Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/03/05
       It was the 3rd of June, another sleepy, dusty, delta day...
10 Bombers sent stuff: 
Anna May Wann ('49), Jim Jensen ('50)
Barb Isakson ('58), Joretta "Sue" Garrison ('58)
Tom Verellen ('60), Dave Hanthorn ('63)
Gary Behymer ('64), Jeff Michael ('65)
Mike Howell ('68WB), Rick Valentine ('68)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Mick Mikulecky ('53) 
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Susan Vandenberg ('65)

BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
    Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Ann Thompson, aka Anna May Wann ('49)

Dear fellow alumni,

This Saturday we are going to prepare the next edition of the 
DustStorm to go out in the mail.

First I wish to thank so many of you for giving me credit for being 
a "mind reader", but really I'm not. When you send in your dues or
registration for the reunion, please send in the whole form, please
put your class year on the form. Gals, please put your maiden name on
the form. If your mate is a grad of Richland High (or Columbia High
as we knew it) be sure and enter their year of graduation also. We
only want to send one DustStorm to a household. We have over 4,000
names in the database now and I really don't know all of you. A
little information from you goes a long way. I appreciate your dues
check but it is hard to tell where to put the credit if I don't know
where you are among that 4,000. I still don't have class of '61 or 
'63 in here yet and if anyone from your class has the latest mailing 
list I sure would love to enter them. Remember all grads through the 
year 1965 are now eligible to belong to Club 40. (If married only one 
of you has to qualify - the other one can tag along for the fun)

If you have any questions about Club 40 contact Bob Carlson, aka Mike
Clowes ('54), Judy Willox ('61) or myself and we will gladly answer 
your questions and send you an application to join. Or if you would 
rather talk to your class rep, contact us and we will put you in 
touch with them.

Couldn't golf today because the rain is back. – darn!!!

Going to play Mah Jong all day tomorrow and most likely lose another
62 cents for 8 hours of play. We play really high stakes as you can
tell. But such fun!!

Happy Birthday to Rick Reed – another 49'er

-Ann Thompson, aka Anna May Wann ('49)
>>From: Jim Jensen ('50)

Re: Prozac

To: Mike Brady ('61) and Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)

I found your 6/2/05 Sandstorm postings regarding prozac, et al,
interesting and informative. Clearly I am not a psychiatric
practitioner colleague of Peashka's. Her comments were made in
defense of the appropriate use of anti depressants and the application
of all vital forms of medication and therapy. I agree with her. My
initial comments were made to illustrate an issue in my life which
coincided with observations made by Rick Maddy ('67).

The genesis for my perspective was the unhappy experience with my
prozac-doctor, a general practitioner. I was dispatched from his
office after our usual 3-5 minute session with a prescription in hand.
He was our family doctor of about one year's standing. He did not
then, nor had he ever, discussed my general disposition. His Jensen
folder contained only the findings of a one-year-old physical
examination and dated blood test results. He, like many general
practitioners, essentially functioned as a "triage" entity. He
contributed to the impression that we in this country are a
chemically saturated society. Give 'em pills and send 'em out the
door... forget about the cause of pain - mask it with drugs and 
worry about a resolution later... if a child fails to fall route step 
into a particular teacher's routine - declare that the child has 
a behavioral problem that can only be ameliorated with drugs... 
medicine "X" is a panacea for every ailment known to humankind - one
size fits all... the beat goes on. Obviously my examples are extreme,
but they occur often enough to warrant my concern. I do not recommend
that every Bomber reading this posting (if any) flush their meds down
the toilet. I do suggest that we carefully evaluate our individual

I'm fortunate. Our present family doctor is a certified internist, a
Board member and a caring individual who asks many questions during
each visit. He follows up on prescribed treatment and therapy. He
asks my wife and I how we feel about a problem or condition... what 
we think about our physiological reaction to a recommended remedy. He 
is deeply involved in diet and nutrition.

I agree with Peashka on the concept of "whole medicine." Professional
guidance should be sought. I also believe in one step beyond. The
human body, under the right circumstances, is capable of miraculous
cures and self-healing. Some resolutions are faith-based. This
doesn't work for everyone. Modern medical practice, though having
remarkable tools for diagnosis and treatment, still doesn't have 
all of the answers. Consider the matter of "endorphins." These 
are peptides produced in the pituitary gland which have analgesic
properties which may be conveyed to receptors in the brain.
Endorphins have a positive effect on the brain and further, upon 
any number of problems in the human body. No one knows the why,
wherefore, how many... zilch. But when they work - they work. No one
knows how many other measures might be taken by our marvelous, human,
bodies to combat disease and illness. Like nearly everything else -
it's an individual thing.

Good health to all Bombers!!!

-Jim Jensen ('50) ~ In Katy, Texas where we are wilting and melting 
           under a punishing sun and soul-warping humidity.
>>From: Barb Isakson Rau ('58)

Class of '58 Luncheon
WHEN: June 5, 2005 on Sunday
WHERE: O'Callahan's in Shilo Inn, Richland
TIME:  1:00

No reservation required
Last Month we had Sandra Brinkman Allen, Judy Crose Snowhite, 
Fred Klute, Dennis Barr, Jerry Whitten, Larry Levitt and myself.

Come to see if you're the mystery guest or who you may see from 
out of town.

-Barb Isakson Rau ('58)
>>From: Joretta "Sue" Garrison Pritchett ('58)

Re: death to report

There was an obit in paper for Bob Ellis. He was 41, and was a
Bomber. He was a great guy. I worked with him at Hanford before 
he and his wife, Christel, moved to Seattle area.

-Joretta "Sue" Garrison Pritchett ('58)
[Bob is listed on the Funeral Notices website:                     -Maren]
>>From: Tom Verellen ('60)

To: Mike Brady ('61) and Lynn-Marie Hatcher ('68)
Exactly! Thank you for speaking my mind.  

-Tom Verellen ('60)
>>From: Dave Hanthorn (Gold Medal Class of '63)

Re: Da Bomb
What, no pictures of da bomb in the annual? I could hardly believe
it! So I dug mine out ('61, '62, and '63) and started paging through.
Sure enough, nothing in the '61 Columbian, how could this be? Then
'62, turning page after page, but nothing. I was really getting
bummed, but then, finally, clear back on page 120, there it was in
all its glory, da BOMB!! It was GREEN, with a wide GOLD stripe around
the middle, and GOLD fins at the bottom. (Just like you remembered
it, right?) Then I turned to the '63 Columbian, and right there on
page 5 was a drawing of the bomb, confirming (sort of) that the color
scheme remained the same for the Gold Medal Class. Paging the rest of
the way through revealed no actual photographs of our mighty symbol
of school spirit, what a letdown. Gotta hand it to those '62
Columbian staffers, they knew better than anyone what would be
important to us all these 43 years latter.

To:  Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)
Re:  Mental health med use

Thanks for saying what very much needed to be said in a very
forthright and professional way. Sometimes the "pop-psychology" 
gets a little too thick in the Sandstorm, and we need a voice such 
as yours to set the record straight.
Bomber cheers,
-Dave Hanthorn (GMC '63) ~ from sunny/rainy Mercer Island where the 
        fence project is finally completed and I am looking for new 
        worlds to conquer, in the new found freedom of retirement.
>>From: Gary Behymer ('64)

Re: David Rivers ('65) and colorizing the Bomb

I've done extensive research, in the 1948 to 1955 yearbooks, 
and it appears 'the bomb' was black and white with maybe some
shadings of gray (;-)

-Gary Behymer ('64)
>>From: Jeff Michael ('65)

Hey There Bombers & Bomberettes:

Reunion time is drawing nigh... and I'm drawing on my friends for
music requests. The Alumni page for our Class has info (courtesy of
Steve Upson) on how to access the request list on my web site.
Course, David Rivers has listed about 6 hours of requests... so maybe
we'll just make it a "Night with David Rivers, Esq."

Oh, by the way, David, I do expect you to arrive at the Desert Inn
wearing your duster, leather helmet, goggles and driving the auto in
the picture you posted yesterday, puleeeese!

Went jet skiing on the Mighty Columbia Sunday... and she proved to be
mightier than my grip. Went swimming with my passenger. Yikes... that
water is, like, very COLD! But we swam to the rig, mounted-up again
and gave 'er hell til we dried out. Those things are totally FUN! But
after telling that tale, I probably won't get anyone to ride with me
at the reunion. The water will be a bit warmer by then.

dj jeff Michael ('65) in Franklin County (Can't hardly say the name
             of the Bulldog town) where it was nearly ONE HUNDRED 
             degrees last Saturday and is mid 70's under partly 
             cloudy skies with gusty winds today.
>>From: Mike Howell ('68WB)

To: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)

Hi Lynn;

I have to admit that life is quite a bit better for me and my family.
I went over the edge again on 9-11 and am now on 5 head meds and
group therapy along with one on one once a month now, It is all PTSD
Related from the service. If I could do it over again I would have
asked for help in the early 70s but they didn't know what it was let
alone how to treat it. I have ruined quite a few of the good things
in my life over the years until I started getting help and I can't
say life is perfect now but it certainly is better than the

-Mike Howell ('68WB)
>>From: Rick Valentine ('68)

To: Clif Edwards ('68)

It is indeed amazing we don't have ditch mud in our ears from the
West Richland irrigation ditches. Although as I recall, we always
managed to avoid the law, maybe we were just lucky avoiding the West
Richland police. As much time as we spent in the Columbia River both
swimming and water skiing and as many times as we swam across the
river we were very lucky that no one got hurt or drowned, especially
doing all the dock landings we used to do. Being past 50 and being
afflicted with C.R.S. :-) I don't remember someone almost not making
it across the river. I also remember spending a lot of time parked
along the river in North Richland watching the submarine races. But
that is another subject altogether. Seems to me that someone's VW
rolled into the river and floated down the river before being

-Rick Valentine ('68) ~ in Rainy Spokane, WA
That's it for today. Please send more.