Alumni Sandstorm ~ 05/26/05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 Bombers & 1 Bomber Mom sent stuff and 1 Bomber funeral notice today: Dick McCoy ('45), Betty Hiser ('49) Betty Bell ('51), Lenora Hughes ('55) Margo Compton ('60), John Browne, Jr. ('61) Billie Cummings ('62WB), Helen Cross Kirk ('62) Dave Hanthorn ('63), Chuck Crawley ('67) Ken Staley ('68), Teri Kessie (Bomber Mom) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Millie Finch ('54) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Cecilia Bennett ('65) BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar Click the event you want to know more about. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Dick McCoy ('45) Re: Pools Swimming pools in any school is bunk. I saw both the old, old gym built as well as the one at Carmichael. The only pool was down in the park till they built the one on swift. To: Laura Dean Kirby Armstrong ('55) I am glad you loved those wondeful peaches in the prefab area. However, I disagree about Rainier cherries. The only true cherry is the Bing, when fresh off the tree, taste like a bite of wine. Incidentally, Bro Pat was in your class. -Dick McCoy ('45) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49) Cherries: The Rainiers and the Royal Annes look a lot alike - the Royal Annes are used to make maraschino (I can't spell today) cherries are tart while the Rainiers and SOOOO good and sweet. Carmichael was visited by Senator Hickenlooper from Iowa. He was furious that a school would cost $3,000,000. Even in 1950 that was a lot of money. It was hard to explain to him that it was not material costs that were so high but labor costs. They pulled everyone off of jobs that were not essential to operating the Hanford Plant and had them work on building the dike to keep ole Columbia from washing us away. Carmichael was a huge orchard and most of the individual fruit trees around Richland were dug up from the Carmichael orchards. The school was named for the family that owned the land before Uncle Sam took over the Village of Richland. Greenway - it still makes me sick that they tore that down just for cars (I walked everywhere in Richland and did not get a car until after my youngest daughter was born (a '55 Chevy with moonspinner hub caps)). -Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - supposed to get up to close to 90 today - our highest this year. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Betty Bell Norton ('51) Just a reminder that on Sunday May 29th the Richland Seniors Association (RSA) will be having another Fifth Sunday Dance at the Richland Community Center. The Easy Swing Band will play from 1:00 - 4:00 and tickets are only $4 at the door. All ages are welcome, and kids under 12 are free. Great music and lots of fun! From 12:15 - 1:00 Helen Nash, a former Columbia High/Richland High teacher, will be teaching the Fox Trot and Two-Step to taped music while the band is getting ready. Hope you can join us for a fun afternoon! Other events the RSA is working on are an Antique Auction Fair at the Center on Saturday June 25th from 1:00 - 4:00 where your hidden treasures can be evaluated, and a downriver lunch or dinner cruise. For those of you that belong to a non-profit organization that needs a good fund raiser, we also co-sponser Pancake breakfasts, where 70% of the profits go to your group. Hanford High School has earned several thousand dollars over the last couple of years doing this! It seems like a great way for Bomber Boosters to earn needed money. Contact me if you are interested. -Betty Bell Norton ('51) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Lenora Hughes Bejarano ('55) Hi Maren, could you do me a favor and put this in the Sandstorm? Would appreciate it so much. WHAT: Las Vegas, NV. Bomber Alumni luncheon Pot luck/BBQ WHEN: June 4th from 1 PM until "whenever" WHERE: The home of Jim and Ginny Nelligan For information contact either Lenora at or Robbi Hill Karcher ('49) at or Jim and Ginny Nelligan at Hope to see many Bombers there for the great time we plan to have. -Lenora Hughes Bejarano ('55) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Margo Compton (McCord) Lacarde ('60) Re: Bing Cherries At one point in my life, I thought I would never touch another Bing Cherry. In August of 1960, my mother-in-law went cherry picking and brought me a large bag. Having very little control when it came to cherries, I managed to eat almost the whole bag in one evening. Later that night, I had the worst cramps I had ever had. I thought I was going to die and vowed I would never ever eat another Bing cherry. Ended up in the hospital the next morning with a beautiful baby girl. Guess it wasn't the cherries after all. -Margo Compton Lacarde ('60) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: John Browne, Jr. ('61) Re: The berries To: Larry Mattingly ('60)... I'm unmuzzling my pedant for a moment to address the common names (and the nomenclature) of a couple of the Rubus tribe: to wit, Rubus leucodermis, the black raspberry (or "black cap"); and Rubus ursinus, the trailing blackberry (our regional native blackberry). Both be yummy... but they're distinctly different species. A peculiar thing about the trailing blackberries is that the plants are either "male" or "female"; and the male flowers are much showier. So, when you find a patch in the Spring covered with big flowers, and go back later to find NO fruit, you can understand Why. To: Jim Yount ('61)... my thanks for the "heads up" re the Golden Age Passport. I got one- and it's gotta be the National Bargain, hands down, in this day of National Parks, etc. run like museums, and the burgeoning "user fees" at National Forest trailheads, etc. I'll be a happier camper, for sure... and never want for companions as I head off to the high country of Mt. Rainier, and the coastal wilds of Cape Alava. (What next-Medicare? Bring it on!) ^..^ -John Browne, Jr. ('61) ~ Vashon Island, WA ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Billie Cummings Christian ('62WB) My brother Charles "Chuck" Cummings was in the class of '72. He passed away May 6, 2005 after a short illness. He was such a bright, funny all-around super nice guy. I thought his old classmates would like to visit his memorial page. The world dims a little without him in it..... Thank you, -Billie Cummings Christian ('62WB) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Helen Cross Kirk ('62) Wow, all these comments about the Bing cherries, do bring back wonderful memories of picking the fruit off the trees. I remember walking home at night after swim team practice and getting some of those big yummy peaches right off the trees, as we walked by. And apricots. Sadly, I finally realized I just can't eat those Bing cherries which I do love, without serious after effects, so now maybe I buy 5 or 6 single cherries for the taste. Yes, they are wonderful frozen too, as is any fruit. We walked to swim team twice a day M-F and practiced swimming for at least an hour, so we were always hungry, and no wonder we never thought about getting into trouble. We were too tired for that. I had heard that rumor about the swimming pool under Carmichael's gym floor, but I know when I went there, they never offered any swim classes, so I felt it couldn't be true. But I never did know the half of it... I loved that boat trip I took at my 2002 reunion where we saw where the ferry used to go out in what used to be forbidden water by the area, I'd never been up there before. I was telling my 24 year old son that when I was in grade school, I used to mow lawns for neighbors who were on vacation with a push mower, non-electric. He can't believe I did that, and I can hardly believe I did it as I can hardly move after a full day of mulching the property around the house by the little lake. I tell myself that it is good exercise, and it is, but I just can't bring myself to sign up to work for a lawn-service. On a more sad note, I did hear from my friend, Billie Cummings Christian ('62WB) I guess she would have preferred to graduate from Columbia High rather than Pleasanton, CA. that her brother Chuck Cummings ('72) died of cancer on May 20 and was buried in Lacey. Sadly, we didn't get to go on our trip to Montreal. We still aren't sure if we will get to Boston and Vermont yet. But we have been having great weather here, with sunshine and light breezes, and no rain or humidity, in the 70s. Love it. -Helen Cross Kirk ('62) ~ West Harrison, IN in the house by the little lake where a few ducks and many birds keep flying by. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Dave Hanthorn (G.M.C. '63) Re: cherries With all the recent talk about cherries, I am surprised that nobody has mentioned something about cherries that is very important to me, and that is that cherries grown in Eastern Washington are different than cherries grown anywhere else. I have eaten cherries grown in South America, Central America, Mexico, California, Oregon, and many other places, and none of them, not one, can compare with a magnificent Eastern Washington cherry. They are quite simply the best cherries in the entire world. As for the preference for either a Rainier or a Bing, it is my feeling that although the Rainiers are quite tasty and I do truly enjoy them, it is only the Bing cherry that has the built in Time Machine that can transport me instantly back fifty years to the hot summer nights in a little town called Richland, where some young boys "sleeping" out in a back yard are busy "snitching" those glorious, fat, juicy Bings from an unsuspecting neighbor's tree sometime in the middle of the night. Ahhh, those were the days, and those stolen cherries always seemed to be the sweetest. With our "loot" tucked safely in the "sack" of the upturned tail of our T-shirts we would go back to our sleeping bags and lie there munching cherries and stare into the great starry dome of the sky and contemplate whatever it was that 9 or 10 year old boys used to contemplate in the 1950s. And as good as Rainiers are, you just don't get that rush of childhood memories from them. -Dave Hanthorn (G.M.C. '63) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Chuck Crawley ('67) Re: Cherries With all this talk of cherries, I was wondering how many other Bombers earned their summer folding money working at the Staples cherry orchards and packing plant out on the slopes of Badger mountain. I heard about jobs out there from Fred Hinkle and Scott Hartcorn (both '67). I Started out picking, then swamping. Worked there 2 more summers in the packing plant. I learned how to drive a fork lift and bought my first car, a '53 Chevy, with money I made there. My brother Mike and Dave Sledge (both '69) worked there too. I remember Chris Woodward worked there. The rest is.. well, a little fuzzy. I do remember they were good people who worked us hard. Is the outfit still in operation? Or has it been converted to grapes like so much around there has? -Chuck Crawley ('67) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Ken Staley ('68) Re: Blackberry Picking 101 To: Wynell Williams Fishburne ('55) Take it from an OLD hand! Stalking the wild blackberry for jams and pies is much akin to warfare! You must ARM yourself! 1) Get an old pair of garden gloves. Better are an old pair of rubber gloves that are no longer useful in the kitchen. Cut the first two fingers and the thumb off of the glove to the FIRST KNUCKLE. I do both hands, but doing just the right (or left for you lefties) works just as well. 2) Get a SMALL bucket (kids peanut butter buckets are perfect!) to transfer your small cache into a larger flat. Using a LARGE bucket makes for mashed berries... which is fine if all you want is jam or the juice. 3) Take very good GARDEN SHEARS. These are a MUST! Remember, berries only grow on LAST YEAR'S CANES. You have to prune away THIS YEAR'S RUNNERS before you reach your goal! In wild brambles, I always cut lose the berries from the main bush and move AWAY from the brambles to strip! Prune with a VENGENCE! There is NO way you can hurt the brambles! 4) You ARE going to get punctured... and have purple fingers! Resign yourself to it. NO berry gets picked without exacting some measure of revenge! High boots (or thick soled shoes) and long sleeves (yes... even in those hot September days!) can reduce the number of scratches and punctures... but... do be prepared... they will happen. Four cups to a batch of jam... or a good pie. I've often picked with a package of quart zip lock bags and a couple gallons of water, washing my 'catch' and bagging it on the spot. Talk about vine fresh! There is nothing that beats home made blackberry jam... or better... blackberry pies for Thanksgiving dinner! Happy Picking! -Ken Staley ('68) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Teri Kessie (Bomber Mom) Re: Small gym Thought you might like some pictures of the destruction. -Teri Kessie (Bomber Mom) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* ******************************************************* Funeral Notice today >>Chuck Cummings ('72) ~ 12/7/53 - 5/16/05 ****************************************************** ****************************************************** That's it for today. Please send more. *******************************************************