Alumni Sandstorm ~ 05/29/05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 Bombers sent stuff: Dick McCoy ('45), Betty Hiser ('49) Betty Bell ('51), Darlene Minard ('60) Michael Waggoner ('60), John Browne, Jr. ('61) Donna Nelson ('63), Linda Reining ('64) Linda Sargent ('67), Betti Avant ('69) Julie Smyth ('69WB) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Jimmie Shipman ('51) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Dick Pierard ('52) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Larry Harrold ('56) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Sharon Sherwood ('58) BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar Click the event you want to know more about. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Dick McCoy (the Tin Can Class of 1945) Re: Cherries again To: Tom Tracy ('55) You are dang right about Bings. I love all fruit, but Bings are downright addictive. Indeed, the best of them grow in SE Washington. Whenever I am in Richland during the season, there is an orchard out on Keane Road that has super Bings, at a cheap price. Right across from the candy outlet. Also, for those who live north to Seattle, take the old Wapato road at Prosser. Just before Wapato, there is a fruit stand on the left called Schells. (no, not Alton K). Great produce, inexpensive. As far as the Irrigation canals, in the very early days, we had all kinds of uses for them. Of course, we swam in them. There was a farm up above the stables, which grew watermelons. We would go up there at night, toss a few in, and dash away accompanied by the dogs from the farm. We then proceeded in to Swift, where we would fish the melons out. Not cold, but cool, and delicious. Out at the end of Thayer there was a concrete overflow that went down the hill into the Yakima. We would gather there and cruise the chute down to a point just before it dropped off where we would be caught be a couple of strong guys... hopefully. There were rocks down there. We also invented ski boarding behind an auto out by the twin bridges. Great fun. It is a wonder we weren't all killed. -Dick McCoy (the Tin Can Class of 1945) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49) I remember the house that the Ag people used - was out very near Hanford High School and, I think, is still there. I don't remember any of the schools having swimming pools. Where are you, Burt? West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio are similar when it comes to shine. My father owned the house and land that his folks lived on (17 acres) - South Central Ohio. My sister and I were bored and we walked up to the top of a hill and guess what we found? A still and all the fixin's. We ran down the hill and told Daddy. I thought steam was going to come out of Daddy's ears. He told grandpa to GET RID OF THAT @#$ STILL or you won't be around much longer. I wondered why grandpa always had shine in the house. The wild blackberries in Ohio had L O N G thorns. You always looked like you had been in a cat fight when you were through picking the berries. Not sure about the Tri-City Raceway - think they decided not to have races this year (2005) and are studying to figure out what to do next year. The teacher who taught steno classes was named Mrs. Grace Burns. I remember Miss Nadine Burns who taught English (had her for sophomore English). That's all the Burns' I remember from high school. [Are you sure the steno teacher wasn't GEORGIA Burns? -Maren] I never took swimming lessons because I was scared to death of water and also I could not get water in my ears because I would get an ear infection. I remember my sister taking lessons, turning blue, shaking like an aspen, and teeth chattering. My youngest daughter used to wear her hair short (at her ear lobes). There was a sign that said female MUST wear bathing caps. I called the Parks Department about the caps because at that time the BOYS had started wearing long hair. I told the guy that was sexist and what was he going to do about it. They had a city meeting about 10 days later - they changed the sign to state anyone whose hair was below their ear lobes had to wear a bathing cap!!! Some of the boys cut their hair. Wonder why people went to Sunnyside when they had a cannery in Kennewick? Everyone I know still calls it the big pool. Worms in the cherries: I would pick a cherry and say, "Worm - look out - here I come." It all has to get mixed up in your stomach - what's the big deal? Although I would not go out of my way to purposely eat a worm. I had had to take lots of things in the hospital that I didn't like that looked worse than the worm(s) - but as a child, did I have a choice - I think not!!!! -Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - HOT today - supposed to get up to 98. I'm not a lover of hot weather. What's left of my brain refuses to function. ****************************************************** ****************************************************** >>From: Betty Bell Norton ('51) To: Linda Reining ('64) his is the Helen Burns who taught P.E. -- including dance lessons with Fran Rish. Did any of you take the lessons? -Betty Bell Norton ('51) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Darlene Minard Mortensen ('60) Re: Cherry Picking Whenever I am reminded of cherry picking, I remember my friend, Sherman Parks. His parents moved to Benton City from Richland when we were just starting high school. The Monsons (former mayor of Richland) and his family were best friends and they moved to Benton City together and bought a cherry orchard. We (my girlfriends and I) would go "cherry picking" in the Monson orchard. Mr. Monson would laugh and kid us about the cherries we ate--threatening to weigh us in before and after--though he was only kidding. One day, Sherman was driving a tractor in the orchard. He was backing up and was hit by a tree branch. It forced his head into the dash and he was killed instantly. That was our first experience with mortality. I still love cherries, but they do bring back memories. -Darlene Minard Mortensen ('60) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Michael Waggoner ('60) I agree with Tom Verellen ('60) that people don't get sick EATING wild blackberries. PICKING them, however, produces lots of cuts and bleeding. -Michael Waggoner ('60) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: John Browne, Jr. ('61) Re: Blue light special To: Tom Tracy ('55) Thanks for clearing up an apocryphal mystery! I remember the stories of the blue light in the ductwork... but never saw it, meself. UV has become an excellent water purifying technology- very useful (and cheap!) for small-scale systems. (Wonder if it would inhibit mold?) Darlene Napora's ('69) story of canning "reminded me of a time.." When I lived in the coastal foothills of Oregon, I'd spice up the occasional trip to Portland (and "the Valley") by finding interesting byways to and fro. One led to the Wheatland Ferry across the Willamette R in an area known as "the Mission Bottoms", N of Salem- a place famous for stone fruit production. (The ferry was like a mini- version of the old Richland ferry). A stop to buy peaches led to a short picking job- and an offer of free groundfalls after the harvest. I came back there with a borrowed full-sized pickup and went home with about half a ton of peaches... and called a neighborhood "canning bee". One of my fishing buddies lent me a stainless crab cooker- a big pot that would take 48 quart jars in one layer across the bottom. It was set over a big iron slab outside. We did 2 water bath runs the first day- 96 quarts of dead-ripe peaches! One of the kids on this crew, a 7-year-old, asked me why we had to peel them. They were easy... so ripe that they could be twisted in two, like turning a doorknob in each hand, and pulled apart... but I agreed that the skins were OK after they were washed (and we did wash Everything). So we did a batch of 48 with their skins on. That winter the judgement was that those were far superior, in texture and flavor, to the peeled ones. Plus, they had a kind of rosy color in the jar... We got nearly 200 quarts- and the 3 garbage cans full of skins, bruises and "squishy ones" became nearly 80 gallons of wine, by Thanksgiving (and a barter item at the next year's Country Fair). Oh... and everyone was a sticky mess, afterwards (although we didn't need much encouragement to go jump in the river, that time of year...). ^..^ -John Browne, Jr. ('61) ~ Vashon Island, WA ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Donna Nelson ('63) Our parents used to take us to Smitty's cherry orchards outside of Richland towards Benton City. After we'd picked and get them home, our Dad would already have picked up the cans from Sears and have the pressure cooker ready. He'd say "out of the kitchen in case this blows" and he and my Mom would can Bings. For a treat, we'd put a piece of white Wonder bread in a bowl and put canned cherries over the top....the Nelson version of a dessert. It was sure good. -Donna Nelson ('63) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Linda Reining ('64) Re: Bathing Caps I remember those blasted things! They were hard to put on and even harder to take off! I do remember having one of the "chic" ones---was pink with white flowers on it----thought it made us look "oh, so cute and stylish". At least, these didn't have that dumb strap under our chins, but they did have a tendency to come off when jumping off the high dive---the water pressure would "swoosh" it off and then one of the life guards would be blowing the whistle, letting everyone know that some girl was in the pool without her bathing cap! Why they thought our hair was any worse on the drains than the boys' is a mystery to me, especially for those of us that had short hair--and, I am sure some of the guys with those "pompadours", and the "DAs" had just as much, OR more, hair as a lot of us girls!!! -Linda Reining ('64) ~ 90+ degrees in Bakersfield, CA, where Lake Ming, and the Kern River are filled to capacity with campers and boaters from the Los Angeles area. we have already had a drowning (a teenage boy) in the "killer Kern", and the Holiday has just started! they refuse to stay out of that ^&*( river, even though they have signs, in English AND Spanish, warning people to "Stay out and Stay alive"! ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Linda Sargent Evans ('67) Re: John Ruppert & Elaine Roberts ('67) Many of you probably know that John and Elaine Ruppert's son, Nick, was injured severely by a hit-and-run driver in March. He has been fighting his way back against all odds, and there is a great article about him and Elaine in the East Valley, AZ Tribune There is also a wonderful website for Nick with daily updates on his progress, information about the hit-and-run driver (he or she has not been found), and ways to help (fund raisers, etc.). That website is I'm sure John and Elaine would appreciate your good thoughts. -Linda Sargent Evans ('67) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Betti Avant ('69) To: Linda Reining ('64) Linda, The Mrs. Burns Nash taught PE and was the Pep Club advisor. I had her all 3 years for my PE classes. She also had GAA in those days. Here's to all our veterans out there on their day, Monday. -Betti Avant ('69) ~ Eugene, OR - where we have gone from 80s to rain this morning ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Julie Smyth Moss ('69WB) Re: Bing Cherries Since everyone is so excited about those Bing Cherries, I thought I'd tell them about the time my friend, Ginger, and I played "steal cherries from Mr. Wright's tree" which was right behind the Ginger's house. We hid behind a hedge and would run, one at a time, to the tree and grab cherries. The one who stayed behind was the look-out. Then we'd trade jobs. Mr. Wright was physically handicapped, (he rode a three-wheeled bike around the neighborhood). I don't know what we thought he'd do to us, but he was mean lookin' and we were scared of him. But not scared enough to keep us away from his cherry tree. We would each get a bag full, and then we'd have to eat them before we went home or mom and dad would have known we'd thieved the Bings. I thought they were named after Bing Crosby. The Wright Bing Cherry Thief -Julie Smyth Moss ('69WB) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Yes, Julie is one of my little sisters. That must be the same cherry tree that Dave Hanthorn ('63) mentioned in the 5/26 Sandstorm. -Maren] ******************************************************* ******************************************************* That's it for today. Please send more. *******************************************************