Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/16/05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 Bombers sent stuff and 1 Bomber funeral notice today: Wally Erickson ('53), Laura Dean Kirby ('55) Tom Hughes ('56), Jim Hamilton ('63) Kathy Hoff ('64), David Rivers ('65) Mike Howell ('68WB), Lori Simpson ('70) Mike Davis ('74), Karen Whitney ('76) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Marcia Miller ('62) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Sharon Lovinger ('62) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Jan Bell ('64) BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar Click the event you want to know more about. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Wally Erickson ('53) To: Patty Lauby Romero ('69) Re: Spokane area Nine Mile Falls; there is a lot of growth out there, with new homes and existing homes. That is north of Spokane near the Spokane River. I also like South Hill, if you're interested in some nice older homes. There is a lot of new construction going on off of Hi-way 195 (going to Pullman). That area is growing very fast. The Spokane Valley could be of interest to you, near the Spokane River (coming from Lake Coeur D'Alene). We have six daughters, they all live in the Spokane area. That's one of the reasons we moved to the Coeur D'Alene area from Bellevue. We're close, but not in their back yards. If you wanted to get more of a feel of the area, you might want to look at the Coeur D'Alene area. It's a beautiful area with lots of water, mountains and evergreen trees. This area is growing in leaps and bounds, but it's still small compared to Spokane area. If you have any further questions about the area, you can email me. I'd be more than happy to help you. I'm not a Realtor!! I do know the area quite well. To: Millie Finch Gregg ('54) Re: Great-Grandkids I just couldn't pass this one up! When someone asks me about my Great- Grandkids (7); I respond with, "you mean my daughters' Grandkids??" I love them, but I'm having fun enjoying my Grandkids now, with biking, camping and attending their sports activities. I think I better stop here....grin. -Wally Erickson ('53) ~ South of beautiful Coeur D'Alene area with blue skies and puffy clouds. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Laura Dean Kirby Armstrong ('55) To: '55 in '05 ~ 50 years To all graduates of the Richland High School class of 1955: ATTENTION Our fiftieth reunion will be held in conjunction with the Club Forty Reunion on September 9, 10 and 11, 2005. The reunion committee has been working for several months to collect valid names and addresses. If you have not registered, please do so as soon as possible. When you return your form, be sure to include a few paragraphs for the memory book. It is not necessary to attend the reunion in order to be in the book. We would like to hear from you anyway. Final date for acceptance by publisher is August 8, 2005. Luckily for us, the committee has secured a great motivational and comedic speaker to act as our M.C. We are proud to have our own Tom Tracy host our program and bring us lots of memories of our years at school. Remember, this is your special party and we want everyone to have fun. Don't forget to send in your registration form, payment and memory book information so it will be ready for you at the event. Address it to Sharon Templeman Watts, [snail mail address deleted for Sharon's privacy] or Billie Lawell Neth at [snail mail address delete for Billie's privacy]. Other 1955 class only events will include a memorial to those who have passed away, some special music and other things we are working on to entertain you. These events will take place at the new Senior Center Community building, Riverview Room from 1pm to 4pm on Saturday the 10th. Pictures follow immediately. Dress is casual and you will have time to change for the dinner at the Shilo that evening if you desire. Here is a list of those graduates for whom we have been unable to find a current addresses. If you can furnish us with this information, please let us know. Abbot, Ron; Barge, Janice Johns; Baudendistol, Emma Jean; Benoit, Rita Marie; Black, Dewy; Boyd, Barbara; Boyd, Doris; Bradley, Bruce; Bristol, Donna; Carver, Nancy Dawald; Clark, Dean Albert; Conner, Kathy; Cooley, Sharon Alexander; Copeland, John; Crosley, Catherine; Cummings, Judy; Demmons, Arlene Rae; Desautel, Vic; Ford, Richard; Foster, Jack; Gillis, Kenneth; Glover, Arlene; Goodboe, David; Gordon, David; Guyman, Dick; Hackett, Helen Senatore; Halstead, Dorothy; Heldt, Gretchen; Helgeson, Duane; Henderson, Elbert W.; Hoover, Emma; Horning, Donald S.; Hughes, Carol; Hussleton, Mary; Hutchenson, Judith A.; Kelley, Barbara; Kern, Jimmy Lee; Laughlin, Terry; Linville, Stanley; Long, Dave; Mack,Peggy; Maulsby, Jerry; McAdams, Lauren; McCall, Carol; McDaniel, Ruth; McDonald, James; Melhern, Leona; Melton, Caren "C.L."; Miller, Karen Noonchester; Morris, Jack; Mullen, Joann; Phelps, Cedric; Ragsdale, Ross; Rains, Robert; Robbins, Douglas; Rodriguez, Cristella; Ruger, Phyllis; Seitz, John; Smith, Rosa Mae; Sprenson, Paul; Stellmon, Sharon; Straub, Rose Marie Burton; Strong, Dennis; Timmerman, Wm. Henery; Tiwater, Florence Mae; Vosse, Pat; Whitehouse, Virginia West; Williams, Ernest Robert. -Laura Dean Kirby Armsrong ('55) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Tom Hughes ('56) To: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68) Congratulations on your graduation and good luck on your exams. A good friend of mine named Margie Hamilton was the very first Psychiatric Nurse Practioner in the state of Washington. She worked at Virginia Mason Hospital for a few years and then opened her own practice on Mercer Island. She retired 8 years ago and now raises champion Chihuahuas. I know that you will be successful in a very interesting and very necessary field. -Tom Hughes ('56) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Jim Hamilton (Gold Medal Class of '63) Re: joie de vivre The Lovely Miss Nancy ('65) and I are sittin' here trying to figure out the odds that the people who make such decisions, would designate June 16th, "International Joie de Vivre Day". That would make it the exact, very same day as their poster child, Jan Bell's ('64) birthday. Jan, wherever you might be, enjoy your birthday like you do every day, and continue to "Dance like no one's watching" -jimbeaux -Jim Hamilton (Gold Medal Class of '63) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64) R2K+5 Dinner Sat. June 25th 6 P.M. Hanford House Cost: $25 per person Please e-mail Linda Boehning or Kathy Hoff Conrad if you would like to attend. -Kathy Hoff Conrad ('64) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: David Rivers ('65) Re: Nuther one so soon June 16 OK... get your cheers and songs (did the song leaders really lead songs????????????????) ready... it's time for another special birthday and so soon! This lady was so cool and so fun in school... smile for everyone... what a sweet person... I never heard a harsh word outa her mouth... korse I was never around during those times people tend to use harsh words... Oh I'm not talkin' 'bout guy talk... them's not harsh words we just didn't know how to show 'fection for one another back then so we made like we were rough and tough (not to be confused with tuff which the birthday girl certainly was!)! So this is one of those fun special moments when we can all tell the birthday girl how much we love her and think of her even if we don't c'munikate much... Everyone please join in a hardy HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jan Bell ('64)!!!!!!! -David Rivers ('65) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Mike Howell ('68WB) Hi Bombers; Early Friday morning my wife and I will leave here on our way to Denver Colorado to meet with 3 guys I was in the service in Vietnam with. It is going to be a long trip for two of us in my pickup and we are going to be taking our time and staying with family and friends along the way. I would like it if those of you who know Him would kinda say a good word for us and our travels and that the meeting of us old wind blowers goes ok. They want to make this a yearly thing and meet somewhere different each year. I don't think I have that in me but I do want to see them after 37 years. Thank You in advance for all the good thoughts. -Mike Howell ('68WB) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Lori Simpson Hogan ('70) Re: Lynn Hatcher Peashka ('68) prayer request Lynn, I forwarded your request to the RLC prayer chain. As you know this is a large congregation and we will do our best to pray for your success at test time. Take Care.. -Lori Simpson Hogan ('70) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Mike Davis ('74) To: Mike Franco (70) Mike, I appreciate the suggestion on air travel to Missouri, but I'm going to an area where planes are only a "futuristic thingie." Now, had you suggested hoppin' on an old John Deere - now ya talkin!' My relatives from Missouri and Arkansas understand that kinda transportation. I'm hopin' that I'll be shootin' for some food, and up through the ground will come a bubblin' crude! See ya, -Mike Davis ('74) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Karen Whitney Davis ('76) Funeral notice for my brother Russell J. Whitney ('80) died on Saturday, June 11, 2005. Russell was a kind and loving man, a talented artist, a dedicated friend and fighter to the end. He died at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane surrounded by his brothers Gerry ('72), Ed ('78), and his only sister Karen Whitney Davis ('76), and her husband Gary Daivs ('77). He had an auto-immune disease that deteriorated 90% his heart. On May 10, 2005 he had a DeBakey heart device implanted with faith that he would heal, and in time, receive a new heart from a donor. He loved his children more than words can say. Marie and Brandon Whitney. His daughter Marie Whitney ('02), joined the Army Reserve and has just recently returned from duty in Iraq. Funeral service: Saturday, June 18th, 2005 11am Einan's Funeral Home. -Karen Whitney Davis ('76) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* ******************************************************* Funeral Notice from Karen Whitney Davis ('76) >>Russell James Whitney ('80) ~ 1/17/62 - 6/11/05 Funeral Notices scanned from the TCHerald by Shirley Collings Haskins ('66) >>Virgil Personette ~ Retired Band Instructor ~ 5/7/20 - 6/9/05 >>Keith Harris ('67WB) ~ 10/20/47 - 6/8/05 ******************************************************* ******************************************************* That's it for today. Please send more. *******************************************************