Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/01/05
11 Bombers sent stuff: 
Jim Jensen ('50), Bev Smith ('52)
Lenora Hughes ('55), John Adkins ('62)
David Rivers ('65), Bob Grout ('66WB)
Clif Edwards ('68), Ben Jacobs ('69)
Mike Hogan ('70) and Lori Simpson ('70)
Barb Hogan ('72)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Ellen Foley ('59)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Don Llewellyn ('60)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Carolyn Roe ('63)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Roberta Lawrence ('66)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Michael Furner ('68)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Kerry Steichen ('74)

BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
    Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Jim Jensen ('50)

Re: Olio

Re: The great number of comments on Northwestern noshes (tree and bush
varieties) brought to memory an autumn sojourn to Wenatchee to view 
a 1949 Bomber-W. football game. Just outside of town we paused to
stretch the legs and noticed a huge orchard of apples. The five of us
picked one delicious apple each. They were by far the largest I have
ever seen... took both hands to hold one. The weather was chilly...
the apples were crisp, juicy and ice cold. Best I ever ate.

To: Bill Berlin ('56)

Your posting of 5/30/05 convinced me that you have more expertise
about ferries than anyone I have ever known. As I read your comments 
I thought about my first ferry ride from Seattle to Bremerton (circa
1946). What an experience for a land lubber!!! The ferry was one of
the older ones, but was still equipped with a "diner-like" eatery. The
weather was cold and wet outside. The enormous bowl of beans that I
enjoyed in the "diner" was memorable. Some years later my family and a
girl friend made the same crossing on the Kala Kala... at that time an
unmatched, streamlined, silver visage. 

To: Rick Maddy ('67)

Your 5/30/05 posting on pain, pills and depression brought some
memories to mind. About twelve years ago I began to feel so deeply
depressed that even the thought of climbing out of bed was repugnant.
Lifting my arm took such an excruciating effort that I could barely
endure it. My doctor - with consultation - diagnosed my condition as
"clinical depression" and said the only remedy was prozac. He gave me
the prescription. I had it filled. On the way home from the pharmacy I
recalled many of the horror stories I had read about people falling
"off the edge" after taking prozac. Got home and decided I didn't want
to be chemically addicted... flushed the prozac down the toilet. After
considerable introspection that day I chose a different course of
action. My wife was in the process of becoming semi-invalid. I
concluded (finally and at last) that she needed a great deal more
from me and I walked away from my career. The time we have spent
together since is the most precious of our 48 years of marriage. I
spent a lot more time on my knees asking for strength and spiritual
guidance. I made a concentrated effort to look around and see whether
there were others who might need whatever help I could provide. These
"remedies," in my judgement, have proven to be far more effective to
me than prozac or anything like it. Do I slip? Sure - but when I 
get back to basics I come out of it. I admire your courage and
determination, Rick. Sometimes you just have to tough it out - right?
And then there are others who provide worthy examples for us - Nancy
Riggs Lawrence ('51) comes to mind. After retiring from hospital
work she became a hospital volunteer. She also dedicates much of her
time in looking after older folks in church-related, social activities
...what a lady!!!

I agree with your assessment, Rick. Hang in there. 

Bomber cheers,
-Jim Jensen ('50)
>>From: Bev Smith Jochen ('52)

Re: The Requas and Robert Chisholm
To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49) and Betty Conner Sansom ('52)
In the Sunday, November 21, 1999 issue of the Sandstorm, I responded
to Gail Henderson Renner ('53) who was asking if anyone remembered an
"older couple who were teaching commercial and social studies classes,
respectively, to Juniors/Seniors in the early '50s" with the following

"A couple of months ago, during a get-together while Norma Tausch ('52)
was in town, we recalled the very same situation that you describe as 
being Herman Requa's U.S. Government class! Ring a bell? His wife's 
name, I think, was "Gunda"--as we disrespectfully called her behind 
her back--and she did teach Commercial Studies...

"As you mentioned, the *primo* seats in that class were in the very
front, since they were UNDER his field of vision... Norma, Lou Ann
Binns, Margaret Pendergast & I had staked our claim on those seats
from 'Day One' (on the advice of some former student/friends who knew
the 'drill'...)

"One day, when 'Herman' was wielding his yardstick, while driving
home an 'exciting' point of US Gov., Norma slipped her hand under it
just as it struck her desk & then let out a (fake) shriek! and began
shaking her hand and moaning. The poor man was beside himself with
remorse and apologized all over the place while the whole class was 
in stitches! This, I am not very proud to say, was only one of many
pranks played on the gentleman. However, he always picked up where he
left off and rarely missed a beat!

"Kind of scary, dredging up all of these memories that I thought were
long gone. But also very rewarding to be ABLE to recall all of this
stuff, huh?"

Now, from what I just read about "Gunda's" mistreatment of Betty, I
believe that it was indeed fortunate that the four of us "Front Row
Terrorists" from Herman's class did not pursue any Commercial classes
under her unprofessional guidance or else the harmless, if tasteless,
pranks might have been a bit more grim! 

That was NOT a pretty story, BUT! on the flip side, I'm very glad that
Betty brought Robert Chisholm's name into it... He was one of the
fairest men that I have ever known and was always my "hero" not only
during his Vice Principal years, but even more than a decade later
when he was Superintendent of Schools. He pulled rank and championed
us when one of my sons was put into an "experimental" class at Lewis &
Clark that was totally unacceptable to us because the (seven year old)
boy was miserable--where before had been a happy camper--at being
segregated from many of his friends and teammates all in the name of
"progress?" We could get no satisfaction from the L & C administration
because "If they changed ONE, they would have a bunch more wanting in
the wings to change classes!" But, Bob Chisholm knew right away that
there were some kids that would flourish in this class and others who
would wither. So, just a few words (speak softly and carry a big
stick) in the right places did the trick and we have been forever
grateful... Of course, MY name was "MUD" for going to the top, but
I've never been sorry...

-Bev Smith Jochen ('52)
>>From: Lenora Hughes Bejarano ('55)

Just a reminder about the Las Vegas luncheon coming up this week-end.
It will be on the 4th of June from 1:00 P.M. until "whenever" at the
home of Jim and Ginny Nelligan. For directions and information on 
what to bring, please contact either Lenora Hughes Bejarano ('55) at, or Jim and Ginny Nelligan at, or
Robbi Hills Karcher ('49) at 

Hope to see a lot of our Bombers there.

-Lenora Hughes Bejarano ('55)
>>From: John Adkins ('62)

Re: Club 40 golf outing

Saturday September 10 – 7:30 Shotgun Tee Off


This will be a golf outing day with member of both of the Richland
High School Golf Teams – Girls and Boys are being invited.

Entry fee will cover – Course Tee Fees – Cart Fees – and "Tee Prize"
remembrances. (Any moneys left over will be put in a pot for "closest 
to the pin" prizes – "Longest Putt" prizes and the like.)

Come out and enjoy a round of golf and see these kids play – they are

Cost - $50.00 and must accompany your entry form.

I must have your entry forms NO LATER THAN August 15th. 

For more information and entry information - check the Club 40 Website

-John Adkins ('62)
>>From: David Rivers ('65)

Once upon a time there was this family of lovely girls... I mean the
rest of the family was wonderful but the girls... ahhhhh the girls...
now being a guy I kinda think that these families that produce one
great lady after another are kinda special... ya see that way there is
always a member of that family in school for guys like me to fall all
over their feet as the girl passes in the hall... Today's birthday
girl (June 1st) came from one of those families and is... just as you
might expect... one a them there girls... made your heart flutter 
as she walked by or made you wilt if she failed to acknowledge your
presence in the hall... one of those girls who was always out there...
just out of reach... in this case she was out of reach because she was
a big kid and I was at the bottom of the class barrel... she was a
mighty senior and I a lowly sophomore... but there she was... always
on the arm of a very studly dude... Now I keep thinking as we get a
little older... What if I had long flowing white/silver/blonde hair...
what if I looked like I was born for shorts... what if I just had a
larger collection of Hawaiian shirts... (OK maybe I do have a huge
collection of the shirts but I got bird legs look awful in shorts but
wear them cuz I like being comfortable)... nah... I stumble back to
reality and know that I have been fortunate to know this girl and 
be great buds with one of her sisters... I've been blessed... very
blessed to know the birthday girl who is celebrating her 21st (?)
birthday on Wednesday this week... I'm glad to just be able to say:

-David Rivers ('65)
>>From: Bob Grout ('66WB)

This is for the Veterans who will understand this Video. If you have
been overseas away from your family and friends while serving in the
arm forces you will get the humor from these young guys who are
serving in Iraq now. I can appreciate. 

   Viet-nam Vet Bob Grout 67-71 USN

-Bob Grout ('66WB)
>>From: Clif Edwards ('68)

Re: water-Skiing IN DITCHES
To: Rick Valentine ("68)

I think I remember being involved in one of those days, dodging
mailboxes and speed limit signs. It's a wonder we don't have ditch 
mud still in our ears!

Rick, do you remember swimming across the Columbia? Someone almost
didn't make it; remember who?

-Clif Edwards ('68) ~ In Vancouver, WA where it is beautiful today!
>>From: Ben Jacobs ('69)

Re: Bomber Baseball

Bomber baseball is off to state on Thursday and will play Cascade
of Everett in the state semi-final game at 4 o'clock on Friday, 
June 3rd... we are 23 and 2 and have a very good team... with a 
little luck we could win it all... oh, the games are at Cheney 
stadium in Tacoma.

-Ben Jacobs ('69)
>>From: Mike Hogan ('70) and Lori Simpson Hogan ('70)

Re: 1970 reunion

Hi Maren, would you please post this in the Sandstorm:

The class of 1970 is having a very laid back gathering for our 35th
reunion! It will be Saturday, July 16th, 2005 @ 7pm @ the Towne Crier
in Richland. This is one of those last minute ideas so don't worry 
if you can't make it, we will hope to see you at the 40th! Since we
didn't want go to all the work of a 10th, 20th, or 30th, we decided to
just have a place to gather and visit. There is no cost involved, as
whoever shows up can buy their own food and drink. We won't be taking
pictures... having a memory book... or wearing name tags! We figured
that if we don't know each other by now, than it's too late  :-}~

Take care and hope to see you at the gathering..

-Mike Hogan ('70) and Lori Simpson Hogan ('70)
>>From: Barb Hogan Ham ('72)

To: Mike Sams ('65) 


I can't believe that I got on line and you were talking about Tony
Blazine. I was best friends with his little sister Mary Frances, who
now lives on St.John's Island. She is married to Les Anderson (one of
the areas well known artists). Mary sure loved her dad even though he
died too young. Thanks for the story I will relay it to Mary.

CK neighbor and friend,
-Barb Hogan Ham ('72)
That's it for today. Please send more.