Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/15/05
10 Bombers sent stuff: 
Millie Finch ('54), Sharon Panther ('57)
Missy Keeney ('59), Derrith Persons ('60WB)
David Rivers ('65), Lynn-Marie Hatcher ('68)
Patty Lauby ('69), Mike Franco ('70)
Mary Anne Lauby ('73), James Walters ('80)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Nadine Smith ('60)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Cathy Mouton ('65)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Debbie Lien ('69)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Eileen O'Neil ('73)

BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
    Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Millie Finch Gregg ('54)


To: Jim McKeown ('53)

Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary. My husband and I
had our 50th January 10, this year. (Our children are giving us a
party in July so that should be special)! Now days you don't see
too many married couples who have only been married once to the
same person.

It takes effort and mutual understanding and lots and lots of
patience but boy it is certainly worth it all.

I hope you have a wonderful live and enjoy it to the fullest.

-Millie Finch Gregg ('54)
       I see where Carol Massey noted her and Morris had 4 great
       grandchildren - well I have 1... and 5 grandchildren and 
       3 children. How about you??
>>From: Sharon Panther Taff ('57)

I'm sorry I will miss all the fun of Club 40. However, our family
will be having fun of a different sort - our mother, Mona Panther,
(also the mother of five Bomber graduates - Don Panther ('62), 
Pam Panther ('65), Steve Panther ('67), Mark Panther ('73) and 
myself ('57) will be celebrating her 90th birthday that weekend at 
an open house at the Hampton Inn. Mother is in fantastic health, 
still lives at the family home in Richland and stays young 
caring for her huge yard. My grandkids are excited to be able 
to participate in the Cool Desert Nights activities they have 
heard  so much about. It will be great to have all the family 
together for such a happy time.

-Sharon Panther Taff ('57)
>>From: Missy Keeney ('59)

To: Gus Keeney ('57)

OOOPS! I forgot my brother's birthday on Flag Day! Belated Happy
Birthday, Bro and NAAH, NAAH, NAAH, NAAH, NAAH! You will always be
odder (oops, yeah, that too) and older than I!

-Missy Keeney ('59)
>>From: Derrith Persons Dean ('60WB)

Re: '60 in '05 Next Planning Meeting

WHEN: Wednesday June 22nd,
TIME: at 5 pm we get together and enjoy dinner
TIME: at 6:30 pm the meeting starts 
WHERE: JD Diner, 3790 Van Giesen, West Richland, WA
Please share this with other classmates so they can come and have 
fun too! Thanks and we hope to see you there!!!

-Derrith Persons Dean ('60WB)
>>From: David Rivers ('65)

Re: Zis Boom Bah

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh... you guessed it... one a them there cheerleader
types is having a birthday on the 15th. Actually, she and her good
buddy Diane Murphy ('65) and she celebrate together every year even
tho Diane's birthday isn't till the 23rd... so maybe they celebrate
the whole time from the 15th thru the 23d! The girl having her's
on the 15th is ona those girls you couldn't miss in school... she
was everywhere... here there you name it... she would be there...
always right up in front so she wouldn't miss anything. Haven't
seen her in five years... last time I saw her... she and Keeney
('65) were causing a bit of a ruckus in Ellen ('63) and Myra ('67)
Weihermillers' room at the DI... well, I did see her the next day
too in the park... but the night with Keeney was special... can
you imagine trying to keep up with those two for very long? So it
looks like when the birthday girl and Murphy roll into town for the
big doin's, we'll get to celebrate a bit with them!


-David Rivers ('65)
>>From: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)

Re: Request for Bomber Support

Hi, all –

Well, for a few years now you have been listening to me carry on
about graduate school. I made it through, graduating May 6th. Now
the rubber REALLY hits the road. 

On Monday, June 20th, 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., I will be sitting 
for my National Board Exam as certification as a Psychiatric Nurse
Practitioner with full prescriptive authority.

This is a calling and a dream – and so much of what I have been led
to see as being the future path is contingent upon me passing these
boards. The pass rate for first try is only 38% -- they are tough!

So I am openly soliciting prayers from those many Bombers who pray
– and good thoughts, encouragement, everything else positive from
the rest of the Bombers reading this.

Thank you – and I will let you know how it goes!

-Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68) ~ Spokane
    PS – For those of you belonging to prayer chains, or with 
     prayer chains available through your church, etc., feel more 
     than free to put me on the list for prayers there, too. Prayer 
     is a powerful, powerful thing. Thanks again!
>>From: Patty Lauby Romero ('69) 

Greetings from windy Wyoming!

It was recommended to me by my brother-in-law, Jim Yount ('61),
to contact my fellow Bombers about life in the Spokane area. After 
having lived in SW Wyoming for 24 years and with retirement just 
around the corner, we would like to return to the great state of 
Washington. As much as I like the Seattle area, it's too big and
too wet for our taste (even though our kids live there). We have
our eye on the Spokane area, but would like to know first hand what
people think of the area. We are drawn to the area because it meets
several of our major 'wants': university, airport, 4 seasons (if
you've ever lived in WY, you'd appreciate that one) and excellent
medical facilities.

We will be headed for Spokane some time this summer to check it out
for ourselves. I know the real estate folks will only tell you the
pros and not the cons of the area. From what we've seen on the
internet so far, we like the Nine Mile Falls area. However, we've
noticed there are a number of homes for sale all within a few miles
of each other and have wondered what is going on in that area
(again, I doubt the realtor will tell us). If you currently live 
in the Spokane area, or have recently lived there, we'd appreciate
your input on the pros and cons of the area.

We look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your time.

-Patty Lauby Romero ('69)
>>From: Mike Franco ('70)

To: Mike Davis ('74)

Re: Saving time on way to Mizzou
Mike, have you considered air travel??? It's a fairly new 
development... just call Finley International Airport.

-Mike Franco ('70)
>>From: Mary Anne Lauby ('73)

Re: Moving to Spokane

My sister Patty Lauby Romero ('69) and her husband Larry are
interested in retiring (from Green River, Wyoming) to the Spokane
area, particularly around Nine Mile Falls. They will be in Spokane
this weekend (June 18 & 19) looking at homes/property to buy.

Are there fellow Bombers who would be willing to share both their
recent/current positive and negative experiences and impressions of
Spokane with her? Anyone know of a good realtor? Anything to look
out for in the Nine Mile Falls area? Any other districts you might
recommend instead? I will be happy to forward on any emails you
submit either via the Sandstorm or sent directly to me. Please
include your phone number. Thank you so much!

-Mary Anne Lauby ('73)
>>From: James Walters ('80)

Re: Class of 80 25th Reunion

The reunion will be informal and will be at Jackson's Sports Bar 
in Richland. If you need directions let me know via the email link
below and I'll be happy give them to you.

Who: Class of 80 Bomber Alumni
When: Saturday, August 6, 2005. 7PM-2AM. (Weekend after boat race weekend)
Location: Jackson's Sports Bar in Richland (Lee & GeoWashWay)

I realize this is a little short notice. Nobody was planning for
our 25th reunion so I reserved a section of the bar and made the
announcement. Seeing as it's the quarter of a century mark I didn't
want to let it go without some kind of event to mark it's passing :)

Any question can be directed to me at, 
and information is on the official bomber class of 80 page at


-James Walters ('80)
That's it for today. Please send more.