Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/07/05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 Bombers sent stuff: Betty Hiser ('49), Ralph Myrick ('51) Gloria Adams ('54), John Richardson ('58) Patti Mathis ('60), John Browne, Jr. ('61) Donni Clark ('63), Linda Reining ('64) Pam Ehinger ('67), Dan Morgan ('83) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Marguerite Groff ('54) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Laurie Hutton ('72) BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar Click the event you want to know more about. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* NOTICE: Check out what Bombers are up to (2005 Baseball championship, etc., etc.) check out: ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49) Jim Jensen ('50): Aren't crawfish and crawdads the same? [YES! They are the same... also knows as MudBugs. -Maren] I was never a lover of seafood of any kind. My doctor told me that was why my thyroid went out of kilter because I did not get enough iodine from fish (the Midwest has more thyroid problems then the remainder of the US of A). I was so shocked to find out that Seattle and surrounding areas have lots of thyroid problems - with all the fish, etc., they have in that area I would think their thyroids would be OK. I always thought iodine was POISON. (Remember the skull and cross bones?) When I had all my teeth pulled at age 4 they fed me iodine. I always wondered why I wasn't dead. My mother loved geraniums and I could not stand the smell. I made her go with me when I bought them for her. When my thyroid went haywire I had to have two iodine treatments to get my thyroid to decrease in size. That terrible taste, to me, was the same as the smell of geraniums. I remember a song my dad used to sing about crawdads and fishing poles. Anyone remember it? Mrs. Requa - A nurse always told me that only the good die young. I think they both deserved each other. I'm not sure that I would want to know what they discussed!!! I used to get whacked across the fingers with the steel blade of a ruler when I was in grade school for not paying attention (wonder if that's why my arthritis in my hands hurts so bad?). It wasn't that I wasn't paying attention - I could not hear the teacher. Linda Reining '64 - thanks for saying get help - it not a sign of weakness. Your body tells you a lot of things - most of the time we just ignore the body because you have had this problem for so long that it is "just a way of life." You do not know any different. That's why it is important to listen to your family and best friends. They can see things that you can't. -Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland. Cool today - showers predicted. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Ralph Myrick ('51) Jim Gilson ('51) wants two teachers. Someone may be interested. *************** To: QSI School Directors and Friends of QSI From: Jim Gilson QSI needs to hire a married teaching couple for El Tigre, Venezuela for 2005-06. One is to teach computer classes and some other classes as needed and the other is to teach secondary English & Social Studies. If any of you would happen to know of a couple interested and available for these openings, please let me know. Also have any interested visit the QSI website at and submit on line applications. Many thanks. Jim Gilson *************** -Ralph Myrick ('51) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Gloria Adams Fulcher ('54) To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49) It was sure good to see you again. We worked together a lot of years at Sea First, didn't we! I had never put together that you were the "Betty Gulley" I worked with and the one who writes to the Sandstorm. Glad to make the connection now. You really do look good, Betty. I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. You were always a hard worker and excellent problem solver at the Bank. No one would ever suspect you had so many hard times. It's to your credit you've done so well. Where do your children live? Hopefully some are near by to help you from time to time. -Gloria Adams Fulcher ('54) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: John Richardson ('58) Maren, you may want to let the Bombers know about this. [This was a "forward" that John passed along. -Maren] ******* Hey just a quick reminder..... In a few weeks, cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sale calls. You will be charged for these calls. Call this number from your cell phone 888-382-1222 or It is the national DO NOT CALL list. It only takes a minute of your time. It blocks your number for 5 years. Pass this on to everyone you know who doesn't want to be hassled. ******* -John Richardson ('58) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60) To Jim Jensen ('50) Jim, did I read your last missive correctly? Did you actually call Maren big and easy? lol lol. -Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [OK STOP LAUGHING... To all you people who KNOW me: You all know that Patti does NOT know me, or she never would have sent that entry to the Sandstorm!! I SAID STOP LAUGHING!!! Patti, that's SO TRUE even though that's not what Jim said. AND... I'm a good sport, too. -Maren] ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: John Browne, Jr. ('61) Re: Fish- out of water For all the crawdads I hunted (for bait) in the Yakima R riffles, it wasn't until 1980 that I tried 'em, myself... what a treat! I was "visiting" an old friend in Astoria (car gave up on my way N) and spent a couple weeks in a boathouse upriver from town while some engine rebuilding took place. One evening during the new moon cycle my friend asked if I'd like to walk down the beach to the store with him. He took along a 5 gallon bucket, without an explanation. We had just gotten to the very rocky beach when he stopped, picked up a large crawdad, and put it in the bucket. "I thought these would make a great addition to a fish stew", he told me. We picked up about a gallon- maybe a little more- on our trip to town. With the groceries in hand we walked the road and the rr right of way back to the boathouse (the beach was kinda slippery, and it was getting dark- mid-January). Some of the females had roe sacks under their shells... more yummy stuff! He told me that, just a few years earlier, some local fishermen had set trap lines for crawdads in the small coastal lakes, and picked along the river- and were exporting their catch to Norway for a pretty good price. It was a welcome income stream for the trappers, too, who made most of their money trolling for salmon. (Winter is always a little sketchy for the small time fishermen...) I agree with Bill Berlin's ('56) assessment of the value of water- clean fresh water- in a world where there's more demand and a finite (if recyclable) supply of "the easy stuff"... I'll never forget the moment in the 1970s when my family and I drove to Benton City to see one of the places I remembered from my childhood. I almost had a heart attack when I got a glimpse of the Yakima R from the highway, east of Prosser. A place I used to fish at looked like it could have been forded with rubber overshoes. Recent events in S. America, where privatized water systems were proposed (and disputed by the general public) are just the tip of the iceberg (to use a watery metaphor). Anyone who's following the drought in the SW (and the 'mining' of the aquifers there, to compensate) and the light snowpacks in our own region has reasons to ponder the future- and examine the regulations and policies that guide water use. There's a really fascinating look at the history of power development on the Columbia River system in the Spring issue of "Columbia" (the quarterly publication of the Washington State Historical society). It focuses mostly on events right after WWII, with some wonderful old ads and other propaganda from the contest between those who wanted a "CVA" (modelled on the TVA- Tennessee Valley Authority) and private power (and other comm'l) advocates. It includes some background on the BPA, and the questions that are still being discussed now about Snake river dams, fish run survival, irrigation, etc. I had no idea that these issues had roots so deep! Shoulda known... ^..^ -John Browne, Jr. ('61) - Vashon Island, WA ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Donni Clark Dunphy ('63) Howdy, y'all out yonder in Bomberland. I just got back from our trip and got a little taste of Texas where I was told I couldn't come home till I could say all those words as well as "taters". We went to the Eastern part of Texas which was a real surprise to me. I always pictured Texas as dry and dusty but where we were was very beautiful, green and woodsy. We were lucky, I hear tell, as we hit a cool week with cloud cover and some showers. We flew into Dallas and saw the 6th floor museum where Kennedy was shot from and the Dallas Arboretum. On our way to Clarksville we found the Audie Murphy Museum. Those of you in my class will remember him as not only being a well-known movie star at the time but also the most decorated soldier of WW II. On to Clarksville where I have to tell you I did something I never have done before. The last day we were there on our fishing spree in the beautiful morning hours, I stood up to make a cast, (I was tired of sitting and getting nothing) and you guessed it........ I fell in! Now my husband just told me on the way over to the lake that morning that there were snapping turtles and water moccasins in the water. Boy, did I panic. I grabbed hold of the boat when I came up and proceeded to capsize my husband who got the fishing lines all tangled around his feet and the lures stuck in his back and leg. Well, we made it to shore and are safely back and so glad that I didn't get bit by a snake! Part of our stay was in Jefferson when we enjoyed a taste of the Bayou, Cypress Trees, Ghost Stories (oooooooooooooooooooooo, Spooky!) the General Store, Texas Pralines, Bed and Breakfasts etc. Jefferson, we found out is one of the most haunted towns in Texas. On the way home we held up everyone at the airport. First my husband's badge set of the alarm and they were searching him and then they wanted to know if we had a pistol in his luggage. Oh my goodness, I forgot and stuck a little Pirate Pistol in my husband's luggage for our grandson. Now we are on the wanted list in Texas, reports filed and all! Loved Texas, Y'all. -Donni Clark Dunphy ('63) ~ '63 back in California - where my strawberries are thick and my peach tree is weighted down with all the peaches that will be ripe in July. It is still cool here, the June gloom is upon us. But that is OK, I like it cool! ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Linda Reining ('64) To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49) Re: children with defects Boy, can I relate to your article. My granddaughter is a "special child" and has been teased and called more names than I can count... just breaks my heart that kids are so damn cruel! She was born with "spina bifida occulta"... affects her "fine and gross motor skills"... she also has dyslexia and dysgraphia, so reading, spelling, writing/printing and math are very hard for her... but, she is doing great and has accomplished a lot... she is 11 and in private school... kids and teachers in public school were just too damn cruel! Was absolutely amazed at the way her teachers treated her... they did nothing to stop the taunting or the name calling... said she needed to get "tougher-skinned" and not let the name calling bother her so much! She even had one teacher who did not want her in her classroom... said it was too hard to teach her and be able to help the other students in the classroom!!!!!!!! Don't need to tell you what I thought of that woman! Had a few choice names for her, although I wasn't allowed to say them to her!!!!!!! She has few friends... they tend to stay away, cause she is different. She cannot ride a bike, and just last year, learned to skip and jump with both feet together. Breaks this grandma's heart to see her struggle, but she is the sweetest and friendliest kid... doesn't know a stranger and will do anything for anyone. Figure someday others will know her like we do and find out just how "special" she really is. Also have a grandson who was born with a "fused lip"... his top lip was attached to the bottom of his nose... had a great plastic surgeon who did surgery when he was 6 months old... you can't even see the scar. -Linda Reining ('64) ~ Bakersfield, CA - temps are staying down in the 80s... supposed to stay this way all week. yippee! ;) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Pam Ehinger (The Blue Ribbon Class of '67) Well with all this talk about depression I guess it time to add my two cents for what ever it's worth. Some of you are saying that your doctor never even noticed... did anyone ever tell the doctor how you feeling? If you don't tell the doctor he'll never know. Not because he's not observant but because he's not a mind reader. You need to tell him or her how you're feeling and what's going on in your head for them to know. I've been a doctor's office nurse off and on since '87. I'm one of the lucky nurses as I've got a pretty good eye in reading people. I've been able to pick up on some of the things a doctor may not see. But - and I know it's no excuse - but the doctors are very busy and have lots of patients to see and can miss the look in a patient's eyes and face, so a good nurse will pick up on this and inform the doctor what she may see or feel from the patient. Yes, I'm on the all mighty anti depressant, but mine is due to the fact that I'm diabetic. Diabetes can cause some imbalance in certain hormones which cause them to go on these meds. I'm one of them. It's nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of. Just remember that you must tell your doctor what you're feeling or he won't know. Make a list with questions and symptoms of what you're feeling and tell him/her. That is the only way they will know what is going on with you. One of the best things is to bring a family member who is concerned about you with you to your appointment as they can tell the doctor what they see going on. So, my friend, be up front with your doctor and they will help you understand what is going on in your life as they are not mind readers. With that I'm off my soap box! May God Bless and Keep you all safe! Bombers Rule. -Pam Ehinger (The Blue Ribbon Class of '67) PS Steve Shockley contact me, I've misplaces your email address. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Dan Morgan ('83) Re: Searching for Friends and Teachers for a July Picnic Hi! Various RHS friends from '80 to '89 are looking for the following graduates and teachers to invite to a small picnic we are having this Summer in July. This is our third picnic! Thank you for helping us to find so many last year! This year we are looking for Cathy Walton (Teacher: Drama; English) And we're looking for the following graduates: Adams, Heather - ('84) Albertson, Jeff - ('85) Amir, Huma - ('85) Amir, Sonu - ('83) Buchanan, Laura - ('87) Darcy, Francine - ('87) aka Francine D'Arcy Darcy, John - ('85) Flowers, Jeff - ('82?) Spencer, Jeff - ('83) Stiles, Laura - ('85) Sublett, Andre - ('83) Tenney, Natalie - ('83) Winters, Laura Sue - ('83) Yarborough, Steve - ('85) Thanks in advance if you can help us to reach them! And for those who are too far away to attend, we have been able to help a lot of friends from RHS days to get back in touch. The original idea for our picnics was from Melanie Orgill Meinhardt ('83). Catch you later! -Dan Morgan ('83) [snail mail address removed for privacy] ******************************************************* ******************************************************* That's it for today. Please send more. *******************************************************