website
-John Adkins ('62)
>>From: David Rivers ('65)
Once upon a time there was this family of lovely girls... I mean the
rest of the family was wonderful but the girls... ahhhhh the girls...
now being a guy I kinda think that these families that produce one
great lady after another are kinda special... ya see that way there is
always a member of that family in school for guys like me to fall all
over their feet as the girl passes in the hall... Today's birthday
girl (June 1st) came from one of those families and is... just as you
might expect... one a them there girls... made your heart flutter
as she walked by or made you wilt if she failed to acknowledge your
presence in the hall... one of those girls who was always out there...
just out of reach... in this case she was out of reach because she was
a big kid and I was at the bottom of the class barrel... she was a
mighty senior and I a lowly sophomore... but there she was... always
on the arm of a very studly dude... Now I keep thinking as we get a
little older... What if I had long flowing white/silver/blonde hair...
what if I looked like I was born for shorts... what if I just had a
larger collection of Hawaiian shirts... (OK maybe I do have a huge
collection of the shirts but I got bird legs look awful in shorts but
wear them cuz I like being comfortable)... nah... I stumble back to
reality and know that I have been fortunate to know this girl and
be great buds with one of her sisters... I've been blessed... very
blessed to know the birthday girl who is celebrating her 21st (?)
birthday on Wednesday this week... I'm glad to just be able to say:
-David Rivers ('65)
>>From: Bob Grout ('66WB)
This is for the Veterans who will understand this Video. If you have
been overseas away from your family and friends while serving in the
arm forces you will get the humor from these young guys who are
serving in Iraq now. I can appreciate.
Viet-nam Vet Bob Grout 67-71 USN
-Bob Grout ('66WB)
>>From: Clif Edwards ('68)
Re: water-Skiing IN DITCHES
To: Rick Valentine ('68)
I think I remember being involved in one of those days, dodging
mailboxes and speed limit signs. It's a wonder we don't have ditch
mud still in our ears!
Rick, do you remember swimming across the Columbia? Someone almost
didn't make it; remember who?
-Clif Edwards ('68) ~ In Vancouver, WA where it is beautiful today!
>>From: Ben Jacobs ('69)
Re: Bomber Baseball
Bomber baseball is off to state on Thursday and will play Cascade
of Everett in the state semi-final game at 4 o'clock on Friday,
June 3rd... we are 23 and 2 and have a very good team... with a
little luck we could win it all... oh, the games are at Cheney
stadium in Tacoma.
-Ben Jacobs ('69)
>>From: Mike Hogan ('70) and Lori Simpson Hogan ('70)
Re: 1970 reunion
Hi Maren, would you please post this in the Sandstorm:
The class of 1970 is having a very laid back gathering for our 35th
reunion! It will be Saturday, July 16th, 2005 at 7pm at the Towne Crier
in Richland. This is one of those last minute ideas so don't worry
if you can't make it, we will hope to see you at the 40th! Since we
didn't want go to all the work of a 10th, 20th, or 30th, we decided to
just have a place to gather and visit. There is no cost involved, as
whoever shows up can buy their own food and drink. We won't be taking
pictures... having a memory book... or wearing name tags! We figured
that if we don't know each other by now, than it's too late :-}~
Take care and hope to see you at the gathering..
-Mike Hogan ('70) and Lori Simpson Hogan ('70)
>>From: Barb Hogan Ham ('72)
To: Mike Sams ('65)
I can't believe that I got on line and you were talking about Tony
Blazine. I was best friends with his little sister Mary Frances, who
now lives on St.John's Island. She is married to Les Anderson (one of
the areas well known artists). Mary sure loved her dad even though he
died too young. Thanks for the story I will relay it to Mary.
CK neighbor and friend,
-Barb Hogan Ham ('72)
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/02/05
11 Bombers sent stuff:
Betty Hiser ('49), Marilyn DeVine ('52), David Shaw ('60WB)
Patti Jones ('60) and Vera Smith ('58), John Browne, Jr. ('61)
Judy Willox ('61), Mike Brady ('61), David Rivers ('65)
Pam Ehinger ('67), Lynn-Marie Hatcher ('68)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Rick Reed ('49)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Larry Felder ('69)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Gloria Minard ('69)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Lori Simpson ('70)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
To Bev Smith Jochen ('52): Mr. Chisholm was my hero. There were
several times after that that I had to seek his help with some
problems teachers (thank God this was a small group compared to the
ones who did help me). I thought he made an excellent Superintendent.
-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - cool today -
has fallen about 12 degrees. HOORAY!
>>From: Marilyn DeVine Dow ('52)
To the Eplers:
So great to hear from you and see your pictures! Hopefully we will
connect somewhere along the way in the future. Would like very much
to see the Southeast and seeing old friends is really the frosting on
the cake. Let's keep in touch and meet somewhere down there!
I am in Alaska for a granddaughter's high school graduation. Great to
be here......the weather is incredibly perfect for this time of year
(49 yesterday morning with a high of about 63). Daughter Keri and I
bought gladiolus plants from one of her neighbors. We'll figure out
where to put them (they need sun and Keri and Ed's yard is woefully
lacking in same) so can only hope the plants will do well. Many trees
have been removed, but more need to go! They are in the Turnagain
area and have old-growth trees.
While I am grateful to be living in the Tri-Cities after all those
years up here, this is a wonderful place to visit. Friends and family
are the ones who bring me back and make it special, but I would love
Alaska even without them. Another granddaughter is planning a move to
the Tri-Cities in September. She is an RN and should have no problem
finding work.
I've enjoyed reading remarks about the cherries and am reminded of a
time (long, long ago!) when Mother took my siblings (Sharleen '50,
Terry '52 and Richard '57) and I cherry picking in Kennewick. The
next day when they went to work again, I had to stay home and do
housework because I hadn't picked enough. Or maybe it was that I ATE
TOO MANY?? I was still in grade school at Marcus Whitman and was
totally bummed about being left home. Guess my "work ethic" wasn't
great....duh! I remember turning the radio up to full volume while I
cleaned but I don't remember whether or not I did a satisfactory job.
Yesterday Molly and I got "T-boned" on our way home from getting hair
cuts. Luckily, the main point of impact was on the passenger side,
REAR door. Molly feels terrible because it was her Mom's car and her
Gramma could have been hurt. I'm a little "achey" but fine. The car
is severely damaged on one side, but is driveable and we are glad
nobody was hurt. The man who hit us ran a red light.
I send my best regards to each and all,
"Em" beautiful Anchorage, AK. Next week I'll be in Homer,
then "The Valley" (Wasilla and Palmer), then home.
-Marilyn DeVine Dow ('52)
>>From: David Shaw ('60WB)
Re: Little League
As I grew up in Richland during the late 1940s to mid 1950s (attended
Jefferson Grade School and Chief Jo and would have graduated with the
class of 1960 had I stayed in Richland), I have enjoyed finding the
website and to reading the daily entries in the Sandstorm. They
certainly are a treasure of recollections/memories that certainly
stimulates those parts of the brain that were long ago put into
hibernation! I am glad that there are many of you out there who have
such fine memories... especially of the early days of Richland. Being
retired with some time on my hands, I recently ran across some old
photos of when I played little league for Desert Inn. There are a few
kids I do not remember the names of, and thought that maybe some one
out there might be able to help out. These photos have been posted on
the website at the following links.
1955 Desert Inn Little League and 1952 Desert Inn Little League
-David Shaw ('60WB)
>>From: Patti Jones Ahrens ('60) and Vera Smith Robbins ('58)
The luncheons will be on going the second Sunday of each month!
Reservations must be made by emailing Patti or Vera by June 9, 2005.
Luncheon dates will appear in
the Sandstorm the week before the luncheon and the week of. The place
in West Richland was chosen (about a minute from the border of
Richland) because of size, good food and price. If we outgrow this
place we have a back up in Richland that is a little more spendy.
Roy Ballard ('63) emailed me to find out if JD Diner where the
luncheon will be is the restaurant that used to be the Coney Island.
After asking a few Bombers and from my own memory, it is. Fill us
in Denny Barr ('58). From what I hear your parents owned the Coney
Bev Smith Jochen ('52) emailed asking if those who are not on
computer can make reservations by phone. Yes, we will take phone
WHEN: June 12, 2005
WHERE: JD Diner, 3790 Van Giesen, West Richland, WA 99353
(light green building just past the Yakima bridge)
Restaurant named after the owner's son.
TIME: 1:00 P.M.
PRICE: Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served all day.
Prices range from $4.50 - $13.95 add drink, tax and tip
Bomber spouses and friends are welcome!
We are both looking forward to the monthly luncheon and being with
all Bombers here in Bomberville. Any suggestions and questions are
Bombers Have Fun
-Patti Jones Ahrens ('60) and Vera Smith Robbins ('58)
>>From: John Browne, Jr. ('61)
Re: Across the Water
To Bill Berlin ('56): I stand corrected, Bill... it WAS a cable
ferry, not a tug-powered job like the Richland ferry (that I usually
rode on foot, to fish at the mouth of the wasteway flume that came
down the hill a few hundred yards downstream). I guess I was thinking
of the size of the car deck... Wheatland was an itty-bitty barge. What
I liked best was the road itself-- it went down into the water, a
paved, striped and foglined beauty; and it came out the other side
just the same. It was kinda surreal... like, maybe Salvador Dali had
been the engineer.
The bounty of regional agriculture peaked for me the year that
someone directed me to a hilly melon farm above Kennewick, where
the farmer was selling melons for a penny A PIECE. It was probably
1960... I filled a compact station wagon with watermelons and these
"persian" melons for about a quarter. But, even though I had the
opportunity, I never realized my fantasy, of standing a watermelon
on end and taking out the core with a post-hole digger...
-John Browne, Jr. ('61) ~ Vashon Island, WA
>>From: Judy Willox (Classic Class of '61)
To: All Bombers, Young and Old; Single and Married:
Re: Bomber Functions
I was sorry to see that Zorba Manolopoulos ('91) had to cancel
the 2005 RHS Basketball Tournament as he works so hard to put it on.
I guess I don't understand why there isn't more response to the
functions that these creative Bombers offer to host and that give
us Bombers good clean fun things to do and get together.
Another function that I see that is going to be cancelled, according
to Pam Ehinger Nassen ('67), is the Single Bomber Wing Ding that she
was going to host on the Cool Desert Nights Weekend. She had even
gone all out to design a neat shirt for a momento of the function and
took time and money to do so. The design of this shirt
She planned to have this fun-filled event down in the park close to the
bands that were to play for Cool Desert Nights so there would be music
to go along with the event. When Pam first mentioned this idea to us,
there was a lot of response to it and people were encouraging her to
put this thing together. So she took the time to do so, took the time
to design and get T-shirts in line for it. Now there is no response to
her Sandstorm entry of 05-21-05 for her to feel she should proceed.
Hey, what happened to all of you enthusiasts out there? If you want
this to happen, let Pam know, okay?
Hopefully next year Zorba can get his project off the ground again
too. This year may have been a bad year to have it with all the
construction going on this summer for the remodeling of Richland
High; but next year, hopefully Zorba.
Bomber Cheers,
-Judy Willox (Classic Class of '61) ~ Richland ~ Where it finally got
cooler, thank God--my air conditioning went out for the
two hottest days we have had so far. Not neat to not have
air conditioning in Richland, Washington. ;o)
>>From: Mike Brady ('61)
Re: Prozac
In response to Jim Jensen's ('50) entry in the Sandstorm regarding
depression, since Prozac came on the market in the late 1980s, the
suicide rate has dramatically declined due to all the new anti-
depressant drugs available to us. Unfortunately, many people are not
able to pull themselves "up by the boot straps." Depression is a
treatable disease. I believe we should use all of our resources in
dealing with a problem, especially depression. Approximately 15 years
ago I was diagnosed as bipolar. I had been depressed since childhood.
I started on Prozac and later switched to another anti-depressant
that was better suited for me. Over the past 15 years, I have not
always been depression-free, but as a whole, they have been the
happiest of my life.
-Mike Brady ('61)
>>From: David Rivers ('65)
Re: Misc. Ramblings...but NOT Maddy style
Oh boy oh boy oh boy... I have learned so very much in the last
couple of days. For several years... at least Since Roy ('63) found
the big bomb up near Salt Lake while taking the long way to my house
with Doc Adair ('66), I have been looking for a nice bomb like the
one the cheerleaders put out on the floor... I finally found one
and it was delivered yesterday. So I immediately sent out a bunch
of emails to those I figured would remember to find out the true
markings on the beloved bomb. I got so many responses. Number 32
('63) told me that although he had slept with the bomb... and of
course we all know he kissed it in 2000, he was unsure of the
markings, if any... so much for "I'll respect you in the morning"...
Jimbeaux ('63) recalled the bomb being all green with no gold at
all... (also no parking lot yellow)... He recalled it pretty clearly
from a time Cappy Haines ('63-RIP) liberated it for while...
Heidlebaugh ('65) looked but couldn't find any good pictures in the
yearbooks. The Adairs, who by one of their member's longevity in the
hallowed halls of Col-Hi have possibly the largest span of yearbooks
known to man advised that they were green and gold from '65-'68 and
no pictures were shown in '69... but that in 2005 is was green and
gold with an R and a mushroom cloud... Gregor Hanson ('65), who once
let us play library at check out books from his house when we were
all at Spalding supplied the following: "To me, it appears the
'official' bomb that was used in 1964 and 1965 is different than the
bomb that I remember was used in 1963 and prior. The photos in the
annuals from 1964 and 1965 show a two colored bomb - bright green at
the bottom - bright yellow in the middle section - and bright green
at the top - with no R or mushroom cloud logo. The bomb that I
remember from prior years was all green, and I recall even had a
pointed spindle on the top where an airplane could be attached."
Rosalie ('63) whom I assumed would have the best recall didn't
respond because the email address I have for her no longer works...
so there you have it some of the best minds have given us an accurate
account of the bomb... I'm painting mine however I think it looks the
coolest... ain't gonna just be John Deer green... that's fer sher...
For any of you folks in the L.A. area around Father's Day planning to
head to the L.A. roadsters Show in Pomona... My (our... gotta give my
partner some credit) booth "L.V. Roadsters" will be right at the
Entrance to the Vendors, first booth next to Zipper Motor Cars...
normally I would give you directions by saying we are one booth away
from Boyd but Boyd and Brizzio lost their spots this year as they are
putting up a big "dining tent" where their spots have always been...
We will be showing 2 new roadsters one pretty exotic and the other a
little more traditional... After the show we will take the exotic
baby back to the shop and spit and polish it for the Grand National
Roadster Show in January where we will compete for America's Most
Beautiful Roadster. My Partner took runner up two years ago and we
hope to do even better this year... so y'all come see us now y'hear?
(sending a couple of unfinished pix with this note)
-David Rivers ('65)
>>From: Pam Ehinger (The Blue Ribbon Class of '67)
Dear Bombers,
Because of the lack of interest from the singles out there I've
given up on the Bombers Single Wing Ding. I can't afford to order
the T-shirts without any responds from ANYONE! So with deep regret
I've canceled the Bombers Single Wing Ding.
Bombers Rule
-Pam Ehinger (The Blue Ribbon Class of '67)
>>From: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
Re: Mental health med use
Jim Jenson ('50) and Rick Maddy ('67) have both recently commented
about antidepressants – or more specifically, the non-use thereof. I
appreciate both their opinions and personal experiences. However, as
a psychiatric practitioner who believes in MULTIPLE approaches to
problems, I cannot in good faith let this discussion pass without
making a comment.
As I said, I believe in multiple approaches, not just pills, when
it comes to depression and actually all other types of emotional/
psychological/mental problems. BUT I have seen miracles happen –
people who have literally regained their lives – through the
judicious use of psychotropic meds.
We do a grave disservice to the many Bombers who read the Sandstorm,
as well as to the other people in our lives if we discount and/or
stigmatize the use of antidepressants and/or other psychotropic meds.
No doubt a number of Sandstorm readers and many other folks we know
are using just such meds – without our personal knowledge of it. For
us to imply in any way that their use of such meds is 'giving in' or
'weakness' or anything else with a negative connotation is not okay.
Even worse, there may be readers (and others) who could well benefit
from such meds. But, upon reading negative statements about taking
them might just decide to go without, and thereby possibly deny
themselves (and their loved ones) a life greatly improved.
Just as the same antihypertensive is not right for everyone, the same
antidepressant is not right for everyone. And, in fact some people
are able to bring their blood pressure under control by other means.
But for many people, taking blood pressure medication is a necessary
part of optimizing life. The same is true for controlling depression
and the taking of antidepressants (and/or other mental health meds).
Thanks for letting me have my say, based on another perspective and
set of experiences.
-Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68) ~ Spokane
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/03/05
It was the 3rd of June, another sleepy, dusty, delta day...
10 Bombers sent stuff:
Anna May Wann ('49), Jim Jensen ('50)
Barb Isakson ('58), Joretta "Sue" Garrison ('58)
Tom Verellen ('60), Dave Hanthorn ('63)
Gary Behymer ('64), Jeff Michael ('65)
Mike Howell ('68WB), Rick Valentine ('68)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Mick Mikulecky ('53)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Susan Vandenberg ('65)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Ann Thompson, aka Anna May Wann ('49)
Dear fellow alumni,
This Saturday we are going to prepare the next edition of the
DustStorm to go out in the mail.
First I wish to thank so many of you for giving me credit for being
a "mind reader", but really I'm not. When you send in your dues or
registration for the reunion, please send in the whole form, please
put your class year on the form. Gals, please put your maiden name on
the form. If your mate is a grad of Richland High (or Columbia High
as we knew it) be sure and enter their year of graduation also. We
only want to send one DustStorm to a household. We have over 4,000
names in the database now and I really don't know all of you. A
little information from you goes a long way. I appreciate your dues
check but it is hard to tell where to put the credit if I don't know
where you are among that 4,000. I still don't have class of '61 or
'63 in here yet and if anyone from your class has the latest mailing
list I sure would love to enter them. Remember all grads through the
year 1965 are now eligible to belong to Club 40. (If married only one
of you has to qualify - the other one can tag along for the fun)
If you have any questions about Club 40 contact Bob Carlson, aka Mike
Clowes ('54), Judy Willox ('61) or myself and we will gladly answer
your questions and send you an application to join. Or if you would
rather talk to your class rep, contact us and we will put you in
touch with them.
Couldn't golf today because the rain is back. – darn!!!
Going to play Mah Jong all day tomorrow and most likely lose another
62 cents for 8 hours of play. We play really high stakes as you can
tell. But such fun!!
Happy Birthday to Rick Reed – another 49'er
-Ann Thompson, aka Anna May Wann ('49)
>>From: Jim Jensen ('50)
Re: Prozac
To: Mike Brady ('61) and Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
I found your 6/2/05 Sandstorm postings regarding prozac, et al,
interesting and informative. Clearly I am not a psychiatric
practitioner colleague of Peashka's. Her comments were made in
defense of the appropriate use of anti depressants and the application
of all vital forms of medication and therapy. I agree with her. My
initial comments were made to illustrate an issue in my life which
coincided with observations made by Rick Maddy ('67).
The genesis for my perspective was the unhappy experience with my
prozac-doctor, a general practitioner. I was dispatched from his
office after our usual 3-5 minute session with a prescription in hand.
He was our family doctor of about one year's standing. He did not
then, nor had he ever, discussed my general disposition. His Jensen
folder contained only the findings of a one-year-old physical
examination and dated blood test results. He, like many general
practitioners, essentially functioned as a "triage" entity. He
contributed to the impression that we in this country are a
chemically saturated society. Give 'em pills and send 'em out the
door... forget about the cause of pain - mask it with drugs and
worry about a resolution later... if a child fails to fall route step
into a particular teacher's routine - declare that the child has
a behavioral problem that can only be ameliorated with drugs...
medicine "X" is a panacea for every ailment known to humankind - one
size fits all... the beat goes on. Obviously my examples are extreme,
but they occur often enough to warrant my concern. I do not recommend
that every Bomber reading this posting (if any) flush their meds down
the toilet. I do suggest that we carefully evaluate our individual
I'm fortunate. Our present family doctor is a certified internist, a
Board member and a caring individual who asks many questions during
each visit. He follows up on prescribed treatment and therapy. He
asks my wife and I how we feel about a problem or condition... what
we think about our physiological reaction to a recommended remedy. He
is deeply involved in diet and nutrition.
I agree with Peashka on the concept of "whole medicine." Professional
guidance should be sought. I also believe in one step beyond. The
human body, under the right circumstances, is capable of miraculous
cures and self-healing. Some resolutions are faith-based. This
doesn't work for everyone. Modern medical practice, though having
remarkable tools for diagnosis and treatment, still doesn't have
all of the answers. Consider the matter of "endorphins." These
are peptides produced in the pituitary gland which have analgesic
properties which may be conveyed to receptors in the brain.
Endorphins have a positive effect on the brain and further, upon
any number of problems in the human body. No one knows the why,
wherefore, how many... zilch. But when they work - they work. No one
knows how many other measures might be taken by our marvelous, human,
bodies to combat disease and illness. Like nearly everything else -
it's an individual thing.
Good health to all Bombers!!!
-Jim Jensen ('50) ~ In Katy, Texas where we are wilting and melting
under a punishing sun and soul-warping humidity.
>>From: Barb Isakson Rau ('58)
Class of '58 Luncheon
WHEN: June 5, 2005 on Sunday
WHERE: O'Callahan's in Shilo Inn, Richland
TIME: 1:00
No reservation required
Last Month we had Sandra Brinkman Allen, Judy Crose Snowhite,
Fred Klute, Dennis Barr, Jerry Whitten, Larry Levitt and myself.
Come to see if you're the mystery guest or who you may see from
out of town.
-Barb Isakson Rau ('58)
>>From: Joretta "Sue" Garrison Pritchett ('58)
Re: death to report
There was an obit in paper for Bob Ellis. He was 41, and was a
Bomber. He was a great guy. I worked with him at Hanford before
he and his wife, Christel, moved to Seattle area.
-Joretta "Sue" Garrison Pritchett ('58)
[Bob is listed on the Funeral Notices website: -Maren]
>>From: Tom Verellen ('60)
To: Mike Brady ('61) and Lynn-Marie Hatcher ('68)
Exactly! Thank you for speaking my mind.
-Tom Verellen ('60)
>>From: Dave Hanthorn (Gold Medal Class of '63)
Re: Da Bomb
What, no pictures of da bomb in the annual? I could hardly believe
it! So I dug mine out ('61, '62, and '63) and started paging through.
Sure enough, nothing in the '61 Columbian, how could this be? Then
'62, turning page after page, but nothing. I was really getting
bummed, but then, finally, clear back on page 120, there it was in
all its glory, da BOMB!! It was GREEN, with a wide GOLD stripe around
the middle, and GOLD fins at the bottom. (Just like you remembered
it, right?) Then I turned to the '63 Columbian, and right there on
page 5 was a drawing of the bomb, confirming (sort of) that the color
scheme remained the same for the Gold Medal Class. Paging the rest of
the way through revealed no actual photographs of our mighty symbol
of school spirit, what a letdown. Gotta hand it to those '62
Columbian staffers, they knew better than anyone what would be
important to us all these 43 years latter.
To: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
Re: Mental health med use
Thanks for saying what very much needed to be said in a very
forthright and professional way. Sometimes the "pop-psychology"
gets a little too thick in the Sandstorm, and we need a voice such
as yours to set the record straight.
Bomber cheers,
-Dave Hanthorn (GMC '63) ~ from sunny/rainy Mercer Island where the
fence project is finally completed and I am looking for new
worlds to conquer, in the new found freedom of retirement.
>>From: Gary Behymer ('64)
Re: David Rivers ('65) and colorizing the Bomb
I've done extensive research, in the 1948 to 1955 yearbooks,
and it appears 'the bomb' was black and white with maybe some
shadings of gray (;-)
-Gary Behymer ('64)
>>From: Jeff Michael ('65)
Hey There Bombers & Bomberettes:
Reunion time is drawing nigh... and I'm drawing on my friends for
music requests. The Alumni page for our Class has info (courtesy of
Steve Upson) on how to access the request list on my web site.
Course, David Rivers has listed about 6 hours of requests... so maybe
we'll just make it a "Night with David Rivers, Esq."
Oh, by the way, David, I do expect you to arrive at the Desert Inn
wearing your duster, leather helmet, goggles and driving the auto in
the picture you posted yesterday, puleeeese!
Went jet skiing on the Mighty Columbia Sunday... and she proved to be
mightier than my grip. Went swimming with my passenger. Yikes... that
water is, like, very COLD! But we swam to the rig, mounted-up again
and gave 'er hell til we dried out. Those things are totally FUN! But
after telling that tale, I probably won't get anyone to ride with me
at the reunion. The water will be a bit warmer by then.
dj jeff Michael ('65) in Franklin County (Can't hardly say the name
of the Bulldog town) where it was nearly ONE HUNDRED
degrees last Saturday and is mid 70's under partly
cloudy skies with gusty winds today.
>>From: Mike Howell ('68WB)
To: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
Hi Lynn;
I have to admit that life is quite a bit better for me and my family.
I went over the edge again on 9-11 and am now on 5 head meds and
group therapy along with one on one once a month now, It is all PTSD
Related from the service. If I could do it over again I would have
asked for help in the early 70s but they didn't know what it was let
alone how to treat it. I have ruined quite a few of the good things
in my life over the years until I started getting help and I can't
say life is perfect now but it certainly is better than the
-Mike Howell ('68WB)
>>From: Rick Valentine ('68)
To: Clif Edwards ('68)
It is indeed amazing we don't have ditch mud in our ears from the
West Richland irrigation ditches. Although as I recall, we always
managed to avoid the law, maybe we were just lucky avoiding the West
Richland police. As much time as we spent in the Columbia River both
swimming and water skiing and as many times as we swam across the
river we were very lucky that no one got hurt or drowned, especially
doing all the dock landings we used to do. Being past 50 and being
afflicted with C.R.S. :-) I don't remember someone almost not making
it across the river. I also remember spending a lot of time parked
along the river in North Richland watching the submarine races. But
that is another subject altogether. Seems to me that someone's VW
rolled into the river and floated down the river before being
-Rick Valentine ('68) ~ in Rainy Spokane, WA
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/04/05
5 Bombers sent stuff today:
Larry Mattingly ('60), Bob Cross ('62)
Shirley Sherwood ('62), Kathy Hoff ('64)
Lynn-Marie Hatcher ('68)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Joe Wood ('48)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Helen Cross ('62)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Heather Ryanne ('92)
BOMBER LUNCH Today: Class of '60 & spouses
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Larry Mattingly ('60)
Re: Depression
Recently reading in the Sandstorm about depression gave me the
shivers. While I have been fortunate not to have had depression
problems, I have been close to several who suffered from and fought
with it. It is a horrible disease. It can be hard to recognize even
by professionals. While I am not any kind of expert on it, I know
from personal contact, it can destroy appetite, ruin personal
discipline, spoil relationships, disable employment, and in
general make life nearly impossible. I was married to an extremely
intelligent lady (college grad 3.99 GPA) who's severe depression
made her life very difficult. Two doctors tried a variety of meds and
treatments over the years, including Prozac. Prozac was a disaster
for her. All of the bad things you have ever heard about Prozac.
Trying to cope lead both of us to tears many times. Then along came
Welbutrin and with some dose adjustment, last we spoke, she is living
a pretty normal life. In the mid and late '50s my mother was treated
for depression both at home and in several stays at Kadlec. At one
time or another she received a total of 17 bangs with "The Box",
otherwise known as electro-shock therapy. They tried a couple of the
early drugs but it didn't really control it. So she essentially lived
with it the best she could until she passed away a few years ago. The
effects of real depression can be anywhere from mild to really ugly.
I have 2 close friends now, both with severe depression, both on
Welbutrin. They both still have some mild problems once in a
while but as I look back on their past, what a difference 100/200
milligrams twice a day makes. It is not a panacea and does not work
for everybody but it has made many lives at least livable. Here's
hoping research will continue and results will increase people's
ability to cope with it.
"Happiness is the sky in bloom"
-J Larry Mattingly ('60) ~ Off to the City of Shelton, WA to begin
the set-up of the massive display for tomorrow night.
>>From: Bob Cross ('62)
Re: Happy Birthday, Cousin
I would like to wish my MUCH younger cousin, Helen Cross Kirk ('62)
a very happy birthday! We are looking forward to seeing you again
this summer. You can tell me about how the "younger set" is doing
these days (if you talk slooow!). I wish I had half your energy.
Hope you do something nice for your special day because you are a
special lady.
-Bob Cross ('62)
>>From: Shirley Sherwood Milani ('62)
To: Dave Hanthorn (Gold Medal Class of '63)
Re: Our Mascot
I don't know, but it looks like a sketch of 'da bomb' on both
the front and back inside covers of the '62 yearbook.
'62 Columbian Inside Covers
-Shirley Sherwood Milani ('62)
>>From: Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
R2K+5 Dinner
Cool Desert Nights Weekend
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Hanford House
Please e-mail, Linda Boehning or Kathy Hoff Conrad if you would like
to attend.
The class of '65 will be having their 40th reunion at the Hanford
House the same weekend. Friday night is a good time to visit with
"old" friends in the courtyard of the "old" Desert Inn.
Hope to see you there!
-Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
>>From: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
To: Jim Jensen ('50)
Jim, I couldn't agree with you more regarding the need for each of us
to do a couple things. First, it is imperative that we be informed
medical consumers -- and as you suggest, "... that we carefully
evaluate our individual circumstances." Second, that we not just
allow ourselves to be pushed into taking this pill or that one after
a quickie 5 minute consult with someone who doesn't really know our
overall needs/condition. (Unfortunately with managed care, etc.,
being what they are, this is often the way of practitioner
appointments today. Thus is becomes incumbent upon each of us as
consumers to become educated, active participants in decisions
regarding our health care -- and (with regard to this discussion)
what is going to go down our throats in the way of meds! Gone are the
days when we could spend a good 1/2 hour or more really exploring our
situation with the practitioner -- at least that is the case with
many if not most practitioners these days. Most of us over the age of
50 can remember when a doctor appointment could actually mean 30 or
40 minutes WITH THE DOCTOR -- he/she asking questions and listening
to answers, working to figure out what was really going on.)
One of the other problems you so aptly bring to our attention is
that of general practitioners and the prescribing of psychotropic
medications. Things ARE getting better in this realm -- but not
better enough, fast enough. It is only in VERY recent years that
generalists are being taught in med school something about the
appropriate use of psychotropics. That being the case many Americans
today are taking (or not taking, because of problems/side effects)
incorrectly (wrong med, wrong dose, etc.) prescribed meds for
mental/emotional/psychological conditions -- depression, anxiety
disorders, etc.
I am not disrespecting general practitioners. I go to one myself. But
there is SO much more to know in the realm of health care these days,
even compared to when we were kids. Thus utilization of specialists
has become a necessity.
I am saying that if you have a heart condition that bears further
investigation, a general practitioner will (should) refer you to a
cardiologist. It is the same way with mental health issues -- you
should be referred to a mental health specialist, at least for
initial evaluation and initial med management. This doesn't mean that
cardiologists or psych specialists (or other specialists) are better
practitioners. It means that they know their particular areas of
expertise (and the meds associated with those areas) better than a
general practitioner does or possibly could, given how much there is
to know in this 21st century. So you are right, Jim. The GP is like a
'triage' specialist these days in many cases.
Finally, as to the truth of spontaneous remissions -- you are
right on there, too, Jim. The power of the mind-spirit-body-heart
connection is vastly overlooked and under-rated in Western medicine.
Fortunately this is changing, but again too slowly (in my opinion).
For those with interest, I suggest taking a look at
Check out Dr. Bruce Lipton’s book called “The Biology of Belief”,
and his DVD called “The Biology of Perception – The Psychology of
My last thought here: I have an imaginary plaque – it is not posted
in my office, but it IS posted in my heart and mind. It reads, "As a
part of my services as your practitioner, I am praying for you. No
extra charge." I don’t proselytize, preach, etc., but I could not
safely or ethically practice medicine (especially mind/emotional/
psych medicine) without staying in touch with the Spirit who created
each person I am honored to serve in my practice.
Thanks again for listening. I will try not to post again for a while
– I've certainly taken up my share of Sandstorm space this week!
-Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68) ~ Spokane, WA
PS – Thanks to all of you who wrote to me privately, sharing
your thoughts and stories. You honored me by doing so.
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/05/05
8 Bombers sent stuff:
Betty Hiser ('49), Dicksy Poe ('50), Jim Jensen ('50)
Marguerite Groff ('54), Donna Nelson ('63), Julie Smyth ('69WB)
Larry Davis ('80), Tim Cowan ('95)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Richard Rushworth ('70)
BOMBER LUNCH Today: Class of '58
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
won the final over Skyline 2-1. -Richard Anderson ('60), Deputy Editor
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
Depression: I wondered my whole life why I cried all the time. I
would get bawled out at home, school, and work and I would cry. As a
child I whined all the time and I thought it was because I hurt. My
kids (God love them), about 3 years ago, got in touch with my doctor
and he prescribed a pill for me to take (along with the other 22
I take each day). My children told me that I had been depressed my
whole life and just didn't realize it. With as many doctors that I
had been to I wonder why some of them didn't figure it out. I ran out
of the pills Friday, and could not get them refilled until yesterday
and I have sat in a pool of tears. I have screamed at my poor dog
(who is blind, deaf and can't smell) for nothing, etc.
Don't wait 70 years, like I did, until you (or you family) do
something about this situation - if your family doctor doesn't do
anything - go to another doctor until you find one that will help
you. You can't believe what a difference it has made, I don't scream
at my poor dog, have a tad more patience, and only cry at really sad
In the old days they used to think you were crazy, going through the
change, family trait, etc. No one figured out that it was a condition
that could be helped.
Thanks for listening.
-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - beautiful
weather - cool - supposed to rain Sunday night. The
cherries are just now being picked - small crop this year.
>>From: Dicksy Poe Creek ('50)
Re: Depression (and Other Mental Illnesses)
Thanks to Larry Mattingly ('60) and Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
for their June 4, 2005 postings about mental illnesses and their
treatment. Your letters said things that were sensible and needed to
be said. I will add a few words about my family's experience with
depression, schizophrenia and medication therapy.
Our daughter suffers from both schizophrenia and depression. The
onset of her illnesses occurred during her last year at the U of
Washington. She sought counseling at the U, but they did not
recognize her her illnesses nor the severity of them. Nevertheless,
she was able to complete her degree in accounting with a 3.36 GPA
(down from 3.81). In the subsequent two years, we tried to get her
into treatment. She denied she needed treatment. She attempted
suicide three times. Only the third time were we aware of the
attempt. This time the circumstances were such that I was able to
drive her directly to an emergency room. She was hospitalized for
sixteen days and stabilized on medications. The time from the
beginning of her illnesses until she received medication were hell
for her and for us. She has been in treatment for eleven years. She
is again a delightful, loving, lovable person. She has her own
apartment, car, cat, friends (and computer). She has been able to
find work from time to time and is successfully studying medical
billing and medical transcriptioning.
Psychiatric medications can make life worth living and literally save
your life. If such medications were prescribed to me by a mental
health care professional, I would give them a trial of reasonable
length. I would not discourage anyone from doing the same. (Our
experience is that medication plus counseling is best. Medication
alone works better than counseling alone.)
-Dicksy Poe Creek ('50)
>>From: Jim Jensen ('50)
To: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
Your posting of 6/4/05 says it all for me! I raise my glass of
decaf coke to you in tribute. Thanks!!!
Bomber Cheers,
-Jim Jensen ('50)
>>From: Marguerite Groff Tompkins ('54)
Oops!! My apologies to Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes ('54) and others.
I forgot to check my calendar this weekend and failed to join other
Club 40 members in preparing the DustStorm for mailing. Three of
my grandchildren graduated from high school this weekend. One from
Richland High on Thursday and 2 from Liberty Christian Friday night.
My mind was also focused on the big party our family is having
tomorrow (Sunday) for all three.
I would encourage everyone who graduated 40 (or more) years ago from
Col-Hi, to think seriously about attending this year's Club 40 party/
reunion. Information about this year's party can be found at:
To: Millie Finch Gregg ('54)
A very belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. I love you.
-Marguerite Groff Tompkins ('54)
>>From: Donna Nelson ('63)
Just got back from the 2005 Bomber graduation on Thursday night and
Congratulations to my niece, Sarah Halley Burnet. She told everyone
to "turn your tassels" and screamed "we did it". It was a very nice
ceremony, blow horns and all. The speeches were short and celebrating
and cheering long.
-Donna Nelson ('63)
>>From: Julie Smyth Moss ('69WB)
To: Jim Jensen ('50)
In Katy, TX., huh? Soul-warping humidity? I'm in south Louisiana
where you're likely to drown from breathing, but it ain't warped my
soul yet! Course, I get the greatest seafood in the world here,
and that might combat some of the soul-warping properties of the
humidity. I ate some great Crawfish Bisque just last night. Soul
food, I guess.
My daughter lives near Austin, and I'm in love with Texas! Course,
it just might be because my new Grandson is a native Texan.
-Julie Smyth Moss (Maren says I'm a "WB" '69er)
>>From: Larry Davis ('80)
Re: Richland Baseball
To: all Bomber Fans
I've been cruising the Sandstorm and I'm a bit shocked to see that no
one has been talking about the Richland Varsity Baseball Team. They
won their semifinal game yesterday at Cheney Field in Tacoma beating
the Cascade Bruins 8-0. They will play at 7:00 PM tonight (Saturday)
for the State 4A Championship against Skyline of Issaquah. Win or
Loose, I understand that these boys and their coaches (Head Coach -
Ben Jacobs ('69) & Assistant Coaches - John Larson, Tim Ruane, Roger
Chambers, Dean Hoff) have had a tremendous season and should all be
congratulated. Living on the wet side of the state, I have not been
able to follow the whole season but I was present at the game on
Friday (a link to the TC Herald article is below) and will be rooting
the team on again tonight for another Bomber State Title.
From cool Kent, WA
-Larry Davis ('80)
[BOMBERS ARE STATE 4-A CHAMPTIONS FOR 2005... they won the
final over Skyline 2-1. -Richard Anderson ('60), Deputy Editor]
>>From: Tim Cowan ('95)
Hello again Sandstorm readers,
You may recall that my wife, Jennifer Lynn, is a Country/Americana
performing songwriter in Portland, Oregon. She has been performing
throughout the northwest for about three years now. Well, recently
Jennifer opened for pop-country artist and "Nashville Star" judge,
Phil Vassar, in Portland, Oregon.
To see photos, you can go to and click
on the photo tab. This concert was presented by Jack Daniel’s & KUPL
radio and there were about a thousand people in the audience... it
was a truly exciting experience and the biggest concert for Jennifer
to date! She is also scheduled to perform at the Oregon State Fair
this coming August. We tried to get a slot at the Benton Franklin
Fair, but it didn’t pan out. So if you'd like to see Jennifer perform
there next year, please contact the fair. To hear Jennifer on the
radio, please call and request her music! We appreciate your support.
We released Jennifer's debut album back in January of this year and
it continues to sell well through CD Baby
Tower Records, Music Millennium & at live performances. Since the
release of the album, Jennifer has appeared in Washington State
Magazine, The Oregonian & "Peninsula Woman" of the Peninsula Daily
News. She has also been interviewed by KBOO & KONP radio.
-Tim Cowan ('95)
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/06/05
5 Bombers sent stuff:
Betty Hiser ('49), Jim Jensen ('50)
Margaret Pendergast ('52), Bill Berlin ('56)
Linda Reining ('64)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Thomas Fraser ('78)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
I am so glad depression is being talked about in the Alumni
Sandstorm. It was one of those subjects (mental diseases and
illnesses, sex, bad news, divorces) that wasn't discussed when we
were young. If you had a mental illness you were not supposed to tell
anyone that your family had a "sick" person in it. I remember that
most "sick" people were put in their room and never let out except
to go to the bathroom (not even to take their Saturday bath). With a
little more knowledge, love, and medical help these people would have
been able to live "normal" lives.
I watched a TV show that had abandoned children in an orphanage and
was shocked that, even in the 1950s, parents gave up children who
were born with defects - "not normal" (such as my cleft palate and
hare lip). I remember all my parents friends and relatives used to
say to me, "You have to admire your parents - at least they kept you
and didn't give you up." I never knew what this referred to until
about 20 years ago. We have come a long way in the medical fields but
still have far to go.
I have found that it helps to talk about these things with people who
are facing different types of problems and know that you will not be
humiliated in front of your friends and relatives.
Marguerite Groff Tompkins ('54): We didn't get the folding done - you
can come down Saturday, June 11, to do all of the local DustStorms.
Missed you.
Julie Smyth Moss ('69WB): I remember living in Southern Ohio and just
before a rain storm you felt like the moisture was pressing against
your chest and you could not breathe. That was scary at times.
Larry Davis ('80): 50 years ago and beyond I was interested in
basketball, baseball, etc. I guess now I have too many aches and
pains, grandchildren, clubs, etc., to be interested in those things.
Congratulations Bombers!!!
-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - Rained this
morning - really hard - woke me up at 3:30 a.m. Poor cherries.
>>From: Jim Jensen ('50)
Re: Soul Warping
To: Julie Smyth Moss (WB'69) 6/5/05 posting.
So you ain't suffered the pangs of soul-warping humidity yet? Thou
art a hearty rascal indeed. If you live near Maren then you aren't
too far from the Big Easy. My only experience in N.O. climes was
during the cooler months - also during a part of my life when I was
much younger, was called "Slim" by my contemporaries, and was better
equipped to deal with warping of any description.
H-m-m, Crawfish Bisque. Used to go with a girl from Morganza (Pointe
Coupee Parish). Claimed she used to fight off 'gators, cotton mouths,
bird-sized skeeters and boys on the way to school. She and her family
counted crawfish as one of their favorites. Never could work up the
courage to devour a crawfish. When I was single and later on, living
with my family near Biloxi, I did work up the courage to haunt some
of the seafood shacks around the boat docks which on Friday nights
served up boiled shrimp (all you could eat) with red beans and rice
and a sauce that would separate the consumer from his/her throat
lining. When he lived next door to us here in Katy, my Dad's favorite
local dish was e'tufe'.
Your daughter lives in Austin? Beautiful city... somewhat cooler than
Houston/Katy. Congratulations on your new grandson.
-Jim Jensen ('50) ~ So far, today... unwarped
>>From: Margaret Pendergast Mumford ('52)
To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49) and Betty Lou Conner Sansom ('52)
Re: The Requas
Ah... You've caused me to remember some things I've quietly put into
away in my memory... I wonder why!
I believe it was an English class I took from Mrs. Requa and all the
class felt the same about her... We were all in place before the
class started and she wasn't there... so we locked both of the doors
leading into the class and wouldn't let her in. Of course we finally
did and all denied knowing they were locked.
I also remember the yardstick incident...
I wonder what the two of them talked about when they went home at
the end of the day?
-Margaret Pendergast Mumford ('52)
>>From: Bill Berlin ('56)
Congratulations to the new State 4A baseball champions... the
Richland Bombers. I go to a lot of the Anacortes High School baseball
games because I just like high school baseball. Plenty exciting, the
price of admission is right (free) and the "rookie excitement" is
hard to beat. College baseball has that element too but when you get
to the "bigs" it is now a job and a lot of the excitement is gone. I
think guys like Ichiro and Edgar play with the enthusiasm of little
leaguers, Bath Ruth kids, high schoolers and some college guys and
that is why they are as good as they are.
Tom Tracy's ('55) article about clean water system he has tweaked my
marine/maritime interest and it could be we will meet in Seattle this
month or next to see if there is any synergy in our chosen fields.
Boy, does that excite me and the potential of working with Tom is
exciting as well. Guess I have not seen him since he graduated Col-Hi
in 1955. I wonder if he looks as young as I do?
-Bill Berlin ('56) ~ in Anacortes, WA - where it is a rainy Sunday
afternoon and I love it. Watering is expensive and to my
thinking, water, in my opinion will someday be as expensive
as gas if you live in places like Lost Wages, Feeonix, and L.A.
>>From: Linda Reining ('64)
All these postings about depression have been sad, but informative. I
had a small bout with depression the last year of my second marriage
(after 20 years of abuse, I found the strength to leave)... my
doctor didn't notice one thing, but my kids and close friends did...
they got me through that year with love and encouragement. I had
absolutely NO appetite (which wasn't all that bad....), but I also
had a hard time doing anything... can remember just sitting in a
chair or on the couch and staring out the window or staring at the
TV... didn't matter if it was on or not! Took every ounce of energy
to get out of bed and get dressed and face the day. Thankfully, I had
to babysit my grandchildren, so it forced me to get out of bed and
MOVE, but otherwise, am sure I would have been very content to just
stay in bed, with the covers pulled over my head! Thankfully, my
daughters, a GREAT son-in-law, and wonderful friends convinced me
that I didn't have to continue living like that and I was able to
leave and turn things around! I have since changed doctors... now, I
see an internist, who is constantly on top of things and notices any
little difference. To those that are still suffering, without help,
GET HELP... it is not a sign of weakness... it just your body/mind
saying that things are out of kilter.
-Linda Reining ('64) ~ Bakersfield, CA - temperatures have cooled
down... we are now having 80°+ temps and I can handle those
very well... only when it gets over 90 that I become very
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/07/05
10 Bombers sent stuff:
Betty Hiser ('49), Ralph Myrick ('51)
Gloria Adams ('54), John Richardson ('58)
Patti Mathis ('60), John Browne, Jr. ('61)
Donni Clark ('63), Linda Reining ('64)
Pam Ehinger ('67), Dan Morgan ('83)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Marguerite Groff ('54)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Laurie Hutton ('72)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
NOTICE: Check out what Bombers are up to (2005 Baseball
championship, etc., etc.) check out:
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
Jim Jensen ('50): Aren't crawfish and crawdads the same? [YES! They
are the same... also knows as MudBugs. -Maren] I was never a lover
of seafood of any kind. My doctor told me that was why my thyroid
went out of kilter because I did not get enough iodine from fish
(the Midwest has more thyroid problems then the remainder of the
US of A). I was so shocked to find out that Seattle and surrounding
areas have lots of thyroid problems - with all the fish, etc., they
have in that area I would think their thyroids would be OK.
I always thought iodine was POISON. (Remember the skull and cross
bones?) When I had all my teeth pulled at age 4 they fed me iodine.
I always wondered why I wasn't dead. My mother loved geraniums and
I could not stand the smell. I made her go with me when I bought
them for her. When my thyroid went haywire I had to have two iodine
treatments to get my thyroid to decrease in size. That terrible
taste, to me, was the same as the smell of geraniums.
I remember a song my dad used to sing about crawdads and fishing
poles. Anyone remember it?
Mrs. Requa - A nurse always told me that only the good die young. I
think they both deserved each other. I'm not sure that I would want
to know what they discussed!!!
I used to get whacked across the fingers with the steel blade of a
ruler when I was in grade school for not paying attention (wonder
if that's why my arthritis in my hands hurts so bad?). It wasn't
that I wasn't paying attention - I could not hear the teacher.
Linda Reining '64 - thanks for saying get help - it not a sign of
weakness. Your body tells you a lot of things - most of the time we
just ignore the body because you have had this problem for so long
that it is "just a way of life." You do not know any different.
That's why it is important to listen to your family and best
friends. They can see things that you can't.
-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland. Cool today
- showers predicted.
>>From: Ralph Myrick ('51)
Jim Gilson ('51) wants two teachers. Someone may be interested.
To: QSI School Directors and Friends of QSI
From: Jim Gilson
QSI needs to hire a married teaching couple for El Tigre,
Venezuela for 2005-06. One is to teach computer classes and
some other classes as needed and the other is to teach secondary
English & Social Studies.
If any of you would happen to know of a couple interested and
available for these openings, please let me know. Also have any
interested visit the QSI website at and
submit on line applications.
Many thanks. Jim Gilson
-Ralph Myrick ('51)
>>From: Gloria Adams Fulcher ('54)
To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
It was sure good to see you again. We worked together a lot of
years at Sea First, didn't we! I had never put together that you
were the "Betty Gulley" I worked with and the one who writes to
the Sandstorm. Glad to make the connection now. You really do look
good, Betty. I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. You were
always a hard worker and excellent problem solver at the Bank. No
one would ever suspect you had so many hard times. It's to your
credit you've done so well. Where do your children live? Hopefully
some are near by to help you from time to time.
-Gloria Adams Fulcher ('54)
>>From: John Richardson ('58)
Maren, you may want to let the Bombers know about this.
[This was a "forward" that John passed along. -Maren]
Hey just a quick reminder.....
In a few weeks, cell phone numbers are being released to
telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sale
calls. You will be charged for these calls. Call this number
from your cell phone 888-382-1222 or
It is the national DO NOT CALL list. It only takes a minute
of your time. It blocks your number for 5 years. Pass this
on to everyone you know who doesn't want to be hassled.
-John Richardson ('58)
>>From: Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60)
To Jim Jensen ('50)
Jim, did I read your last missive correctly? Did you actually
call Maren big and easy? lol lol.
-Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60)
[OK STOP LAUGHING... To all you people who KNOW me: You all
know that Patti does NOT know me, or she never would have sent
that entry to the Sandstorm!! I SAID STOP LAUGHING!!!
Patti, that's SO TRUE even though that's not what Jim said. AND...
I'm a good sport, too. -Maren]
>>From: John Browne, Jr. ('61)
Re: Fish- out of water
For all the crawdads I hunted (for bait) in the Yakima R riffles,
it wasn't until 1980 that I tried 'em, myself... what a treat! I
was "visiting" an old friend in Astoria (car gave up on my way N)
and spent a couple weeks in a boathouse upriver from town while
some engine rebuilding took place. One evening during the new moon
cycle my friend asked if I'd like to walk down the beach to
the store with him. He took along a 5 gallon bucket, without an
explanation. We had just gotten to the very rocky beach when he
stopped, picked up a large crawdad, and put it in the bucket. "I
thought these would make a great addition to a fish stew", he told
me. We picked up about a gallon- maybe a little more- on our trip
to town. With the groceries in hand we walked the road and the rr
right of way back to the boathouse (the beach was kinda slippery,
and it was getting dark- mid-January).
Some of the females had roe sacks under their shells... more yummy
stuff! He told me that, just a few years earlier, some local
fishermen had set trap lines for crawdads in the small coastal
lakes, and picked along the river- and were exporting their catch
to Norway for a pretty good price. It was a welcome income stream
for the trappers, too, who made most of their money trolling for
salmon. (Winter is always a little sketchy for the small time
I agree with Bill Berlin's ('56) assessment of the value of water-
clean fresh water- in a world where there's more demand and a
finite (if recyclable) supply of "the easy stuff"... I'll never
forget the moment in the 1970s when my family and I drove to Benton
City to see one of the places I remembered from my childhood. I
almost had a heart attack when I got a glimpse of the Yakima R from
the highway, east of Prosser. A place I used to fish at looked like
it could have been forded with rubber overshoes. Recent events in
S. America, where privatized water systems were proposed (and
disputed by the general public) are just the tip of the iceberg (to
use a watery metaphor). Anyone who's following the drought in the
SW (and the 'mining' of the aquifers there, to compensate) and the
light snowpacks in our own region has reasons to ponder the future-
and examine the regulations and policies that guide water use.
There's a really fascinating look at the history of power
development on the Columbia River system in the Spring issue of
"Columbia" (the quarterly publication of the Washington State
Historical society). It focuses mostly on events right after WWII,
with some wonderful old ads and other propaganda from the contest
between those who wanted a "CVA" (modelled on the TVA- Tennessee
Valley Authority) and private power (and other comm'l) advocates.
It includes some background on the BPA, and the questions that
are still being discussed now about Snake river dams, fish run
survival, irrigation, etc. I had no idea that these issues had
roots so deep! Shoulda known... ^..^
-John Browne, Jr. ('61) - Vashon Island, WA
>>From: Donni Clark Dunphy ('63)
Howdy, y'all out yonder in Bomberland. I just got back from
our trip and got a little taste of Texas where I was told I
couldn't come home till I could say all those words as well as
"taters". We went to the Eastern part of Texas which was a real
surprise to me. I always pictured Texas as dry and dusty but where
we were was very beautiful, green and woodsy. We were lucky, I hear
tell, as we hit a cool week with cloud cover and some showers. We
flew into Dallas and saw the 6th floor museum where Kennedy was
shot from and the Dallas Arboretum. On our way to Clarksville we
found the Audie Murphy Museum. Those of you in my class will
remember him as not only being a well-known movie star at the time
but also the most decorated soldier of WW II. On to Clarksville
where I have to tell you I did something I never have done before.
The last day we were there on our fishing spree in the beautiful
morning hours, I stood up to make a cast, (I was tired of sitting
and getting nothing) and you guessed it........ I fell in! Now my
husband just told me on the way over to the lake that morning that
there were snapping turtles and water moccasins in the water.
Boy, did I panic. I grabbed hold of the boat when I came up and
proceeded to capsize my husband who got the fishing lines all
tangled around his feet and the lures stuck in his back and leg.
Well, we made it to shore and are safely back and so glad that I
didn't get bit by a snake! Part of our stay was in Jefferson when
we enjoyed a taste of the Bayou, Cypress Trees, Ghost Stories
(oooooooooooooooooooooo, Spooky!) the General Store, Texas
Pralines, Bed and Breakfasts etc. Jefferson, we found out is one
of the most haunted towns in Texas. On the way home we held up
everyone at the airport. First my husband's badge set of the alarm
and they were searching him and then they wanted to know if we had
a pistol in his luggage. Oh my goodness, I forgot and stuck a
little Pirate Pistol in my husband's luggage for our grandson. Now
we are on the wanted list in Texas, reports filed and all! Loved
Texas, Y'all.
-Donni Clark Dunphy ('63) ~ '63 back in California - where my
strawberries are thick and my peach tree is weighted down
with all the peaches that will be ripe in July. It is still
cool here, the June gloom is upon us. But that is OK, I
like it cool!
>>From: Linda Reining ('64)
To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
Re: children with defects
Boy, can I relate to your article. My granddaughter is a "special
child" and has been teased and called more names than I can
count... just breaks my heart that kids are so damn cruel! She was
born with "spina bifida occulta"... affects her "fine and gross
motor skills"... she also has dyslexia and dysgraphia, so reading,
spelling, writing/printing and math are very hard for her... but,
she is doing great and has accomplished a lot... she is 11 and in
private school... kids and teachers in public school were just too
damn cruel! Was absolutely amazed at the way her teachers treated
her... they did nothing to stop the taunting or the name calling...
said she needed to get "tougher-skinned" and not let the name
calling bother her so much! She even had one teacher who did not
want her in her classroom... said it was too hard to teach her and
be able to help the other students in the classroom!!!!!!!! Don't
need to tell you what I thought of that woman! Had a few choice
names for her, although I wasn't allowed to say them to her!!!!!!!
She has few friends... they tend to stay away, cause she is
different. She cannot ride a bike, and just last year, learned
to skip and jump with both feet together. Breaks this grandma's
heart to see her struggle, but she is the sweetest and friendliest
kid... doesn't know a stranger and will do anything for anyone.
Figure someday others will know her like we do and find out just
how "special" she really is.
Also have a grandson who was born with a "fused lip"... his top
lip was attached to the bottom of his nose... had a great plastic
surgeon who did surgery when he was 6 months old... you can't even
see the scar.
-Linda Reining ('64) ~ Bakersfield, CA - temps are staying down
in the 80s... supposed to stay this way all week. yippee! ;)
>>From: Pam Ehinger (The Blue Ribbon Class of '67)
Well with all this talk about depression I guess it time to add my
two cents for what ever it's worth. Some of you are saying that
your doctor never even noticed... did anyone ever tell the doctor
how you feeling? If you don't tell the doctor he'll never know. Not
because he's not observant but because he's not a mind reader. You
need to tell him or her how you're feeling and what's going on in
your head for them to know.
I've been a doctor's office nurse off and on since '87. I'm one of
the lucky nurses as I've got a pretty good eye in reading people.
I've been able to pick up on some of the things a doctor may not
see. But - and I know it's no excuse - but the doctors are very
busy and have lots of patients to see and can miss the look in a
patient's eyes and face, so a good nurse will pick up on this and
inform the doctor what she may see or feel from the patient.
Yes, I'm on the all mighty anti depressant, but mine is due to
the fact that I'm diabetic. Diabetes can cause some imbalance in
certain hormones which cause them to go on these meds. I'm one of
them. It's nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of. Just remember
that you must tell your doctor what you're feeling or he won't
know. Make a list with questions and symptoms of what you're
feeling and tell him/her. That is the only way they will know what
is going on with you. One of the best things is to bring a family
member who is concerned about you with you to your appointment as
they can tell the doctor what they see going on.
So, my friend, be up front with your doctor and they will help
you understand what is going on in your life as they are not mind
With that I'm off my soap box! May God Bless and Keep you all safe!
Bombers Rule.
-Pam Ehinger (The Blue Ribbon Class of '67)
PS Steve Shockley contact me, I've misplaces your email address.
>>From: Dan Morgan ('83)
Re: Searching for Friends and Teachers for a July Picnic
Various RHS friends from '80 to '89 are looking for the following
graduates and teachers to invite to a small picnic we are having
this Summer in July. This is our third picnic! Thank you for
helping us to find so many last year!
This year we are looking for Cathy Walton (Teacher: Drama; English)
And we're looking for the following graduates:
Adams, Heather - ('84)
Albertson, Jeff - ('85)
Amir, Huma - ('85)
Amir, Sonu - ('83)
Buchanan, Laura - ('87)
Darcy, Francine - ('87) aka Francine D'Arcy
Darcy, John - ('85)
Flowers, Jeff - ('82?)
Spencer, Jeff - ('83)
Stiles, Laura - ('85)
Sublett, Andre - ('83)
Tenney, Natalie - ('83)
Winters, Laura Sue - ('83)
Yarborough, Steve - ('85)
Thanks in advance if you can help us to reach them! And for those
who are too far away to attend, we have been able to help a lot of
friends from RHS days to get back in touch. The original idea for
our picnics was from Melanie Orgill Meinhardt ('83).
Catch you later!
-Dan Morgan ('83) [snail mail address removed for privacy]
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/08/05
9 Bombers sent stuff:
Betty Hiser ('49), Jim Jensen ('50)
Millie Finch ('54), Patti Jones ('60)
Patti Mathis ('60), Mike Brady ('61)
Julie Smyth ('69WB), Kathie Moore ('69)
Shelley Williams ('84)
NOTE: WB means Woulda Been or Wanna Be... whichever fits. -Maren
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Darvis Bergam ('57)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Jane Simmons ('63)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Bill Wingfield ('67)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Dyanna Cook ('67)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Robert Evans ('89)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Marcia Ehinger ('71WB)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
Gloria Adams Fulcher ('54): You have not been reading the Alumni
Sandstorm very long. I worked at Hanford for 39-1/2 years. I just
spent a lot of time at the old old SeaFirst Bank. My oldest
daughter is in Texas and the youngest in Colorado.
[Betty - Gloria is one of the ORIGINAL 'Stormers... since
the beginning -- 1998. -Maren]
Linda Reining ('64): The kids made fun of me all through school
(especially high school). My grandmother always told me: "Sticks
and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Little
did she know. I told her once: "Grandma - that is a big lie!"
I always have a list of questions for the doctor. What is the point
of going to the doctor if you don't have questions and tell her/him
things that are bothering you since your last visit. This applies
if you are going to your family doctor or a specialist.
Patti Jones Ahrens ('60): I went to Harris' (Uptown) yesterday and
bought two rubber fingers (they have them by the package). The guy
said they didn't get too many requests for them - told him I wasn't
sure that's that they were called. I had forgotten that they came
in different sizes (11-1/2" to 14") - bought two 11-1/2". Will
bring them to the folding party Saturday.
-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland. Cool today
>>From: Jim Jensen ('50)
Re: Crawfish and N.O.
To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49) Maren admirably nailed down the
answer to your crawfish question.
To: Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60) O.k, o.k., I admit that my posting
could have been misinterpreted. (^_^) I thought that the reference
to "N.O." in the next sentence clarified that I was referring to
"New Orleans" - in Texas aka "The Big Easy." Patti! Were you ever a
writer for Jay Leno? lol back
To: Donni Clark Dunphy ('63) The description of your trip to Texas,
sans the "fishing line incident," sounds like fun. If you are ever
inclined to make a return trip and have some spare time on your
schedule don't miss the "Hill Country." Lots of rolling, green
hills... rivers, creeks, ponds and lakes all over the place...
beautiful hardwood trees mixed in with varieties of pine... GREAT
restaurants - even in the tiniest burgs... especially if you are
addicted to real BBQ, authentic German dishes, seafood, huge
steaks... you can enjoy cool nights - even in Summer. Houstonians
long to spend as much time as possible in that area. It's primarily
west and northwest from Austin.
Re: Crawfish. Had some business associates in Corpus Christi who,
in season, used to do the crawfish thing. Four or five people would
don waders, wear heavy gloves, carry two LARGE pots and head for
the "bayous." In this instance a bayou is a feeder stream or water
way that is home to lots and lots of soft, oozy mud. The pots are
filled with fresh water and one of them is placed over a fire. The
"hunters" spread out and start poking around for the critters. As
the crawfish are captured they are dumped into the wash pot and
from there into the simmering water. About every five minutes or so
several of the group would visit the hot pot, do some twisting and
popping and chomp down on the edible residue. When appetites are
sated and enough crawfish survive - everything is loading up and
the folks head home. I never joined them.
Bomber Cheers,
-Jim Jensen ('50)
>>From: Millie Finch Gregg ('54)
To: Marguerite (Groff) Tompkins ('54)
Belated Happy Birthday to you too my friend. Now that we are a
year older and wiser, everyone better look out!!! Hope you had a
wonderful day, my friend.
Re: Winona "Nona" Wilson Skinner ('61)
For those who remember her I need to tell you that she is
critically ill in a Portland ICU (since last week) hanging on for
her life on a ventilator. Please keep her in your prayers.
Have a wonderful day
-Millie Finch Gregg ('54)
>>From: Patti Jones Ahrens ('60) and Vera Smith Robbins ('58)
The luncheons will be on going the second Sunday of each month!
Reservations must be made by emailing Patti or Vera by June 9, 2005.
Luncheon dates will appear in the Alumni Sandstorm the week before the
luncheon and the week of. The place in West Richland was chosen (about
a minute from the border of Richland) because of size, good food and
price. If we outgrow this place we have a back up in Richland that is a
little more spendy.
Roy Ballard ('63) emailed me to find out if JD Diner (where the
luncheon will be) is the restaurant that used to be the Coney
Island. After asking a few Bombers (and from my own memory), it is.
Fill us in Denny Barr ('58). From what I hear your parents owned
the Coney Island.
Bev Smith Jochen ('52) emailed asking if those who are not on
computer can make reservations by phone. Yes, we will take phone
reservations. Vera's number is: 509-628-9130... Patti's number
is: 509-967-9309
WHEN: June 12, 2005
WHERE: JD Diner, 3790 Van Giesen, West Richland, WA 99353
(light green building just past the Yakima bridge)
Restaurant named after Hannah the owners son.
TIME: 1:00 P.M.
PRICE: Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served all day.
Prices range from $4.50 - $13.95 add drink, tax and tip
Bomber spouses and friends are welcome!
We are both looking forward to the monthly luncheon and being with
all Bombers here in Bomberville. Any suggestions and questions are
Bombers Have Fun
-Patti Jones Ahrens ('60) and Vera Smith Robbins ('58)
>>From: Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60)
Re: Jim Jensen's ('50) 6/7/05 entry
Well, I understood Jim to say that "if you are close to Maren,
you must be by the big easy." I guess I must have misunderstood.
lol ll. okay, no more.
-Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60)
>>From: Mike Brady ('61)
I agree with Pam Ehinger ('67). Involving family members in helping
diagnose depression can be an important element. My wife can spot
a change in my personality a mile away. Often, the patient is the
last to know when there is a change in personality.
-Mike Brady ('61)
>>From: Julie Smyth Moss ('69WB)
To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
OH yes! The humidity could cause crustaceans to live on land---
CRAWFISH. And yes, Crawfish, Craw Dads, and Crayfish are all
the same thing. I think the song is named "Jambalaya" by Hank
Williams? At least I think it was Hank. Goes "Jambalaya, crawfish
pie, file' gotta go pole the pirogue down the
bayou....." It's one of those fun songs!
To: Jim Jenson ('50)
Morganza is just down the road from Old River where we used to
go fishin', swimmin', and skiin' when the kids were little. My son
loved it so much he told his Kindergarten teacher that he and his
sister were going to Old River to live in a house trailer.... she
was in stitches over that and many other tales my son came up with
that year. I have a great crawfish etoufee recipe----talked the guy
into giving it to me last month. It's good and easy to make, too!
If you want it, let me know and I'll send it to you.
To: Bill Berlin ('56)
I love college baseball. My LSU Tigers just lost in the
regional to Rice, but I should check out the high school games.
The first year after I retire, I plan to take a trip to the
College World Series---I just hope LSU goes that year.....would
be wonderful.
-Julie Smyth Moss (WB '69)
>>From: Kathie Moore Adair ('69)
Re: Moving Vietnam Wall
The Moving Vietnam Wall is in Jefferson Park on GWWay across from
the Uptown Shopping Center in Richland. It will only be here for a
few days. If anyone would like a rubbing from the Wall, please send
me an email or call me. I will gladly send it to you.
-Kathie Moore Adair ('69)
>>From: Shelley Williams Robillard ('84)
Re: cell phones
Hi there,
This message concerns cell phones and the do not call list.
There is a great web site called where you
can check out all sorts of stories and rumors and it has a very
informative article about the "proposed" cell phone directory and
do not call list. Please check it out.
This is also a great place to check out all of those email stories
and pleas for help, etc. etc. that we all get every day, BEFORE
passing them on to other people. Go to and then
enter a few key words concerning your subject into their search box
and you will find all sorts of information that either supports,
debunks or sets the record straight on all of those rumors and
urban legends that find their way to our mail boxes.
-Shelley Williams Robillard ('84)
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/09/05
10 Bombers sent stuff:
Betty Hiser ('49), Marilynn Working ('54)
Judy Willox ('61), Ed Quigley ('62)
Deedee Willox ('64), Gary Behymer ('64)
Linda Reining ('64), Shirley Collings ('66)
Vicki Steichen ('67), Dee Shipman ('72)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Carol Bishop ('57)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Patti Jones ('60)
Dennis Haskins ('66) & Shirley Collings Haskins ('66)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
Julie Smyth Moss ('69WB): My dad sang this song but was not
Jambalaya. This was years before Jambalaya was popular. It started
out with: "You get a line and I'll get a pole, honey babe, you get
line and I'll get a pole and we'll go down to the crawdad hole,
honey baby mine." That's all I remember because I think that's all
he sang (and probably all the words he knew).
-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - nice today.
["Jambayala" lyrics
"Crawdad Hole" lyrics or "Crawdad Song" lyrics]
>>From: Marilynn Working Highstreet ('54)
Re: Club 40
To: Marguerite Groff Tompkins ('54)
Darn, I will miss helping fold the DustStorm again! We have 3
wedding receptions with our chocolate fountain this weekend. Love
that chocolate!! And you know it is good for your heart!
Belated Happy Birthday.....and congratulations on the 3 graduates
you had in your family this weekend. I saw everyone setting up for
the party at your daughter's house (your old house on Mahan). Where
does everyone park? These streets in Richland don't leave much room
in front of a house.
See you at our lunch next Friday the 17th. We have a reception that
day too, but will make time for lunch as I missed last month's.
Hope we have a big group! Millie and Jeannine, you better be there.
I miss you all. Norma, I know you are busy welcoming home the
troops (500 as of last week!), but hope to see you there also. And
many more.
Speaking of troops, we were at the celebration to welcome the 737th
TC in Yakima a couple weeks ago and see the changing of command
and all the Army Reserve soldiers who received awards, including
our grandson. My husband, CWO Retired, got to pin Mitch for his
promotion to SSG. His commander also told us he will be receiving a
Bronze Star for all of his heroism and rescues he was involved in
while in Iraq. They don't have the paper work done yet. Must keep
the Ribbing family in our prayers. Robert Ribbing just came home
with the 737th TC to find out his Mom only had a couple months to
live. They didn't want to tell him she had cancer while he was in
Iraq. She passed away last Friday. Only 47 years old.
Another soldier came home to the news that his grandmother only had
a couple weeks to live. These guys went through so much over there
that we don't even know all the details of, and come home to suffer
even more. They continue to deal with the nightmares, depression and
then, as my grandson is going through, an employer who is giving
him a bad time while trying to return to work. He has had to go on
medication and even miss work because of the stress of the hostile
environment at work since March. His Commanding Officer activated
him for 30 days to get him away from the job, and sent him to Ft.
Lewis to help unload all their belongings that just came back from
Iraq. Department of Labor has all of the report and are anxious to
deal with this employer in Pasco. Also, Doc Hastings has said his
office will back him up. Once it is settled the publicity on this
trucking company will come out and I can't wait!!
Didn't mean to ramble on...but have been wanting to mention these
military young men and as in all wars, when they are on the front
lines, many men and women are suffering and have suffered as you
Bombers have previously reported. God bless all of you!!
-Marilynn Working Highstreet ('54) ~ Kennewick - where it is
raining tonight and boy, does it smell good!
>>From: Judy Willox ('61)
To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
Betty dear, there is not going to be another stuffing party on
Saturday, the 11th of June. So, for all of you out there who think
you are suppose to be at the library on that date, gonna be a
looooooooong wait. ;o) Those DustStorms are all done, and mailed as
of this afternoon, so relax and on to other things.
Thanks to all of you who did offer their help and rallied 'round
the flag pole. I do appreciate all those offers.
Bomber Cheers,
-Judy Willox (Classic Class of '61) ~ Richland ~ Where there will
be no sassin' tomorrow cause he will be waaaaay too sore! lol
>>From: Ed Quigley ('62)
Re: Locating "The Missing"...
The other day, someone wrote in, asking if anyone knew the
whereabouts of some of the "missing" from one of the classes that
are soon to have a reunion. Most people know of the existence of
the web site:, but they underwent a change
a couple of years ago, and now you have to go state-by-state.
A couple of weeks ago, my sister turned me on to a database,, which lead me to a friend that I have
been looking for, for the last 35 years! Give it a try; it's great!
-Ed Quigley ('62)
[Looks VERY promising, Ed. THANKS. I may have found a lady I've
been looking for for 20 years... -Maren]
>>From: Deedee Willox Loiseau ('64)
Re: Kay Lamb
I went to Kay's memorial service on Monday afternoon. Peaches, a
friend in my Sunday School class is an RN who works at Hospice
House in Kennewick where Kay spent her last days. She went to the
memorial with me. She said that Kay was a delight and a wonderful
Christian lady. I couldn't agree more. It was wonderful to see her
family: kids, grandkids, and even great-grandkids all there to
celebrate her life. Though Kay is gone, she is not gone; her
memories live on in her family and friends.
Peaches also asked me if Kathy Lamb Brown ('62) was always that
nice. I told her yes!
To: John Richardson ('58)
Re: Do Not Call List for Cell Phones
I recommend that you always check these stories out before you
forward them. There are several websites you can check. I use: and then click on search. Here's what
I found out about the cell phones.
"Cell Phone Numbers Are Being Handed Over to Telemarketers And
You've Got a Short Time to Keep Your Cell Phone Number Out of
Their Hands -Mostly Fiction!
Summary of the eRumor The eRumor warns that cell phone numbers
will soon be published in the same way as the numbers for wired
phones and that you should sign up with a new government cell
phone "do not call" registry to prevent solicitor calls from
coming to your mobile phone. Some versions say the cell phone
numbers are being handed over to telemarketers by a certain
date, such as January 1, 2005. Some versions say there is a
deadline for listing your cell phone on a "do not call list"
such as December, 2004.
The Truth The U.S. government has established a "do not call"
registry where you can list phone numbers you want blocked from
unsolicited calls such as from telemarketers. That registry is
for phone wired and mobile phones and there is no deadline by
which a phone number needs to be listed in order to be protected
from telemarketing calls. There is not a separate cell phone
registry. The registry is at
At this writing (12/3/04) there is discussion among mobile
providers about setting up a mobile phone directory listing
mobile phone numbers. According to the Cellular Telephone and
Internet Association (CTIA), a cell phone directory is proposed
that would be available through calling directory assistance
only, not published in writing or on the Internet. So far, there
is not a set date when that will be done and the CTIA says the
numbers are not going to be "handed over" to telemarketers.
Users would have the option of not having their numbers listed
in the directory.
Some telemarketers call some phone numbers regardless of whether
they are listed in directories because some of they use devices
that dial numbers in sequence looking for working numbers.
Updated 12/03/04"
-Deedee Willox Loiseau ('64) ~ Burbank, WA
>>From: Gary Behymer ('64)
Re: John Clement ('66)
Spotted in "Central Today" (Central Washington University Magazine)
Spring Issue 2005 in the Class Notes section on page 22:
1970...John Clement (1966 Richland Bomber) is the photographer /
artist of the recently published book "The Wenatchee Valley and
Its First Peoples." He is the recipient of more than 50 regional,
national and inter-national awards, and his work is included in
the National Photographers Hall of Fame.
-Gary Behymer ('64)
>>From: Linda Reining ('64)
To: Betty Hiser Gulley(49)
Re: "sticks and stones........."
I always hated that "little ditty"... it is NOT true... a slap or a
hit is much easier to get over than being called a name! The slap
or hit leaves a sting and hurts for a few minutes, but a name hurts
to your soul and lasts a lifetime!
Re: Hank Williams, Sr.
Yes, he is the one who sang, "Jambalaya"... two weeks ago, he was
immortalized in bronze at Buck Owens' Crystal Palace, along with
Buck; George Jones; George Strait; Garth Brooks; Johnny Cash;
Elvis; Willie Nelson; Merle Haggard; and Bob Wills... the guy who
did these statues is from Montana and took him 2 years to complete
them; now, he is working on "Great women of Country Music" and
those will also be at the Crystal Palace... he hasn't said who they
will be, but am willing to bet Patsy Cline and Kitty Wells will be
among the "greats".
-Linda Reining ('64) ~ Bakersfield, CA - we are still enjoying
cooler than normal temperatures. YIPPEE
>>From: Shirley Collings Haskins ('66)
Re: The Moving Wall at Jefferson Park in Richland
Using the site: FACES ON THE WALL I
believe I have identified all of the Richland men whose names
appear on The Moving Wall. With each name their panel and row on
The Wall are identified. A sub-link is also given which provides
further information regarding each individual. The main link may
also be used to find others from the State of Washington who gave
their lives in Vietnam. God bless each one of you! [As the list is
quite long, Maren, you might want to make a link to the information
I found. Shirley]
Air Force Major Donald Pick ('48)
1/13/30 - 8/27/68 ~ Panel 46West, Row 44
Army PSGT George Washington Schook (?)
10/4/32 - 8/17/67 ~ Panel 24East, Row 86
Army SP5 Danny Neth ('57)
6/6/38 - 3/5/66 ~ Panel 05East, Row 121
Army Sgt. Melvin Nelson (?)
1943 - 12/10/68 ~ ? (DON'T HAVE A LINK.)
Army PFC Charles Green (?)
2/28/43 - 6/11/69 ~ Panel 22West, Row 20
Marine PFC Howard Savare ('63)
3/31/45 - 3/25/68 ~ Panel 46, Row 23
Army SP4 William Dowd ('65)
8/1/46 - 1/5/68 ~ Panel 33East, Row 47
Army PFC Clyde Murr (?)
10/15/47 - 3/24/66 ~ Panel 06East, Row 46
Marine PFC Mark Black ('66)
11/7/47 - 3/30/60 ~ Panel 06East, Row 62
Army 2LT Kerry Love ('66)
7/4/48 - 10/23/69 ~ Panel 17West, Row 109
Army PFC Daniel Wagenaar ('67)
12/19/48 - 7/12/69 ~ Panel 21West, Row 110
Army CPL Richard Nelson (?)
9/6/49 - 5/22/70 ~ Panel 10West, Row 82
Marine LCPL George Rodriguez ('68)
8/14/48 - 5/23/70 ~ Panel 10West, Row 87
Army PFC Thomas Taylor (?)
3/2/50 - 6/11/70 ~ Panel 09West, Row 45
-Shirley Collings Haskins ('66) ~ Richland
>>From: Vicki Steichen Bricker ('67)
Bombers: Just wanted to tell everyone that one of our own,
Travis Buck ('02) was drafted by the Oakland Athletics in the
major league baseball draft. He is back to the green and gold
and will make us all really proud.
-Vicki Steichen Bricker ('67)
>>From: Dee Shipman Jones ('72)
Re: Urban legends
To: Shelley Williams Robillard '84'
Thanks so much for mentioning the website.
Because I am a network assistant in a technology office, I must
filter through a lot of the 'urban legends' that infiltrate our
staff e-mail boxes. The website is priceless... it has a great
search engine that has never failed me.
In fact, my most recent use of the site was today. I received
an email warning people about the latest method being used by
'carjackers'... I had immediate suspicions and went straight to
the site - plugged in 'carjackers' and voila' - there was the
exact email and the investigative report done on it. It was
labelled: FALSE.
I think if we were to utilize this site more often, there'd be a
lot less of these particular emails circulating the internet and
clogging our inboxes. Remember the one where the perpetrator would
come up to some unsuspecting person in a parking lot (it's usually
some poor, helpless woman) and place a handkerchief over her face
that was laced with ether?? Yep.. it's FALSE.
Hope this helps.
-Dee Shipman Jones ('72)
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/10/05
12 Bombers sent stuff and 1 Bomber funeral notice today:
Dick McCoy ('45), Carol Black ('48)
Mike Clowes ('54), Chuck Holtz ('55)
Ed Wood ('62), Gary Behymer ('64)
Don Andrews ('67), Betti Avant ('69)
Nancy Nelson ('69), Steve Piippo ('70)
Vicki Owens ('72), Jamie McDevitt ('81)
>>From: Dick McCoy ('45)
Re: NO [New Orleans, aka NOLA]
To: Jim Jensen ('50)
The Big Easy in NO are the tourists' $$$
-Dick McCoy ('45)
>>From: Carol Black Foster ('48)
To: Vicki Steichen Bricker ('67)
Congratulations on the drafting of your son, Travis Buck ('02),
by the Oakland As!!
Right after I read your entry, I saw my grandson's name (Stephen
Foster ('05 NAB) in the Seattle Times and he was drafted by the
Baltimore Orioles. I don't understand all I know about the baseball
drafting but I gather his draft was not into a major league.
Anyway, Hooray for us!!
-Carol Black Foster ('48)
>>From: Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes ('54)
Re: From the Fair Warning Dept.
Yes, it is true as reported by Judy Willox ('61) in yesterday's
Alumni Sandstorm: The Bomber DustStorm is on it's way to a mailbox
near you. That is, IF you are a dues paying member of Club 40 (the
only way you can get the DustStorm).
So, a tip of the old hat to Judy and all the valiant workers who
folded, stuffed, taped and labeled to get the news out.
-Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes ('54) ~ the sun has returned
momentarily to Albany, OR, but rain is in the forecast for
the weekend (like that's news).
>>From: Chuck Holtz ('55)
Re: Wild Flowers of California
After our rainy days came nature's miracle
A while back someone mentioned a once in a 100 years bloom of
wild flowers in Death Valley. Thought I would pass this picture
along to show you what a treat it really was. Enjoy!
As we came back from Arizona we took a side trip through Death
Valley and enjoyed the desert in bloom. No one alive today has
ever seen the desert bloom like it has this year. The people that
keep tract of these things say it is a once in a hundred years
Desert in Bloom
-Chuck Holtz ('55)
>>From: Ed Wood ('62)
Re: Urban legends
In the same vein as and
you might find to be of interest, which
deals mostly with phony health and other science claims.
-Ed Wood ('62)
>>From: Gary Behymer ('64)
Re: "A" Home Brick
Warning to those of you who may be living in a Richland Alphabet
home! Beware, the "A" house that you live in may be in the process
of being sold... piece by piece (;-)
The brick in this auction comes from an "A" house chimney in
Richland, WA. This small but hefty piece of history comes with a
certificate of authenticity verifying that it came from a Manhattan
Project structure.
Click to see the eBay item - "A" brick
The following are questions and replies from the "seller of the brick"
Dear 1304mahan [Gary Behymer],
You asked: "Are there bricks available from a 'B' house? I'd
like one from 1304 Mahan and/or NeverTowed's home if available?"
It's possible, but would require negotiations and the employment of
night vision. Still, keep an eye out for future listings.
Dear 1304mahan
You asked: "Are these bricks being packed by Krazy Kat? He was
always good with bricks..."
We categorically deny the involvement of Krazy Kat and all rumors
to that effect. I would point out that Krazy Kat was banned from
all nuclear sites after his poor appearance before the House Un-
American Activities Committee.
From someone other than 1304mahan
Q: Do the bricks glow in the dark?? How many do you have? I would
like to line the edges of my front walk if they glow. If they
don't then will they glow...
A: Alas, the bricks do not glow in the dark. I haven't tested to
see if they glow under a black light, but it's doubtful. I
suppose you could coat them...
-Gary Behymer ('64)
>>From: Don Andrews ('67)
To: Bill Wingfield ('67)
This is wishing my very best friend in the whole world a belated
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Hope you had a good one.
-Don Andrews ('67) ~ Vancouver, USA - Sunny today, 2nd day in a row
>>From: Betti Avant ('69)
I'd like to enlist the help of you out there. I will be driving
from Eugene to the Ft. Lewis area in 10 days or so. In looking at a
map I-205 goes around Portland. Is this the lighter traveled way
than I-5 through the city? I don't like driving in any more traffic
than I have to. Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
-Betti Avant ('69) ~ Eugene, OR - where at least for the most part
it is sunny and the cottonwoods are blowing their
lovely cotton around
>>From: Nancy Nelson Wyatt ('69)
To: Shirley Collings Haskins ('66)
Thank you for the names on the moving wall. The name Melvin Nelson
is my brother. He came home on leave on my birthday, shipped out
on Mom's birthday and was killed and buried on my other brother's
(Bob Nelson ('65) birthday. Then 6 months to the day of Mel's
death, Bob was electrocuted in a gopher hunting accident and that
was on Mother's Day. The memories are still there very clear but it
is getting easier after all these years.
Mom and Dad are still alive and were in the paper for the Gold
Coast on National Register for the alphabet homes that were honored
for history.
-Nancy Nelson Wyatt ('69) ~ in beautiful Colville, WA - where we
finally got some sunshine today with more rain on the way.
>>From: Steve Piippo ('70)
Re: Retirement
Thank You to the many, many former students who made teaching over
30 years worthwhile. Thank You to the parents who sent all those
students to Chief Joe and RHS. Thank You to the kids who played 7th
grade football, 8th grade football, 7th grade basketball, 9th grade
basketball and sophomore basketball. Thank You to all those kids
who allowed me to try to teach and even coach. Materials dictate
our quality of life. Relationships with all those students
certainly improved the quality of my life.
My ass is out-a-here!
-Steve Piippo ('70)
>>From: Vicki Owens ('72)
To: Shirley Collings Haskins ('66)
Thanks for taking the time to pass along information from The
Moving Wall. And how moving it is! As I expected, none of my
classmates was listed, and I assume that's why I'd previously
felt distant. Now when I look over the names and dates of death,
I realize that four of them died during my Bomber years. I don't
remember hearing about their deaths while at Col-Hi, and was
reminded once again how they were fighting an unpopular war in a
far-away place.
Vets, let me join with those who appreciate the sacrifice you made.
And, in many cases, continue to make on a daily basis due to the
physical and emotional price you paid. I'm only sorry that we
weren't, I wasn't, there to welcome you home those three decades
ago. You are heroes in every sense of the word.
I salute you,
-Vicki Owens ('72) ~ Kampala, Uganda - where today is a national
holiday called Heroes Day
>>From: Jamie McDevitt ('81)
Re: Dana Fishback ('92 RIP)
My condolences to the Fishback family. Dana's positive, upbeat
narrative of her battle with leukemia over these past years was
truly an inspiration to those who received her regular e-mail
messages. True to form, on May 26 Dana shared an update on her
treatment and wrote, "I'm looking forward to seeing the outside
world soon....maybe in 2-3 weeks". Heaven will be a sweeter place
because of her presence.
-Jamie McDevitt ('81) ~ Dublin, CA
Funeral Notice scanned from the TCHerald
by Shirley Collings Haskins ('66)
>>Patricia Harris Johnson St. Germain ('57) ~ 6/21/39 - 6/5/05
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/11/05
13 Bombers and one non Bomber sent stuff:
Richard Roberts ('49), Jim Jensen ('50)
Betty Bell ('51), Jim McKeown ('53)
Chuck Holtz ('55), Tom Tracy ('55)
Patti Mathis ('60), Judy Willox ('61)
Roy Ballard ('63), Carol Converse ('64)
Gary Behymer ('64), Betti Avant ('69)
Kevin Quane ('77), Friend of the Editor
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Darlene Minard ('60)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Ted Ogston ('62)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Richard Roberts ('49)
To: Chuck Holtz ('55)
Re: Death Valley flower pic
Chuck, the Death Valley flower pic is totally gorgeous. My wife,
Carol Tyner ('52), and I took a short trip from where we live (in
Grover Beach, CA) to the Carrizo plains this spring for some great
flower photo opportunities but nothing like the one you got. It's
a prize winner and you should take advantage of it for fame and
fortune. Probably more fame than fortune, but who knows.
Bomber cheers,
-Richard Roberts ('49)
>>From: Jim Jensen ('50)
Re: Obit
A funeral notice appeared in the 6/11/05 Tri-City Herald (on line)
indicating that Keith H. Sterling ('50-RIP) of Anderson Island, WA
passed away in Cheyenne, WY on 9/28/04.
Keith, my classmate, will be buried at Desert Lawn Memorial Park.
Grave side services will be conducted on June 13, 2005.
-Jim Jensen ('50)
>>From: Betty Bell Norton ('51)
To: Linda Belliston Boehning ('63) and Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
Thanks for attending the Bert Wells program at the Yakima Senior
Center and letting Sue Garrison Pritchett ('58) know about it! She
forwarded your email to me, Linda, and suggested this might make a
good program for the Richland Seniors Association.
So---Bert and I have been in contact and he is going to present
one of his one-hour programs at the Richland Community Center on
Sunday, September 18th from 1:00 to 2:00 followed by coffee, punch
and cookies. This will be co-sponsored with the City of Richland so
tickets can be sold at the Community Center. We will charge a small
fee--probably $3 or $4 as the money goes to the City Scholarship
Fund, the RSA (Richland Seniors Association) Building Fund (to be
used for improvements to the Center) and the RSA treasury.
Some information on Bert: He has taught English to native teachers
in the Islands of Micronesia, has written a number of songs, been a
keynote speaker at Knife & Fork and Executive Dinner Clubs across
the country and was twice named best speaker for the entire
national circuit. Prior to his retirement, he was a professor of
speech at Eastern Oregon University where he also coached the
competitive speech team. Now he provides a fun-filled senior
oriented hour of humor, inspiration and song--an enjoyable and
entertaining hour, featuring auld lang syne!
I would like to hear from you if you would be interested in coming
to this program, to get an idea of whether to plan for 100, 200 or
more! You can answer either in the Sandstorm or e-mail me at my
address above. You may also call me at 946-5385 if you want to.
Let's have a great turn out for Bert!
-Betty Bell Norton ('51)
>>From: Jim McKeown ('53)
To: Betty Avant ('69)
I have just driven the reverse... Fort Lewis area to Portland,
and I would recommend the I-205 route. It's farther but probably
quicker. The time of the day is the important thing... nothing
moves very well before 9am and after 3pm... also, either the
Rose Festival is on or has just finished. If it's on, I-205 is
definitely the way to go.
Maren, on an aside, you mentioned that I should send you a note on
our Anniversary, since Edna is not a Bomber. We celebrate our 49th
on June 16th. Edna was Clover Park grad in '54. We met at WSC.
-Jim McKeown ('53)
>>From: Chuck Holtz ('55)
Re: Mt St. Helens at sunrise
Another awesome picture to share
-Chuck Holtz ('55)
>>From: Tom Tracy ('55)
To: Chuck Holtz ('55)
Re: Death Valley flower pic
Thanks for the pic of Death Valley's flowers. Makes one wonder
how the flowers handle the heat long enough to product seeds.
Spectacular indeed.
-Tom Tracy ('55)
>>From: Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60)
Re: Moving Wall
I missed the wall when it came to West Richland so thought I would
make a point to see it this time. I lost no one near and dear
to me during the war, so I thought seeing the wall would just be
something to say I did if anyone asked. Wow, was I ever off base on
that one! As I rounded The Wall and saw the black panels with the
white names stretching on for what seemed like forever, I was so
overcome I had to remember to breathe. I was totally overwhelmed.
Before my knees buckled under me, I sat down hard on the grass and
for the first time, I cried for all these boys who were lost...
and boys they were. The one picture that stands out in my mind
is a skinny kid smoking a cigarette with a smile on his face.
Don't remember where he was from, or his name, but in my mind he
symbolizes the face of that god-awful war. So I say, bless the
fallen and nurture the wounded and forever give thanks to all.
-Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60)
>>From: Judy Willox (Classic Class of '61)
To: Paul James Hodson ('05)
I want to tell my grandson and the world how proud I am of him
right now. He pulled it through and is now a little Bomber alumni
from Richland High School. He proudly displays his diploma on the
dresser in his room. Congratulations honey, I am so VERY proud of
you!!! I also want to tell him to hurry and get well 'cause I know
he is in a lot of pain and discomfort right now. The last day of
school, on June 9th, he went into surgery to have tonsils and
adenoids removed and a deviated septum fixed. I can report that even
though he is in pain, he is doing quite well. Thanks to all of you
who have expressed your concern and sent your well wishes and
congratulations his way. They are so appreciated.
To all of you whose birthdays I have missed for a while and not
sent my special birthday greeting to; I want you to all know I have
thought of you and wished you all happy birthdays from my heart.
And to all who have had special requests for your loved ones,
deaths in the family and etc., I have thought of you and prayed
for all of your concerns from the heart also.
Bomber Cheers,
-Judy Willox (Classic Class of '61) ~ Richland ~ Where all is VERY
quiet for a time. ;o)
>>From: Roy Ballard ('63)
To: Steve Piippo ('70)
Steve, a very big THANK YOU for all your years of dedication in
helping all the students who went through RHS these many years.
Your dedication is very much appreciated by a whole lot of people
and I'm one of them. RHS will feel a loss from your exit. Enjoy
the freedom
-Roy Ballard ('63)
>>From: Carol Converse Maurer ('64)
To: Betty Avant ('69)
You are right about I-205 going around Portland. There is still
tons of traffic, but not as much. We go that way when we come up
from California. Saves us some time. Seems with each year, the
traffic gets worse and worse. Oh well.
-Carol Converse Maurer ('64) ~ Eureka, CA, where the rain is
suppose to quit for a few days. I've never seen such a wet
spring. The weeds are loving it! Went to upper state NY a
couple weeks ago. That area is so nice and green. My cousin
lives on the St. Lawrence River.
>>From: Gary Behymer ('64)
You've been here before but go back and submit information on your
parent/parents IF they worked on the Manhattan Project!
Take a peek at the Veteran Archives - Directory:
The Manhattan Project Heritage Preservation Association, Inc.
Veteran Archives - Directory
Then go to the Submit a Veteran
Do it now or you probably won't ever get to it (;-)
-Gary Behymer ('64)
>>From: Betti Avant ('69)
I knew I could count on you fellow alumni... thanks so much. My
move to Eugene was a big step in my life. Unfortunately I lost my
job after not quite 2 months. I have been biding my time since
then doing things like reading and going to various doctors'
appointments. That is why I am going up to Ft. Lewis, well actually
Madigan Army Hospital, it is for a job interview. I figured
I-205 was the best route, as I-105 goes around Eugene. There was
a mention of the Gateway Mall, it is about a mile or so from where
I live and I use the Target store for my prescriptions.
Thanks again to everyone who responded to my post.
-Betti Avant ('69)
>>From: Kevin Quane ('77)
To: Betti Avant ('69)
Re: Trip from Eugene to Fort Lewis
Take Amtrak. It's cheaper than driving and a whole lot more fun.
-Kevin Quane ('77)
Got this email yesterday morning from an old friend in Alaska...
he knows I'm a Bomber...
>>From: Friend of the Editor (Not A Bomber)
Re: Bombers
Your old alma mater made National Public Radio this morning. It was
a piece on Army recruiting and contrasted Richland and the Bombers
with a city high school in Seattle that is highly anti-military.
Apparently, recruiting is much better for the Army in Richland.
-Friend of the Editor (Not A Bomber)
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/12/05
6 Bombers sent stuff:
Marilyn DeVine ('52), Tom Tracy ('55)
Irene de la Bretonne ('61), Anna Durbin ('69)
Betti Avant ('69), Julie Smyth ('69WB)
>>From: Marilyn DeVine Dow ('52)
To: Betty Bell Norton ('51)
I don't think I ever "got into" the Bert Wells program, but would
be very interested in seeing the show he does now, so count me in!
To: Dick Roberts ('49) and Carol Tyner Roberts ('52)
When were you in (at?) Death Valley? I skirted the eastern edge
when I returned home from Las Vegas the last week in April. I seem
to be kinda' like the "old gray mare" heading for the barn after a
long trip... I just wanted to get there! I saw a number of dust
devils along the way, but didn't dream the wild flowers were so
incredible, or I'm sure I would have been willing to make the
detour. I sure as heck won't be around for the next big bloom in
a hundred years!! (I'll be pushing up my own daisies by that
Best regards to each and all,
-Marilyn DeVine Dow ('52) ~ still in Alaska and looking forward to
being home in a few days.
>>From: Tom Tracy ('55)
To: Steve Piippo ('70)
Congratulations to you and your family for providing two
generations of educational service to Richland's students. Your Dad
was our teacher, mentor, coach and an extraordinarily fine example
of a gentleman at Chief Joseph. I'm sure he trained you well.
The year your Dad and half of the class of '55 opened Chief Joseph
Jr. High in a last minute dash and cloud of dust was memorable.
Seemed like nearly all the boys in the 9th grade turned out for
Your Dad could tape an ankle while telling two or three good
basketball stories, pass his 'magic' hat for us to touch prior to
game time... to give us the good luck residing therein and remind
us about the ankle... "Try to keep it out of the JOINTS until it
heals". His tip about how to fight your way through screens by
pushing "our" player out of the way was a marvelous technique.
(No one calls fouls on you if you push your own player out of the
way). He knew the moves and taught them well. Just like he did in
academic classes.
He had all the cool, calm, confidence of a Christian with four aces
and he knew about life, good health and what kids needed as they
moved through that tumultuous Jr. High era.
Best of everything to you for educating our children in that
wonderful place many of us called home.
Bomber Cheers,
-Tom Tracy ('55)
>>From: Irene de la Bretonne Hays ('61)
I have three different experiences and perspectives of Richland
High School (formerly Columbia High School): First, as a 1961
graduate; second, as an English teacher at Col High from 1974
through 1980; and third, as the mother of 1984 graduate Shannon
Hays-Truex and 1979 graduate Michael Hays.
Today I'm speaking from the third perspective. Michael Hays, my son
(recently awarded Best Blues Drummer in the Inland Empire), will be
bringing his band THE FATTONES to the Tri-Cities on Wednesday, June
29. The FatTones will appear at THE JUNGLE on Columbia Center Blvd
from 7 to 10 p.m., touring in support of their new CD.
Also, KONA FM will be playing music from The FatTones new CD and
giving away The FatTones CDs from 9 to midnight every Sunday. Learn
more at
Mike says, "Be there; or be square!"
-Irene de la Bretonne Hays ('61)
>>From: Anna Durbin ('69)
Dear Sandstorm:
Yes, I heard this story on NPR too, back in 90° and humid PA. The
reporter seemed to get Richland almost right (only mentioned the
football team, not the state winning baseball team), but the school
rep. did not come up with the most intelligent sounding sound byte.
I told my kids about it, and my 15 year old said, "Was that one
of your teachers?" I said, "Well, my teachers are retired, and my
classmates are now teachers. In fact my classmate, Ben Jacobs
coached the baseball team that won the state tournament this
year." You know the response. "Oh, that's right, I forgot you
were OLD." Now I have decided to take that for a compliment (she
actually forgot for a second that I am OLD!). Compliments are few
and far between from a 15 year old. And Ben, we are all proud of
you and your kids!
To: Betti Avant ('69)
Betti, so sorry to hear about that blow two months after you moved.
If you want to explore whether you should get some severance after
you relied on the job to move, feel free to email me. Hope your
interview at Madigan goes well. I know they need good people in
Army hospitals. Just try hard not to get recruited to enlist, or
you may end up in Iraq. My nephew's wife, who is an Army OB nurse,
was scheduled to ship out to Iraq with her unit, but she was
pregnant and didn't have to go.
Love, Anna '69
-Anna Durbin ('69)
>>From: Betti Avant ('69)
To: Kevin Quane ('77)
I'd love to take Amtrak, however I need my car as I'm going for
a job interview. Perhaps, another time... when I retire.
-Betti Avant ('69)
>>From: Julie Smyth Moss ('69WB)
To: Chuck Holtz ('55)
Thank you for the absolutely stunning picture of Death Valley
I lived out there in the desert for one (to steal a phrase) soul
warping year. Your picture improved my opinion of the place.
The government, in it's wisdom, sent us out there. It made me
appreciate the torrential rains and green of Louisiana! It rained
exactly ONE time while we were there and I was so happy I stood in
the rain and cried tears of joy. I kept waiting for the miracle in
your picture, but it didn't come...... I was beginning to believe
the stories of the "beautiful desert" were totally false. Thanks to
your picture, I see the stories are true, but I won't be going in
person to check it out. I don't believe I have another 100 years!
Julie SMYTH Moss (WB '69)
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/13/05
5 Bombers sent stuff and 1 Bomber funeral notice today:
Richard Roberts ('49), Dave Rhodes ('52WB)
Carol Carson ('60), Lynn-Marie Hatcher ('68)
Mike Davis ('74)
>>From: Richard Roberts ('49)
To: Marilyn DeVine Dow (52)
Hi, Marilyn, actually, Carol Tyner Roberts ('52) and I were not in
Death Valley, we were in the Carrizo Plains, east of the coastal
range in San Luis Obispo County. A fellow by the name of Chuck
Holtz ('55) was in Death Valley and took that beautiful picture.
It's a classic. What a contrast, the Mojave Desert and where you
live, Alaska, both unique and beautiful in their own way.
Bomber cheers,
-Richard Roberts ('49)
>>From: Dave Rhodes ('52WB)
Re: All Bomber Luncheon ~ 06/12/05
Those of you Bombers who live in the Tri-Cities area missed out on
a really great time at the luncheon that we had on Sunday in West
Richland. Hopefully more of you will attend next month.
-Dave Rhodes ('52WB)
>>From: Carol Carson Renaud ('60)
To: Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60)
Re: Viet Nam Wall
I identified with your post about the Viet Nam Wall. I visited the
one in Washington D.C. while there on business several years ago.
While I did not lose a family member or friend in Viet Nam, I had
the same experience when I walked up to the wall. I, too, had
to find a bench and sit down. Fortunately my weeping was not a
solitary experience... there were many around me doing the same.
What an emotional experience and one that I am glad I experienced.
I hope the youngsters coming behind us will learn about our wars
and never forget to honor those who have secured our freedoms and
the freedoms of countless people around the globe.
-Carol Carson Renaud ('60) ~ Shoreline, WA - where the weather
can't make up its mind whether to rain or shine.
>>From: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
To: Irene de la Bretonne Hays ('61)
So happy to read the news of your son, Michael's band getting
this kind of exposure! Hope that the many Bombers local to the
Tri-Cities will be able to show up in major support of him.
Also, congratulations to you (as his Mother, you DO deserve some
credit you know!) and him for his award as
"Best Blues Drummer in the Inland Empire".
I do wish I could be there to hear him play – but I will be only
two days from my move to Idaho for my first Psych NP job – so my
body (if not my heart) will belong to packing boxes at that point!
Namaste, my friend.
Lynn-Marie (Morgan to you) Hatcher Peashka ('68) ~ In Spokane, but
not for much longer!
>>From: Mike Davis ('74)
I'm leaving for Missouri this Friday. I plan on taking I-84 all the
way to Ogden, Utah and catch I-80 there across southern Wyoming.
I'm wondering if anyone is familiar with Hwy. 30 from Pocatello
connecting with I-80 just this side of Rock Springs, WY. Looks like
I could save some time by taking Hwy. 30 to catch I-80 instead of
going all the way to Ogden.
Anybody know what kind of road Hwy. 30 is?
-Mike Davis ('74)
Funeral Notice scanned from the TCHerald
by Shirley Collings Haskins ('66)
>>Dana Fishback ('92) ~ 9/20/73 - 6/8/05
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/14/05
8 Bombers sent stuff:
Dick McCoy ('45), Carol Horstman ('53)
Jim McKeown ('53), Marlene Maness ('57WB)
Dale Ennor ('59), Larry Mattingly ('60)
Keith Hunter ('63), David Rivers ('65)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Gus Keeney ('57)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Dick McCoy ('45)
Re: Cougars
I understand the Cougs had a big party in the Tri-Cities to
celebrate their flip-off championship of the Pac Ten. Also they
spent a day chipping out divots at Meadow.
I know that the spirit of Don Richey ('47RIP) was on his old
balcony on that course playing the Husky fight song as the
Incarseration Nation hacked their way by.
Bomber Best
-Dick McCoy ('45)
>>From: Carol Horstman Massey ('53)
To: Jim McKeown ('53)
Congratulations Jim on your up coming Wedding Anniversary. My
husband, Morris Massey ('54), and I were married 50 years last
October. I think it is quite an accomplishment for a couple to be
married this long now days. Do you have any Great-Grand Children?
We have 4. Hope you have a great Anniversary.
Your Class Mate
-Carol Horstman Massey ('53)
>>From: Jim McKeown ('53)
Re: Viet Nam Wall
If anyone is ever in Sacramento and are interested in the Viet Nam
War and names, you should visit the Capitol Park, right next to the
beautiful Capitol building. The Viet Nam Vets built one of the most
beautiful and touching monuments I have ever seen, including the
one in DC. Wonderfully designed, with bronze replicas of actual
photos taken at the time and also bronze figures that bring tears
to the eyes. The whole experience is one of quiet remembrance and
My wife and I just returned from Viet Nam and Cambodia... very
beautiful and becoming a very big tourist attraction since
United started flying to Hanoi. They also have become very big
capitalists, just like China.
-Jim McKeown ('53) ~ very sunny and in the 90s Sacramento.
>>From: Marlene Maness Mulch ('57WB)
To: Mike Davis ('74)
Highway 30 from Pocatello to I-80 is the route the truck drivers
take. I used to drive a Kenworth and traveled that road many times
- it's a good short cut.
-Marlene Maness Mulch ('57WB)
>>From: Dale Ennor ('59)
To: Mike Davis ('74)
Re: Idaho 30
Unless you're in a terrible rush, I would advise you enjoy Highway
30 through Soda Springs and into Wyoming. The road is as good
as any; in fact, I would always choose something less than the
freeway. The latter are quicker, but soooo boring!
When you get farther east, and if it is open, try WY130 at Walcott.
That drive into Laramie is as beautiful as they get.
-Dale Ennor ('59)
>>From: Larry Mattingly ('60)
Re: Hiway routing old US 30
To: Mike Davis ("74)
Having been through there several times in the last 7-8 years on
pieces of both routes, I would just stay on the interstate. My
impression of 30 last time I was on it was that it needed serious
maintenance work in several areas. The interstate is definitely
faster and smoother and a lot less curves. If you can time your
passage from say, Tremonton and on to I-80 just below Ogden and
then on to that stretch of what they call the Eisenhower Hiway
going into Wyoming between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM you should glide
right through. Or if you prefer to drive at night you can get
through easily after 11 PM.
As I was growing up we went "back home" to Louisville, KY at least
every other year, sometimes more often. US 30 was the most chosen
route. We would take it to East of Omaha and then straight down to
Columbus, over to St. Louis and on into Louisville. We always
spent the 1st night in Rick Springs, and the 2nd night in Omaha
or Columbus, MO. Not bad time for the old '47, '49, '51, and '53
Chevys and a '55 Ford. One year to avoid some massive flooding on
our usual route, we dropped down to near Lawrence, KS to go east
and just outside of the city had to hide under a RR trestle and
watch a large tornado come right at us. But it veered off about
1000 feet away to go over and rip up 2 trailer parks. If you have
not seen and heard a large tornado pass close, it is a fearsome/
awesome experience.
Have a nice trip.
"Happiness is the sky in bloom"
-J Larry Mattingly ('60)
>>From: Keith Hunter ('63)
I have a hew hutch, and a table that my mom had when we lived at
416 Abert. The table only has 4 chairs. Mom says that they came
with end arm chairs.
My question is does anyone know where to find replacements?
-Keith Hunter ('63)
[Check out the cost of much of the G.I. Furniture in 1948
- No hutch listed, though. Does the table have sections that fold down? -Maren]
>>From: David Rivers ('65)
Trailers for sale or rent...
Rooms to let fifty cents..................
WEEKEND OF June 24TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, Frank Osgard ('63 WB) is unable to make it to the
weekend get togethers... so I took his room at the old DI... They
mentioned when I confirmed the reservation that they keep this room
available for Frank year round so I am a little concerned that
it may not be habitable... and if it is I am wondering if they
change the sheets between his visits... but anyway, that leaves me
with a room at the Hampton Inn which I will not be using (Sorry
Heidlebaugh ('65)... I know I ALWAYS stay at the Hampton but
figured I could bite the bullet for our 40th)... I know last year,
Harvey Hurshel Irby, Jr. ('64) needed a room and because I had a
jury out I couldn't make it and he was able to stay fairly close
for his 40th... If someone has had to make reservations in a
foreign country like Pasco or Kennewick or even Benton City... this
room will be available till I get back from the Roadster Show next
Monday (6/20) after that I will just cancel it... the room is on
the River side non-smoking King... 97 bucks a night check in 23d
(Thursday) and check out 26th (Sunday)... lemme know... first
person to contact me gets it... after that juice will get you
nothing... except a "gee I'm sorry"...
Take care!
-David Rivers ('65)
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/15/05
10 Bombers sent stuff:
Millie Finch ('54), Sharon Panther ('57)
Missy Keeney ('59), Derrith Persons ('60WB)
David Rivers ('65), Lynn-Marie Hatcher ('68)
Patty Lauby ('69), Mike Franco ('70)
Mary Anne Lauby ('73), James Walters ('80)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Nadine Smith ('60)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Cathy Mouton ('65)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Debbie Lien ('69)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Eileen O'Neil ('73)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Millie Finch Gregg ('54)
To: Jim McKeown ('53)
Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary. My husband and I
had our 50th January 10, this year. (Our children are giving us a
party in July so that should be special)! Now days you don't see
too many married couples who have only been married once to the
same person.
It takes effort and mutual understanding and lots and lots of
patience but boy it is certainly worth it all.
I hope you have a wonderful live and enjoy it to the fullest.
-Millie Finch Gregg ('54)
I see where Carol Massey noted her and Morris had 4 great
grandchildren - well I have 1... and 5 grandchildren and
3 children. How about you??
>>From: Sharon Panther Taff ('57)
I'm sorry I will miss all the fun of Club 40. However, our family
will be having fun of a different sort - our mother, Mona Panther,
(also the mother of five Bomber graduates - Don Panther ('62),
Pam Panther ('65), Steve Panther ('67), Mark Panther ('73) and
myself ('57) will be celebrating her 90th birthday that weekend at
an open house at the Hampton Inn. Mother is in fantastic health,
still lives at the family home in Richland and stays young
caring for her huge yard. My grandkids are excited to be able
to participate in the Cool Desert Nights activities they have
heard so much about. It will be great to have all the family
together for such a happy time.
-Sharon Panther Taff ('57)
>>From: Missy Keeney ('59)
To: Gus Keeney ('57)
OOOPS! I forgot my brother's birthday on Flag Day! Belated Happy
Birthday, Bro and NAAH, NAAH, NAAH, NAAH, NAAH! You will always be
odder (oops, yeah, that too) and older than I!
-Missy Keeney ('59)
>>From: Derrith Persons Dean ('60WB)
Re: '60 in '05 Next Planning Meeting
WHEN: Wednesday June 22nd,
TIME: at 5 pm we get together and enjoy dinner
TIME: at 6:30 pm the meeting starts
WHERE: JD Diner, 3790 Van Giesen, West Richland, WA
Please share this with other classmates so they can come and have
fun too! Thanks and we hope to see you there!!!
-Derrith Persons Dean ('60WB)
>>From: David Rivers ('65)
Re: Zis Boom Bah
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh... you guessed it... one a them there cheerleader
types is having a birthday on the 15th. Actually, she and her good
buddy Diane Murphy ('65) and she celebrate together every year even
tho Diane's birthday isn't till the 23rd... so maybe they celebrate
the whole time from the 15th thru the 23d! The girl having her's
on the 15th is ona those girls you couldn't miss in school... she
was everywhere... here there you name it... she would be there...
always right up in front so she wouldn't miss anything. Haven't
seen her in five years... last time I saw her... she and Keeney
('65) were causing a bit of a ruckus in Ellen ('63) and Myra ('67)
Weihermillers' room at the DI... well, I did see her the next day
too in the park... but the night with Keeney was special... can
you imagine trying to keep up with those two for very long? So it
looks like when the birthday girl and Murphy roll into town for the
big doin's, we'll get to celebrate a bit with them!
-David Rivers ('65)
>>From: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
Re: Request for Bomber Support
Hi, all –
Well, for a few years now you have been listening to me carry on
about graduate school. I made it through, graduating May 6th. Now
the rubber REALLY hits the road.
On Monday, June 20th, 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., I will be sitting
for my National Board Exam as certification as a Psychiatric Nurse
Practitioner with full prescriptive authority.
This is a calling and a dream – and so much of what I have been led
to see as being the future path is contingent upon me passing these
boards. The pass rate for first try is only 38% -- they are tough!
So I am openly soliciting prayers from those many Bombers who pray
– and good thoughts, encouragement, everything else positive from
the rest of the Bombers reading this.
Thank you – and I will let you know how it goes!
-Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68) ~ Spokane
PS – For those of you belonging to prayer chains, or with
prayer chains available through your church, etc., feel more
than free to put me on the list for prayers there, too. Prayer
is a powerful, powerful thing. Thanks again!
>>From: Patty Lauby Romero ('69)
Greetings from windy Wyoming!
It was recommended to me by my brother-in-law, Jim Yount ('61),
to contact my fellow Bombers about life in the Spokane area. After
having lived in SW Wyoming for 24 years and with retirement just
around the corner, we would like to return to the great state of
Washington. As much as I like the Seattle area, it's too big and
too wet for our taste (even though our kids live there). We have
our eye on the Spokane area, but would like to know first hand what
people think of the area. We are drawn to the area because it meets
several of our major 'wants': university, airport, 4 seasons (if
you've ever lived in WY, you'd appreciate that one) and excellent
medical facilities.
We will be headed for Spokane some time this summer to check it out
for ourselves. I know the real estate folks will only tell you the
pros and not the cons of the area. From what we've seen on the
internet so far, we like the Nine Mile Falls area. However, we've
noticed there are a number of homes for sale all within a few miles
of each other and have wondered what is going on in that area
(again, I doubt the realtor will tell us). If you currently live
in the Spokane area, or have recently lived there, we'd appreciate
your input on the pros and cons of the area.
We look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your time.
-Patty Lauby Romero ('69)
>>From: Mike Franco ('70)
To: Mike Davis ('74)
Re: Saving time on way to Mizzou
Mike, have you considered air travel??? It's a fairly new
development... just call Finley International Airport.
-Mike Franco ('70)
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/16/05
10 Bombers sent stuff and 1 Bomber funeral notice today:
Wally Erickson ('53), Laura Dean Kirby ('55)
Tom Hughes ('56), Jim Hamilton ('63)
Kathy Hoff ('64), David Rivers ('65)
Mike Howell ('68WB), Lori Simpson ('70)
Mike Davis ('74), Karen Whitney ('76)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Marcia Miller ('62)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Sharon Lovinger ('62)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Jan Bell ('64)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Wally Erickson ('53)
To: Patty Lauby Romero ('69)
Re: Spokane area
Nine Mile Falls; there is a lot of growth out there, with new homes and
existing homes. That is north of Spokane near the Spokane River. I also
like South Hill, if you're interested in some nice older homes. There
is a lot of new construction going on off of Hi-way 195 (going to
Pullman). That area is growing very fast. The Spokane Valley could be
of interest to you, near the Spokane River (coming from Lake Coeur
D'Alene). We have six daughters, they all live in the Spokane area.
That's one of the reasons we moved to the Coeur D'Alene area from
Bellevue. We're close, but not in their back yards. If you wanted to
get more of a feel of the area, you might want to look at the Coeur
D'Alene area. It's a beautiful area with lots of water, mountains and
evergreen trees. This area is growing in leaps and bounds, but it's
still small compared to Spokane area. If you have any further questions
about the area, you can email me. I'd be more than happy to help you.
I'm not a Realtor!! I do know the area quite well.
To: Millie Finch Gregg ('54)
Re: Great-Grandkids
I just couldn't pass this one up! When someone asks me about my Great-
Grandkids (7); I respond with, "you mean my daughters' Grandkids??" I
love them, but I'm having fun enjoying my Grandkids now, with biking,
camping and attending their sports activities. I think I better stop
-Wally Erickson ('53) ~ South of beautiful Coeur D'Alene area with
blue skies and puffy clouds.
>>From: Laura Dean Kirby Armstrong ('55)
To: '55 in '05 ~ 50 years
To all graduates of the Richland High School class of 1955: ATTENTION
Our fiftieth reunion will be held in conjunction with the Club Forty
Reunion on September 9, 10 and 11, 2005. The reunion committee has
been working for several months to collect valid names and addresses.
If you have not registered, please do so as soon as possible. When you
return your form, be sure to include a few paragraphs for the memory
book. It is not necessary to attend the reunion in order to be in the
book. We would like to hear from you anyway. Final date for acceptance
by publisher is August 8, 2005.
Luckily for us, the committee has secured a great motivational and
comedic speaker to act as our M.C. We are proud to have our own Tom
Tracy host our program and bring us lots of memories of our years at
school. Remember, this is your special party and we want everyone to
have fun.
Don't forget to send in your registration form, payment and memory
book information so it will be ready for you at the event. Address it
to Sharon Templeman Watts, [snail mail address deleted for Sharon's
privacy] or Billie Lawell Neth at [snail mail address delete for
Billie's privacy].
Other 1955 class only events will include a memorial to those who have
passed away, some special music and other things we are working on to
entertain you. These events will take place at the new Senior Center
Community building, Riverview Room from 1pm to 4pm on Saturday the
10th. Pictures follow immediately. Dress is casual and you will have
time to change for the dinner at the Shilo that evening if you desire.
Here is a list of those graduates for whom we have been unable to find
a current addresses. If you can furnish us with this information,
please let us know.
Abbot, Ron; Barge, Janice Johns; Baudendistol, Emma Jean;
Benoit, Rita Marie; Black, Dewy; Boyd, Barbara;
Boyd, Doris; Bradley, Bruce; Bristol, Donna;
Carver, Nancy Dawald; Clark, Dean Albert; Conner, Kathy;
Cooley, Sharon Alexander; Copeland, John; Crosley, Catherine;
Cummings, Judy; Demmons, Arlene Rae; Desautel, Vic;
Ford, Richard; Foster, Jack; Gillis, Kenneth;
Glover, Arlene; Goodboe, David; Gordon, David;
Guyman, Dick; Hackett, Helen Senatore; Halstead, Dorothy;
Heldt, Gretchen; Helgeson, Duane; Henderson, Elbert W.;
Hoover, Emma; Horning, Donald S.; Hughes, Carol;
Hussleton, Mary; Hutchenson, Judith A.; Kelley, Barbara;
Kern, Jimmy Lee; Laughlin, Terry; Linville, Stanley;
Long, Dave; Mack,Peggy; Maulsby, Jerry; McAdams, Lauren;
McCall, Carol; McDaniel, Ruth; McDonald, James;
Melhern, Leona; Melton, Caren "C.L."; Miller, Karen Noonchester;
Morris, Jack; Mullen, Joann; Phelps, Cedric;
Ragsdale, Ross; Rains, Robert; Robbins, Douglas;
Rodriguez, Cristella; Ruger, Phyllis; Seitz, John;
Smith, Rosa Mae; Sprenson, Paul; Stellmon, Sharon;
Straub, Rose Marie Burton; Strong, Dennis; Timmerman, Wm. Henery;
Tiwater, Florence Mae; Vosse, Pat; Whitehouse, Virginia West;
Williams, Ernest Robert.
-Laura Dean Kirby Armsrong ('55)
>>From: Tom Hughes ('56)
To: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
Congratulations on your graduation and good luck on your exams. A good
friend of mine named Margie Hamilton was the very first Psychiatric
Nurse Practioner in the state of Washington. She worked at Virginia
Mason Hospital for a few years and then opened her own practice
on Mercer Island. She retired 8 years ago and now raises champion
Chihuahuas. I know that you will be successful in a very interesting
and very necessary field.
-Tom Hughes ('56)
>>From: Jim Hamilton (Gold Medal Class of '63)
Re: joie de vivre
The Lovely Miss Nancy ('65) and I are sittin' here trying to figure
out the odds that the people who make such decisions, would designate
June 16th, "International Joie de Vivre Day". That would make it the
exact, very same day as their poster child, Jan Bell's ('64) birthday.
Jan, wherever you might be, enjoy your birthday like you do every day,
and continue to "Dance like no one's watching"
-Jim Hamilton (Gold Medal Class of '63)
>>From: Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
R2K+5 Dinner
Sat. June 25th
6 P.M.
Hanford House
Cost: $25 per person
Please e-mail Linda Boehning or Kathy Hoff Conrad if you
would like to attend.
-Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
>>From: David Rivers ('65)
Re: Nuther one so soon June 16
OK... get your cheers and songs (did the song leaders really lead
songs????????????????) ready... it's time for another special birthday
and so soon! This lady was so cool and so fun in school... smile for
everyone... what a sweet person... I never heard a harsh word outa her
mouth... korse I was never around during those times people tend to use
harsh words... Oh I'm not talkin' 'bout guy talk... them's not harsh
words we just didn't know how to show 'fection for one another back
then so we made like we were rough and tough (not to be confused with
tuff which the birthday girl certainly was!)! So this is one of those
fun special moments when we can all tell the birthday girl how much we
love her and think of her even if we don't c'munikate much...
Everyone please join in a hardy HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jan Bell ('64)!!!!!!!
-David Rivers ('65)
>>From: Mike Howell ('68WB)
Hi Bombers;
Early Friday morning my wife and I will leave here on our way to Denver
Colorado to meet with 3 guys I was in the service in Vietnam with. It
is going to be a long trip for two of us in my pickup and we are going
to be taking our time and staying with family and friends along the
way. I would like it if those of you who know Him would kinda say a
good word for us and our travels and that the meeting of us old wind
blowers goes ok. They want to make this a yearly thing and meet
somewhere different each year. I don't think I have that in me but
I do want to see them after 37 years. Thank You in advance for all
the good thoughts.
-Mike Howell ('68WB)
>>From: Lori Simpson Hogan ('70)
Re: Lynn Hatcher Peashka ('68) prayer request
Lynn, I forwarded your request to the RLC prayer chain. As you know
this is a large congregation and we will do our best to pray for your
success at test time.
Take Care..
-Lori Simpson Hogan ('70)
>>From: Mike Davis ('74)
To: Mike Franco (70)
I appreciate the suggestion on air travel to Missouri, but I'm going
to an area where planes are only a "futuristic thingie." Now, had you
suggested hoppin' on an old John Deere - now ya talkin!' My relatives
from Missouri and Arkansas understand that kinda transportation.
I'm hopin' that I'll be shootin' for some food,
and up through the ground will come a bubblin' crude!
See ya,
-Mike Davis ('74)
>>From: Karen Whitney Davis ('76)
Funeral notice for my brother Russell J. Whitney ('80) died on
Saturday, June 11, 2005.
Russell was a kind and loving man, a talented artist, a dedicated
friend and fighter to the end. He died at Sacred Heart Hospital in
Spokane surrounded by his brothers Gerry ('72), Ed ('78), and his
only sister Karen Whitney Davis ('76), and her husband Gary Daivs ('77).
He had an auto-immune disease that deteriorated 90% his heart. On
May 10, 2005 he had a DeBakey heart device implanted with faith that
he would heal, and in time, receive a new heart from a donor.
He loved his children more than words can say. Marie and Brandon
Whitney. His daughter Marie Whitney ('02), joined the Army Reserve
and has just recently returned from duty in Iraq.
Funeral service: Saturday, June 18th, 2005 11am Einan's Funeral Home.
-Karen Whitney Davis ('76)
Funeral Notice from Karen Whitney Davis ('76)
>>Russell James Whitney ('80) ~ 1/17/62 - 6/11/05
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/17/05
4 Bombers sent stuff:
Ann Pearson ('50), Jeff DeMeyer ('62)
Lynn-Marie Hatcher ('68), Teresa Barber ('78)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Mike Sams ('65)
BOMBER ANNIVERSARY Today: Dick Boehning & Linda Belliston ('63)
BOMBER LUNCH Today: Girls of '54
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Ann Pearson Burrows ('50)
To: Janny Bell ('64)
A Belated Happy Birthday.. Janny was the flower girl at my wedding
in 1954. She is now living in Mexico "doing her thing".
-Ann Pearson Burrows ('50) ~ in San Diego area and wish the
June Gloom would go away!
>>From: Jeff DeMeyer ('62)
Re: Lost classmates 1962
We have lost contact with the following grads of 1962
Bruce Edwards, Keith Curtis, Linda Graham Parker, Sandra Jeneaue,
John Rassmussen, Carol DeSoto Taylor.
If you know the whereabouts of the above people please contact me.
Thank you.
-Jeff DeMeyer ('62)
>>From: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
Thank you for the prayers and encouragement!
I have received so many personal e-mails (to which I have not yet
replied, because I am so invested in studying for the my Nurse
Practitioner Board Certification exam on Monday) promising prayers,
telling me that my name has been placed on prayer chains and prayer
rolls, telling me that I am being supported in love and in light.
Those, together with the postings in Sandstorm in response to my
request for prayers and encouragement as I prepare for my certification
as a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner -- well, gratified is too small a
word for how I feel. Blessed! Supported! Not alone!
To those of you that I know personally, and to those I've never met
that are nonetheless supporting me with prayers and good thoughts and
encouragement, I extend my deepest gratitude. I am truly touched by
this outpouring.
I will keep you apprised as to the outcome!
I say again, how many people in this world are privileged to share a
unique and incredible bond such as we do, as Bombers? I am so thankful
for such a blessing in my life.
-Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68) ~ Spokane, Washington
>>From: Teresa Barber Wise ('78)
To: Karen Whitney Davis ('76)
Re: Russell Whitney ('80-RIP)
I was sorry to hear of the loss of your brother. My thoughts and
prayers are with you.
-Teresa Barber Wise ('78)
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/18/05
3 Bombers sent stuff:
Mike Clowes ('54), Gus Keeney ('57), Carol Geier ('73)
>>From: Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes ('54)
To: Gary Behymer ('64)
The only thing about that song I recognized was the person who
introduced it: Jack Quinn. He was, among other things, what would be
called today a radio personality in the Tri-City area. I think he was
also one of the guiding lights of the Richland Light Opera. Believe he
was their Gilbert and Sullivan specialist. He also owned and operated
a radio station in the Sunnyside area in the late '50s.
It is interesting where you come up with these trivia tid-bits on
E-Bay. Not much going on in Colfax?
-Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes ('54)
>>From: Gus Keeney ('57)
Thanks to ALL for the notes on my Birthday!!! Whew!!!! I made
it through another year!!!!
Life is Terrific!!!
-Gus Keeney ('57)
>>From: Carol Geier Melton ('73)
Re: Cathy Geier ('66)
Cathy Geier (1966, tennis, gymnastics, Honor Student) has been
working for Seattle Schools for 12 years as a Reading Specialist.
Her job again is discontinued. She is interested in working as a
reading Specialist in another city with more stability. Hopefully
this city will have a yoga and dance studios so she can continue
with her teaching and practicing yoga and dance. All suggestions
taken seriously. She is going to Peru this July to continue with
her Spanish studies.
-Cathy Geier ('66)
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/19/05
3 Bombers sent stuff:
Char Dossett ('51), Hal Smith ('56), Helen Cross ('62)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: David Anguiano ('97)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Char Dossett Holden ('51)
Re: eBay Item - Sheet Music for "It's A Good Town" - 1949
Just a note regarding Jack Quinn.
He sang at my wedding in 1956. I met him when I worked at the
Village Theater and he was the manager. A terrific person.
-Char Dossett Holden ('51)
>>From: Hal Smith ('56)
Hi Maren,
Re: Cathy Geier's ('66) post on June 18th.
I can't find her email address.
-Hal Smith ('56)
[Hal - All email addresses appear in the Sandstorm that arrives in
everyone's inbox every day. HOWEVER, we strip the email addresses for
the online version so that's why you didn't see Cathy's email address
in the post that came from her sister, Carol ('73) on 6/18. -Maren]
>>From: Helen Cross Kirk ('62)
A belated Happy Birthday to 2 classmates of the great class of '62:
Marcia Miller and Sharon Lovinger. We have been enjoying some fantastic
weather here in SW Indiana, with temperatures only in the mid 70s and
LOW Humidity, and breezy clouds in blue skies. Really nice, especially
after the early heat wave we had last week, where we had several days
with temperatures in the 90's and high humidity.
Last week my husband and I were able to attend the southern Indiana
Methodist Conference at IU (that's Indiana University in Bloomington,
Indiana back here). It was really neat to finally see how the Methodist
church works from the inside sort of, after all these years of being
a Methodist. And I was proud of all the programs that the Methodist
church is sponsoring. Max Case ('57), your name came up favorably many
times I guess maybe we should plan our next Indiana Bomber luncheon for
2006, as Spring has sort of slipped by, or else in September????
We are already planning our trip to the west coast to attend some
reunions for me, and to see friends and our oldest son in California,
actually at South Lake Tahoe, always love to go there... Our youngest
son did not do well at Purdue in his last quarter, and he is now
working almost full-time as a maintenance man, taking a break from
school after 5+ years including summers, he seems to be enjoying a
real break. Don't know if he will ever go back to Purdue, if he gets
his GPA up to get back into Purdue, but whatever he does, it will be
on his dime this time.....
I talked with my cousin, Carol Cross Llewelyn ('64) last night. Always
love to keep in touch with family, and with the magic of e-mail I heard
from all my elementary school close friends, Cathy Wood Stevens ('62),
Billie Cummings ('62WB), Carol Rice Forister ('62) and others not so
near now, but dear to me. What fun.
Maybe I can make it to the Spudnut Shop this time. For some reason,
whenever I've tried to go there in recent years, it's closed... and in
my mind Krispie Creams just don't measure up to Spudnuts...
[I believe the Spudnut Shop is still closed on Sundays. -Maren]
When I was in Vermont for a short visit with my husband's uncle at the
end of May, we invited Tim Smyth ('62) to join us for lunch, but he was
off attending a Red Sox baseball game, so we didn't connect. I loved
visiting the Norman Rockwell museums up there, especially the smaller
one in Arlington, VT where he used lots of the town folks as his
models for his illustrations.
-Helen Cross Kirk ('62) ~ West Harrison, IN - where it is so nice by
the little lake with birds flitting around. They seem to be
enjoying the cooler, dryer weather too.
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/20/05
6 Bombers sent stuff:
Betty Hiser ('49), Curt Donahue ('53)
Jack Smith ('55WB), Jim Hamilton ('63)
Kathy Hoff ('64), Lynn-Marie Hatcher ('68)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Dorothy Keys ('52)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
Does anyone remember adhesive tape? Two of my rings are a tad too large
so I wrap adhesive tape around them so they don't fall off (how many of
you did that in high school?). I was at my sister's last Christmas and
the tape worn down to a nub. I asked my grandnephew if Grandma has any
adhesive tape? He came back with everything but adhesive tape. He did
not know what it was. We went to the drug store to buy some and I had
a terrible time describing adhesive tape. Finally the clerk said, "We
have some of this old white stuff that nobody buys anymore."
The other day I had a fingernail that was about to come off (in the
quick as we used to say). I was in a hurry and couldn't find a band aid
so put adhesive tape around my finger, with no gauze, and left it for 3
days - guess what? I had forgotten you could not leave it on more than
2 days and now have a ring of blisters on my finger.
-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - getting warmer
- close to 90 - I'm still not ready!!!!
>>From: Curt Donahue ('53)
Re: Quinn's name on eBay Item - Sheet Music for "It's A Good Town" - 1949
Picture of the Sheet Music
When Jack worked at KALE in the early '50s, television was just
becoming available on a bigger scale. He said it would never last
and called it "radio with eye-strain." He really was a great guy.
I saw him last sometime in the 90's where he was the director of a
musical we attended in Sunnyside.
-Curt Donahue ('53) ~ Federal Way
>>From: Jack Smith ('55WB)
Has anyone seen this one yet?? More invasion of your privacy. See
if your name comes up along with your address, year of birth and
a map to pinpoint you.
-Jack Smith ('55WB)
>>From: Jim Hamilton (Gold Medal Class of '63)
It's good to have friends in high places, and The Gold Medal Class
of '63 is now receiving the recognition we have earned and deserved
for these many years.
I believe this is the result of Jim House's ('63) recent election to
"Commissioner of Tides" in Deer Park.
Of course Atkins and his associated rabble from the "Four Dotter Class
of '62" will claim wider circulation.
Semper Bomberus
p.s. The long suffering Miss Nancy ('65) and I were in Richland this
past weekend, and it sure does smell good at night.
Richland 63
-Jim Hamilton (Gold Medal Class of '63)
>>From: Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
R2K+5 Dinner
Sat. June 25th
6 P.M.
Hanford House
Cost: $25 per person
-Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
>>From: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
Re: Today's the day – 6/20/05
Just a final request and thank-you to all. Keep those cards and letters
– well, prayers and encouragement – coming. You don't have to take the
time to write – I'll just know that I am in your thoughts and prayers
as I go into my National Psychiatric/Mental Health Board Certification
Exam today at 12:30.
This is the culmination of 8 years of schooling – I am hoping they ask
me the questions to which I remember the answers from those 8 years!
Thank you all again.
-Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68) ~ Spokane
PS – Once I figure out how it's done legally billing-wise, I will
be offering to write-off anything beyond what insurance pays for
all Bombers and Bomber alumni. Even Bombers can get a little out
off balance once in a while – and I'll be there for you when/if
the time comes!
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/21/05 ~ SUMMER SOLSTICE
5 Bombers and 1 funeral notice today:
Missy Keeney ('59), John Adkins ('62)
Jeanie Walsh ('63), Kathy Hoff ('64)
Betti Avant ('69)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Susan Rushworth ('62)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Rob Hills ('63)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Bill Hames ('65)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Missy Keeney ('59)
Re: Light Opera
Lots of Bombers were in the crowd for Richland Light Opera's production
of "Forever Plaid" on Saturday night. This was a totally enjoyable (and
sometimes hysterical) trip down memory lane. Next week-end is the last
week-end plus a matinee on Sunday. It's at Chief Joseph Middle School
(almost wrote Junior High) and worth twice the price!!
-Missy Keeney ('59)
>>From: John Adkins ('62)
Re: Support for the Gold Medal Flour Class of "63
Jimbeaux - the class of '62 has always felt responsible for supporting
the Class of '63 - in fact we have arranged for Bike Athletics to be on
hand during "Cool Desert Nights" with of full line of their products
just for the class of '63.
-John Adkins ('62) ~ Richland - nice & warm today with a gentle breeze
>>From: Jeanie Walsh (Gold Medal Class of '63)
To: Jim Hamilton ('63)
OK, enlighten us Californians.....What is a Commissioners of Tides????
-Jeanie Walsh (Gold Medal Class of '63) ~ Simi Valley, CA - Home of the
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
>>From: Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
WHAT: R2K+5 Dinner
WHEN: Saturday, June 25th
TIME: 6pm
WHERE: Hanford House
COST: $25 per person
E-mail Linda Boehning ('63) or me if you would like to attend.
-Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
>>From: Betti Avant ('69)
To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
Yes, I remember good old adhesive tape. In fact I now break out from
it when I use it, also adhesives on some body parts with bandages. I
have to tell everyone when they need to put tape on, such as after a
blood draw or IV they need to use paper tape. I told the nurse who put
my IV in for my colonoscopy to use paper tape instead of the plastic
tape they use now, but she didn't listen. Thankfully, it was a short
time and I didn't break out. When the IV was pulled I asked that nurse
to use paper tape and she indicated I should have told the other nurse
and I said I did, oh well. I'm off to Madigan for my job interview.
-Betti Avant ('69) ~ Eugene, OR
Funeral Notice scanned from the TCHerald
by Shirley Collings Haskins ('66)
>>Frances Ziegler Carpenter ('59) ~ 8/19/41 - 6/17/05
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/22/05
5 Bombers sent stuff:
Betty Hiser ('49), Carol Bishop ('57)
Ed Quigley ('62), Gary Behymer ('64)
David Rivers ('65)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Stu Osborn ('71)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
To: Betti Avant ('69): I have to be careful with tapes also. Nothing
like having a "rash" while you are in the hospital - they think you
have the creeping crud or something and get all excited.
I'll keep as many fingers crossed as I can (good old arthritis) for
your job interview at Madigan.
-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - HOT today - 98
and a slight breeze. Tomorrow: 86 - hooray!!
>>From: Carol Bishop Horne ('57)
We just bought a motor home and we really need some tips on where to
stay... what to pack for cooking etc. Would also like some information
on KOAs... we used to stay at them when we would drive down from
Alaska... but at that time we had tents... just ask Gene how long it
took to put the tent up.
Also, how to pack for a trip... short or long...
We thank you for any information, this will certainly be an experience
for us...
-Carol Bishop Horne ('57) ~ Las Vegas, NV
>>From: Ed Quigley ('62)
To: Donna Williams (60)
Hey Donna (or anyone who has her new email),
I found Skip Heavner; drop me a line, if you're still interested.
-Ed Quigley ('62)
>>From: Gary Behymer ('64)
I offer the following to the Class of 1965 who will be getting together
this coming weekend for their 40th reunion:
Read the following story - High School Reunion Tips
I once believed we would find ALL the members of each class. Not so...
some desire not to be found. What about those great classmates that
still live in the Tri-Cities but don't/won't make effort to attend.
Don't bother, they have little or no interest. The people that 'need'
to be there... will come... You know the routine... 'If you build it
they will come.' Well, not everyone can find their way.
I'm not sure how many graduated in 1965, but I'll bet that +/-100 will
show up to the reunion this weekend. That'll be 1/2 of the number that
came to your 20th get together. Don't let it bother you. Enjoy those
friends that will take time out of their busy schedule to come - drive
or fly thousands of miles - to show up... in Richland, Washington for
one weekend of caring for one another.
-Gary Behymer ('64)
>>From: David Rivers ('65)
Re: The boys are back in town
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh goodie... it's official... the boys (and babes) are
all heading for Richland for the '65ers' 40th reunion... Just talked
to Terry Davis ('65) and he is peeing his pants... (can you say pee
in email papers?)... he'll be hitting Seattle first then riding to
Richland with Ricky Warford ('65)... Heidlebaugh will be comin' in from
Laska up over the pole flying in a big airliner... Big party at Carl's
on Thursday night in case ya ain't heard. Wendel Doc 40 Adair ('65-'67
or so) and I have plans to bring the bomb over... hope the '65ers want
it set up... I'm sure Dame Hoff ('64) will want it for her bash anyway.
The L.A. Roadster Show was great as usual. Saw a friend of Adair's
there (I see this guy everywhere... he's even more hard core than I
am... drives his little roadster all over the US). I drove a little
Roadster over from Vegas and the ones we built for sale road in a warm
trailer... I say warm because the trip over to L.A. was freezing... it
was chilly all the way to the Holleran summit and then it became
downright cold... as we headed into Cahone Pass it was so foggy you
could hardly wee and it was so cold my teeth were chattering...
naturally I was wearing cut offs and a t-shirt... finally got warmer as
we pulled into the Fairplex. Then we started setting up the display and
it got nice and warm... as we pulled the two roadsters from the trailer
it was like ants on honey and remained pretty much that way for the
entire show... I'm sending a picture of us tearing down the display...
the black roadsters are the ones we built to take orders from the
little brown one is the one I drove... We were invited to enter one of
the cars in the Grand National Roadster Show in January and invited to
attend as vendors too... I knew that Boyd had lost his display space
which was two down from us to a covered eating area... I wondered if he
had taken another spot and there was no word on it before hand... When
we set up our space was there, Zipper Motors was there And Brizzio was
next to us. In Boyd's space was a small covered area too small for much
eating... besides it was way away from all the food... Then the true
story emerged... the LA Roadsters had just become tired of his attitude
and set up this silly little tent as a pretense... He thru a fit and
says he'll never be back to the show... I assume somebody will take
that space next year as it was of no real use 'cept for Brizzio's boys
to lounge in...
L.A. Road show pics
So here's to a wonderful reunion... hope everyone has a blast!
-David Rivers ('65)
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/23/05
8 Bombers sent stuff:
Wally Erickson ('53), Larry Mattingly ('60)
Jeff DeMeyer ('62), Roy Ballard ('63)
Gary Behymer ('64), Kathy Hoff ('64)
David Rivers ('65), Tami Lyons ('76)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Peg Sheeran ('63)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Diane Murphy ('65)
6/24-26 - Class of '65
6/25 - R2K+5
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Wally Erickson ('53)
To: Carol Bishop Horne ('57)
Re: Your new motor home
First: Load it up with everything you would need at home... items for
the kitchen, linens, emergency items, camera, and don't forget the
food. Leave everything in your motor home; it's home away from home
(your second home). If you have duplicate items in your home, then you
can use those items to cut back on buying stuff you already have. Oh,
don't forget the lawn chairs for sitting around the fire. You might
want to take some firewood for with you and a bottle of wine... grin.
Second: Clean out your motor home as soon as you get home to have ready
for your next trip. Unload it first thing!!
Third: If you haven't been to the Grand Canyon, Bryce, Canyon Lands,
the Redwoods, or Oregon Coast; you'll never want to go to a "KOA"
RV park again. There are some beautiful State Parks in the Western
States... your choice is unlimited!!
Fourth: It seems you're both retired, so go to your hearts content
during the week days, NOT the weekends. Find a place where you can
stay for a couple of days and explore the area with short hikes. If
you're a biker, get a bike carrier.
Fifth: If your worried about the gas prices... forget it, just enjoy
and have fun!!
After you've been out a couple of times, you'll find out for yourself
what items you wish you had. Like matches, etc... If you have
Grandkids, you might want to get a couple of sleeping bags.
-Wally Erickson ('53) ~ It's just right today temperature (76°) in
Coeur D'Alene area.
>>From: Larry Mattingly ('60)
Re: RV Travel
To: Carol Bishop Horne ('57)
There are several "RV Park Directories" published in the US each year.
There is a Camper World Store in Vegas. They stock at least 3 brands of
the directories. Woodalls is a good one and there are others. Some of
them have both a West and East edition for the US. Some include Canada.
If you are going up the Alcan Highway get the latest edition as things
change from year to year on the Alaska Hiway. In the winter season
probably as many as 75% of the places are closed along the Alcan.
Camper World will also have advice books on what and how to pack. They
also have a good supply of nifty devices that make living in an RV
easier. Just browse and you will see them. Some are handy and some are
Some RV folks are not aware that you can park free overnight in most
Wal*Mart parking lots. There is usually a designated area for this
and some stores will not let you put anything on the ground, such as
tables, chairs, BBQ grills and so on. Also if you are a member of the
Elks, most of the larger Elks clubs will let members park 2-3 nights.
Some charge like $5 per night and some even have electric hook-ups.
If you know where you want to stop for the night look up the RV parks
in the area and call ahead and many of them will reserve a spot for
I had a Pace Arrow 31 I just sold and am shopping for another. If I
watched my water use, 2 people could go 3 full days without hook-ups or
dumping even with both taking a shower a day. So I frequently o/nited
at rest stops and Wal*Marts.
"Happiness is the sky in bloom"
-J Larry Mattingly ('60)
>>From: Jeff DeMeyer ('62)
Re: Lost '62 classmates
We are looking for the following people for the class of 1962
Tom Hempill Keith Crownover Barry Dahl Dennis Large Chuck Lawell
Babette Petty Nelson Don Skidmore Barbara Von Olnhausen Todd Omealy
John Rassmussen Jerry Potterf Carol DeSoto Taylor Linda Hanson Toth
Peggy Lewis Johnson.
If you know where they are, please contact me.
Thank You
-Jeff DeMeyer ('62)
>>From: Roy Ballard (Gold Medal Class of '63)
To: David Rivers ('63)
David, the guys and babes are always here in the great Richland area.
Oh, and by the way, does anyone have a great Halibut recipe out there?
I got a bunch on our last fishing trip... salmon fixings are also
-Roy Ballard (Gold Medal Class of '63)
>>From: Gary Behymer ('64)
Re: Time's 50 "Coolest" Websites
-Gary Behymer ('64)
>>From: Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
WHAT: R2K+5 Dinner
WHEN: Saturday, June 25th
TIME: 6pm
WHERE: Hanford House
COST: $25 per person
E-mail Linda Boehning ('63) or me if you would like to attend.
-Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
>>From: David Rivers ('65)
Re: Happy Birthday to youuuuuu
OK... I already spilled the beans on this one on Mouton's ('65)
birthday... This lovely lady has been with Cathy for a while
celebrating their birthdays and they will be boppin' into Richland
together for the weekend. Can't wait to see them! I have a confession
to make... Waaaaaaaaaay back in Jr. High or early high school, I would
only wear my glasses to watch TV, a movie or to drive. NEVER wore them
otherwise till I went in the Marine Corps and decided stayin' alive
beat vanity all to heck... soooo One day, the birthday girl was riding
with her mom in her mom's car... I was VERY good at recognizing people
from their shape, hair, height, size, etc... However... seeing the top
of somebody's head in the car was a different story... so Birthday girl
and mom come driving by the Richland Lutheran Church and birthday girl
waves... instead of faking it, I tried to see who it was... birthday
girl turned her head in a huff and was still miffed the next time I saw
her... there my awful secret is out... I'm not sure I've ever told that
story... but now it's out for the world... gaaaaaaaaawd stuff like that
was so important as a teen!... I'm not sure how old birthday girl will
be... some of us turn(ed) 59 this year but most turn 58... Warford,
Heidlebaugh, Brunelle, Gross, several others (all '65) and I will be
60 in '06!!!!!!!!!!! too weird... the rest will be 59... but no matter
how old she will be... prolly 22 again... I just wanna scream out a big
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIANE MURPHY ('65) on the 23rd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-David Rivers ('65)
>>From: Tami Lyons Zirians ('76)
Re: Michael Peterson ('77) in Concert
For all of you Michael Peterson fans out there....
Michael will be performing with his band at Moses Lake on July 4th at
the Centennial Amphitheatre in McCosh Park at 8:00 pm.
-Tami Lyons Zirians ('76)
That's it for today. Please send more.
Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/24/05
5 Bombers sent stuff:
Betty Hiser ('49), Mike Brady ('61)
Kathy Hoff ('64), Rick Maddy ('67)
Tami Lyons ('76)
BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)
Isn't it amazing what 50 years will do? In high school you are
mortified to let people know that something was wrong with you. I was
deaf all though high school but only my very best friends knew that I
could not hear. I received a lot of: "God, are you stuck up. I saw you
at ____ and you never even spoke to me." If that's the worse thing that
happen guess I made it all right. Now some of those things are funny
but not when you are a teen.
-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - weather cooled
off but is creeping back up to the high 80s.
>>From: Mike Brady ('61)
Re: Costco Cherries
FYI... Costco has some fantastic Northwest Bings at a reasonable
price. By the way, who was Bing?
-Mike Brady ('61)
>>From: Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
WHAT: R2K+5 Dinner
WHEN: Saturday, June 25th
TIME: 6pm
WHERE: Hanford House
COST: $25 per person
E-mail Linda Boehning ('63) or me if you would like to attend.
-Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64)
>>From: Rick Maddy ('67)
To: Carol Bishop Horne ('57)
Hi Carol,
I've only made one trip in a motor home, so take what I say here with a
grain of salt. I went from Seattle to Weyburn, Sask., Canada, then down
into Minnesota and back to Seattle in 2001. A three week trip. The only
rule for us boys was if you need to use the bathroom while we were
traveling, sit down. Wal*Mart is good. The truck stop in Fargo, ND was
okay except for the refrigerated trucks.
Depending on the size of your motor home, some parks will be a
challenge. Highway one (1) north of San Francisco, Cades Cove in the
Smokey National Park, cutting across 395 to 5 through Yosemite and many
national back roads, particularly with bridges could cause you some
problems. In other words, you might want to study a trip before making
that left turn on Lick Skillet Road in middle Kentucky.
KOA Kampgrounds, and I've stayed in many in a tent or Kabin (bring a
queen sheet), are okay. They are becoming more expensive, as is
everything, depending on where you are. For example, out in the middle
of AZ, ND, western OK, etc. they are reasonably inexpensive… and quite
a bit more expensive near Plymouth Rock, Mass. Nevertheless, they are
becoming more abundant, accommodate motor homes very nicely at near
tent site prices, are generally safe, have hook-ups, showers, swimming
pools, little stores and I have always met very nice folks staying in
One item about motor homes: last week while in the Smokey Mountains
NP in eastern TN, campsite B117, or whatever it was, trying to put
together this smore, some guy over in B112, or whatever it was, has
his motor home generator running for about an hour, totally messing
with my late evening listening of squirrel and chipmunk frolicking...
and bird songs. Very rude. Which brings up another point; taking a
gun in your motor home into Canada. You might want to check into that
before doing so.
Enjoy... and FUN is the only requirement!!
In southern Ohio, in a dry county, on Brush Creek, seven miles from
the Ohio River, visiting an old friend where cell phones don't work,
sleeping next to a Blue Tick Hound, headed for a KOA tent site in
Middleboro, MA (Plymouth Rock),
-Rick Maddy ('67)
>>From: Tami Lyons Zirians ('76)
To: Roy Ballard ('63)
Re: Halibut recipes...
I just saw a wonderful recipe for Halibut on the food network's
"Boy Meets Grill"... (One of Bobby Flay's cooking shows... my favorite)
He was cooking the halibut wrapped in banana leaves on the grill...
Here's the link...
Yucatan Marinated Halibut Grilled in Banana Leaves with Orange-Pineapple Relish
And while we are on the subject of fish... does anybody have a sure-
fire suggestion for preventing salmon from sticking the grill while
it's cooking... ?
-Tami Lyons Zirians ('76)
That's it for today. Please send more.
That's it for today. Please send more.
That's it for today. Please send more.
That's it for today. Please send more.
That's it for today. Please send more.
That's it for today. Please send more.
That's it for today. Please send more.
That's it for the month. Please send more.
May, 2005