Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/02/05
11 Bombers sent stuff: 
Betty Hiser ('49), Marilyn DeVine ('52), David Shaw ('60WB)
Patti Jones ('60) and Vera Smith ('58), John Browne, Jr. ('61)
Judy Willox ('61), Mike Brady ('61), David Rivers ('65)
Pam Ehinger ('67), Lynn-Marie Hatcher ('68)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Rick Reed ('49)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Larry Felder ('69)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Gloria Minard ('69) 
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Lori Simpson ('70)

BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
    Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)

To Bev Smith Jochen ('52): Mr. Chisholm was my hero. There were
several times after that that I had to seek his help with some
problems teachers (thank God this was a small group compared to the
ones who did help me). I thought he made an excellent Superintendent.

-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - cool today -
              has fallen about 12 degrees.  HOORAY!
>>From: Marilyn DeVine Dow ('52)

To the Eplers: 

So great to hear from you and see your pictures! Hopefully we will
connect somewhere along the way in the future. Would like very much
to see the Southeast and seeing old friends is really the frosting on
the cake. Let's keep in touch and meet somewhere down there!

I am in Alaska for a granddaughter's high school graduation. Great to
be here......the weather is incredibly perfect for this time of year
(49 yesterday morning with a high of about 63). Daughter Keri and I
bought gladiolus plants from one of her neighbors. We'll figure out
where to put them (they need sun and Keri and Ed's yard is woefully
lacking in same) so can only hope the plants will do well. Many trees
have been removed, but more need to go! They are in the Turnagain
area and have old-growth trees.

While I am grateful to be living in the Tri-Cities after all those
years up here, this is a wonderful place to visit. Friends and family
are the ones who bring me back and make it special, but I would love
Alaska even without them. Another granddaughter is planning a move to
the Tri-Cities in September. She is an RN and should have no problem
finding work.

I've enjoyed reading remarks about the cherries and am reminded of a
time (long, long ago!) when Mother took my siblings (Sharleen '50,
Terry '52 and Richard '57) and I cherry picking in Kennewick. The
next day when they went to work again, I had to stay home and do
housework because I hadn't picked enough. Or maybe it was that I ATE
TOO MANY?? I was still in grade school at Marcus Whitman and was
totally bummed about being left home. Guess my "work ethic" wasn't
great....duh! I remember turning the radio up to full volume while I
cleaned but I don't remember whether or not I did a satisfactory job.

Yesterday Molly and I got "T-boned" on our way home from getting hair
cuts. Luckily, the main point of impact was on the passenger side,
REAR door. Molly feels terrible because it was her Mom's car and her
Gramma could have been hurt. I'm a little "achey" but fine. The car
is severely damaged on one side, but is driveable and we are glad
nobody was hurt. The man who hit us ran a red light.

I send my best regards to each and all,
"Em" beautiful Anchorage, AK. Next week I'll be in Homer, 
            then "The Valley" (Wasilla and Palmer), then home.

-Marilyn DeVine Dow ('52)
>>From: David Shaw ('60WB)

Re: Little League
As I grew up in Richland during the late 1940s to mid 1950s (attended
Jefferson Grade School and Chief Jo and would have graduated with the
class of 1960 had I stayed in Richland), I have enjoyed finding the
website and to reading the daily entries in the Sandstorm. They
certainly are a treasure of recollections/memories that certainly
stimulates those parts of the brain that were long ago put into
hibernation! I am glad that there are many of you out there who have
such fine memories... especially of the early days of Richland. Being
retired with some time on my hands, I recently ran across some old
photos of when I played little league for Desert Inn. There are a few
kids I do not remember the names of, and thought that maybe some one
out there might be able to help out. These photos have been posted on
the website at the following links. and 

-David Shaw ('60WB)
>>From: Patti Jones Ahrens ('60)  and  Vera Smith Robbins ('58)
The luncheons will be on going the second Sunday of each month!
Reservations must be made by emailing Patti or
Vera by June 9, 2005. Luncheon dates will appear in
the Sandstorm the week before the luncheon and the week of. The 
place in West Richland was chosen (about a minute from the border of
Richland) because of size, good food and price. If we outgrow this
place we have a back up in Richland that is a little more spendy.

Roy Ballard ('63) emailed me to find out if JD Diner where the
luncheon will be is the restaurant that used to be the Coney Island.
After asking a few Bombers and from my own memory, it is. Fill us 
in Denny Barr ('58). From what I hear your parents owned the Coney

Bev Smith Jochen ('52) emailed asking if those who are not on
computer can make reservations by phone. Yes, we will take phone
Vera's number is: 509-628-9130
Patti's number is: 509-967-9309

WHEN: June 12, 2005
WHERE: JD Diner, 3790 Van Giesen, West Richland, WA 99353
      (light green building just past the Yakima bridge) 
      Restaurant named after the owner's son.
TIME: 1:00 P.M.
PRICE: Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served all day.
       Prices range from $4.50 - $13.95 add drink, tax and tip

Bomber spouses and friends are welcome!

We are both looking forward to the monthly luncheon and being with
all Bombers here in Bomberville. Any suggestions and questions are

Bombers Have Fun
-Patti Jones Ahrens ('60) and Vera Smith Robbins ('58)
>>From: John Browne, Jr. ('61)

Re: Across the Water

To Bill Berlin ('56): I stand corrected, Bill... it WAS a cable
ferry, not a tug-powered job like the Richland ferry (that I usually
rode on foot, to fish at the mouth of the wasteway flume that came
down the hill a few hundred yards downstream). I guess I was thinking
of the size of the car deck... Wheatland was an itty-bitty barge. What
I liked best was the road itself-- it went down into the water, a
paved, striped and foglined beauty; and it came out the other side
just the same. It was kinda surreal... like, maybe Salvador Dali had
been the engineer.

The bounty of regional agriculture peaked for me the year that
someone directed me to a hilly melon farm above Kennewick, where 
the farmer was selling melons for a penny A PIECE. It was probably 
1960... I filled a compact station wagon with watermelons and these
"persian" melons for about a quarter. But, even though I had the
opportunity, I never realized my fantasy, of standing a watermelon 
on end and taking out the core with a post-hole digger...

-John Browne, Jr. ('61) ~ Vashon Island, WA
>>From: Judy Willox (Classic Class of '61)

To: All  Bombers, Young and Old; Single and Married:
Re: Bomber Functions
    I was sorry to see that Zorba Manolopoulos ('91) had to cancel
the 2005 RHS Basketball Tournament as he works so hard to put it on.
I guess I don't understand why there isn't more response to the
functions that these creative Bombers offer to host and that give 
us Bombers good clean fun things to do and get together. 

Another function that I see that is going to be cancelled, according
to Pam Ehinger Nassen ('67), is the Single Bomber Wing Ding that she
was going to host on the Cool Desert Nights Weekend. She had even
gone all out to design a neat shirt for a momento of the function and
took time and money to do so. To see the design of this shirt see: She planned to
have this fun-filled event down in the park close to the bands that
were to play for Cool Desert Nights so there would be music to go
along with the event. When Pam first mentioned this idea to us, there
was a lot of response to it and people were encouraging her to put
this thing together. So she took the time to do so, took the time to
design and get T-shirts in line for it. Now there is no response to
her Sandstorm entry of 05-21-05 for her to feel she should proceed.
Hey, what happened to all of you enthusiasts out there? If you want
this to happen, let Pam know, okay?

Hopefully next year Zorba can get his project off the ground again
too. This year may have been a bad year to have it with all the
construction going on this summer for the remodeling of Richland
High; but next year, hopefully Zorba.

Bomber Cheers,
-Judy Willox (Classic Class of '61) ~ Richland ~ Where it finally got 
           cooler, thank God--my air conditioning went out for the 
           two hottest days we have had so far. Not neat to not have 
           air conditioning in Richland, Washington. ;o)
>>From: Mike Brady ('61)

Re: Prozac

In response to Jim Jensen's ('50) entry in the Sandstorm regarding
depression, since Prozac came on the market in the late 1980s, the
suicide rate has dramatically declined due to all the new anti-
depressant drugs available to us. Unfortunately, many people are not
able to pull themselves "up by the boot straps." Depression is a
treatable disease. I believe we should use all of our resources in
dealing with a problem, especially depression. Approximately 15 years
ago I was diagnosed as bipolar. I had been depressed since childhood.
I started on Prozac and later switched to another anti-depressant
that was better suited for me. Over the past 15 years, I have not
always been depression-free, but as a whole, they have been the
happiest of my life.

-Mike Brady ('61)
>>From: David Rivers ('65)

Re: Misc. Ramblings...but NOT Maddy style

Oh boy oh boy oh boy... I have learned so very much in the last
couple of days. For several years... at least Since Roy ('63) found
the big bomb up near Salt Lake while taking the long way to my house
with Doc Adair ('66), I have been looking for a nice bomb like the
one the cheerleaders put out on the floor... I finally found one 
and it was delivered yesterday. So I immediately sent out a bunch 
of emails to those I figured would remember to find out the true
markings on the beloved bomb. I got so many responses. Number 32
('63) told me that although he had slept with the bomb... and of
course we all know he kissed it in 2000, he was unsure of the
markings, if any... so much for "I'll respect you in the morning"...
Jimbeaux ('63) recalled the bomb being all green with no gold at
all... (also no parking lot yellow)... He recalled it pretty clearly
from a time Cappy Haines ('63-RIP) liberated it for while...
Heidlebaugh ('65) looked but couldn't find any good pictures in the
yearbooks. The Adairs, who by one of their member's longevity in the
hallowed halls of Col-Hi have possibly the largest span of yearbooks
known to man advised that they were green and gold from '65-'68 and
no pictures were shown in '69... but that in 2005 is was green and
gold with an R and a mushroom cloud... Gregor Hanson ('65), who once
let us play library at check out books from his house when we were
all at Spalding supplied the following: "To me, it appears the
'official' bomb that was used in 1964 and 1965 is different than the
bomb that I remember was used in 1963 and prior. The photos in the
annuals from 1964 and 1965 show a two colored bomb - bright green at
the bottom - bright yellow in the middle section - and bright green
at the top - with no R or mushroom cloud logo. The bomb that I
remember from prior years was all green, and I recall even had a
pointed spindle on the top where an airplane could be attached."
Rosalie ('63) whom I assumed would have the best recall didn't
respond because the email address I have for her no longer works...
so there you have it some of the best minds have given us an accurate
account of the bomb... I'm painting mine however I think it looks the
coolest... ain't gonna just be John Deer green... that's fer sher...

For any of you folks in the L.A. area around Father's Day planning to
head to the L.A. roadsters Show in Pomona... My (our... gotta give my
partner some credit) booth "L.V. Roadsters" will be right at the
Entrance to the Vendors, first booth next to Zipper Motor Cars...
normally I would give you directions by saying we are one booth away
from Boyd but Boyd and Brizzio lost their spots this year as they are
putting up a big "dining tent" where their spots have always been...
We will be showing 2 new roadsters one pretty exotic and the other a
little more traditional... After the show we will take the exotic
baby back to the shop and spit and polish it for the Grand National
Roadster Show in January where we will compete for America's Most
Beautiful Roadster. My Partner took runner up two years ago and we
hope to do even better this year... so y'all come see us now y'hear?
(sending a couple of unfinished pix with this note)

-David Rivers ('65)
>>From: Pam Ehinger (The Blue Ribbon Class of '67)

Dear Bombers,
Because of the lack of interest from the singles out there I've 
given up on the Bombers Single Wing Ding. I can't afford to order 
the T-shirts without any responds from ANYONE! So with deep regret 
I've canceled the Bombers Single Wing Ding. 

Bombers Rule
-Pam Ehinger (The Blue Ribbon Class of '67)
>>From: Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68)

Re: Mental health med use

Jim Jenson ('50) and Rick Maddy ('67) have both recently commented
about antidepressants – or more specifically, the non-use thereof. I
appreciate both their opinions and personal experiences. However, as
a psychiatric practitioner who believes in MULTIPLE approaches to
problems, I cannot in good faith let this discussion pass without
making a comment. 

As I said, I believe in multiple approaches, not just pills, when 
it comes to depression and actually all other types of emotional/
psychological/mental problems. BUT I have seen miracles happen – 
people who have literally regained their lives – through the
judicious use of psychotropic meds. 

We do a grave disservice to the many Bombers who read the Sandstorm,
as well as to the other people in our lives if we discount and/or
stigmatize the use of antidepressants and/or other psychotropic meds.
No doubt a number of Sandstorm readers and many other folks we know
are using just such meds – without our personal knowledge of it. For
us to imply in any way that their use of such meds is 'giving in' or
'weakness' or anything else with a negative connotation is not okay. 

Even worse, there may be readers (and others) who could well benefit
from such meds. But, upon reading negative statements about taking
them might just decide to go without, and thereby possibly deny
themselves (and their loved ones) a life greatly improved.

Just as the same antihypertensive is not right for everyone, the same
antidepressant is not right for everyone. And, in fact some people
are able to bring their blood pressure under control by other means.
But for many people, taking blood pressure medication is a necessary
part of optimizing life. The same is true for controlling depression
and the taking of antidepressants (and/or other mental health meds).

Thanks for letting me have my say, based on another perspective and
set of experiences.

-Lynn-Marie Hatcher Peashka ('68) ~ Spokane
That's it for today. Please send more.