Alumni Sandstorm ~ 05/17/05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9 Bombers and 1 Bomber spouse sent stuff: Mary Triem ('47), Anna May Wann ('49) Dore Tyler ('53), Spouse of Ron Mayberry ('53) Wally Erickson ('53), Reuben Linn ('58) George Swan ('59), Dave Hanthorn ('63) Roy Ballard ('63), Mike Howell ('68WB) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* BOMBER BIRTHDAY Yesterday (5/16): Sandy Jones ('65) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Yesterday (5/16): Dave McDaniels ('67) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Yesterday (5/16): Judy Kleinpeter ('67) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today (5/17): Mike Brady ('61) BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar Click the event you want to know more about. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Mary Triem Mowery ('47) To: Gloria Adams Fulcher ('54) I haven't heard how Jeannie is doing, but will try to find out. Thanks for the kind words - I remember (believe it or not!) that you said the same thing to me one time at a Club 40 function. I am humbled by such praise and do thank you for it. Do try to make your class luncheon - it is so great to see old friends once a month. And we say "We knew each other when we were 17, but who would have thought that we would still be around and be friends in our 70s?" Ohoh, I spilled the beans. -Mary Triem Mowery, a '47 Bomber ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Ann Thompson, aka Anna May Wann ('49) Re: Kirby Edwards ('52) While entering dues for Club 40 I received a note from Sunny Edwards Graham ('53). She states that her brother, Kirby Edwards ('52), is confined to his home and he really enjoys hearing from everyone. So if anyone out there would like to contact Kirby, e-mail me and I will give you his address and phone number. -Ann Thompson, aka Anna May Wann ('49) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Dore Tyler ('53) Re: North of Richland Ferry Thanks to the "Wizard of Colfax" for the numerous photos of early Richland. Yesterday's shot of (sub) ferry reminded me that I frequently used the North Richland ferry as a shortcut (via Radar Hill) to Seattle in the '58, '59 period. I still take the Vantage/ Vernita Bridge(s) occasionally. Having said that, the more practical and faster I-82/I-182 route has taken most of the fun out of trips to sister Janet's north Pasco home. -Dore Tyler ('53) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Spouse of Ron Mayberry ('53) Re: Bert Wells My name is Sandy Boutelle Mayberry. I am the wife of Ron Mayberry ('53). We saw your article from Bert Wells and I would like to get in touch with him. My mom was Buckaroo Marge on his program and I spent many happy hours with his family. Thank you for your assistance. -Spouse of Ron Mayberry ('53) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I forwarded your email to Bert Wells for you, Sandy. -Maren] ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Wally Erickson ('53) Re: The "Green & Gold" Okay, those of you that still have that "Green & Gold" blood in you... the Sonics need your support for the Tuesday night game. It's now 2 to 2, best of seven wins. Are there any "Bombers" from the San Antonio area, or Texas that are rooting for the "Spurs"? I can't imagine a Bomber living in Texas. To: Kirk Vitulli (Grandson of Art Dawald) Most of us have great memories of your Grandfather as a great basketball coach! I have one other memory I'd like to share. I had Mr. Dawald for a Social Studies class He seemed to always have a reading assignment for us during each class. In the class you could hear a pin drop... it was so quiet!! I remember each time I would look up from my reading assignment for a break, he would look at you with a "funny" grin. I can still see that grin. I would immediately start reading again. At the time it seemed I was the only one he did that to... but, I'm sure there are many others out there. I have to say he had complete control of the class, just like he did as a coach. Since you live in the Spokane area and I live just south of Coeur D'Alene; maybe we could get together some time for lunch. Our daughters live in Spokane, so we're there at least once a week. You can email me. -Wally Erickson ('53) ~ Where it's been raining a lot, but it's needed since there's no snow in the mountains. We need the rain to hold down any forest fires and keep Lake CD'A at summer level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Also, Kirk, there is a Bomber lunch every other month or so in Spokane and I know more than one Bomber coached by your granddad usually attend. I'm SURE they'd love to see you attend. They just had one this past Sunday. The next one is July 15th. -Maren] ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Reuben Linn ('58) Re: North of Richland Ferry Thanks to Gary Behymer ('64) for his ongoing references to pictures and other things. The picture of the ferry in Richland brought back a few memories. I remember riding several in the '40s and 50s; Paterson, Umatilla, Dalles, Lyons, etc. What exciting outings for a little guy those rides would be. If I remember correctly, some of them went back and forth via cables pulling them... not first class operations like this one! Reuben Linn ('58) in sunny south Tacoma ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: George "Pappy" Swan ('59) Re: Answering me mail To: Nancy Nelson Wyatt ('69) Nancy, figuring that you had your veterinarian appointment for your doggie at 1:00 PM and we got no message from the staff of the establishment, we left about 12:45, so just missed you. Or else, we were so enthralled by the big picture on the rear wall, we just didn't hear 'em. Give a call or email when you are coming down here. To: Bill Berlin ('56) I once landed in King Salmon, AK in a DC-3 with a smokin' inverter which was a bit puckery and rode into Cold Bay, AK on a DC-6 that was flying low and crabbin' into the wind like a crop-duster for landing. And in those days, what we called Pribilof International on St. Paul Island consisted of a windsock and a set of rollaway stairs on a Scoria strip. Never was in Naknek, so I can't compare to Burbank but we're pretty much breakin' into the 21st century now. A four-laner going in and we have actually had a stoplight for a few years. There goes the neighborhood! Maybe it's time to move to the mountains. To: Donna Bowers Rice ('63) Did not!!! I didn't do it on Alumni Sandstorm but I did it by snail mail and on the hand crank teleephone. We got those too, now that the pony express quit runnin' just last year. Besides that, me much younger sister, Marilyn Swan Beddo ('63) told me she quit with the birthdays so that I would keep on gettin' much more older than her. -George "Pappy" Swan ('59) ~ Burbank, WA, where smoke signals are generally rendered useless by the southwesterly winds blowin' in from Wallula Gap. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Dave Hanthorn (Gold Medal class of '63) To: Jimbeaux ('63) Re: Kirkland eateries They may not have any Pho joints in Kirkland, but they do have (stand by for shameless family business promotion) one of the best Thai restaurants this side of Bangkok. Try Noppakoa Restaurant in the Juanita shopping center. And check here: for more details on Noppakoa and the other three places that are part of my wife's brother-in-law's "chain". The website isn't yet complete on the Benjarong Restaurant. It is having it's grand opening in Monroe on Thursday. They should be getting the location details onto the website very soon. The Ayothaya in Puyallup South Hill and the Golden Singha at Fifth and Denny in downtown Seattle round out the lineup for now. I have been to all four restaurants (and eaten several times at the three that are already open) and I can unabashedly recommend any and all of them to all my fellow Bombers. And if any of you Bombers want to get together for some Singha Beer and Thai delicacies and Bomberville reminisces at any of the four restaurants, just give me a holler and I'll be there. -Dave Hanthorn (Gold medal class of '63) in sunny and rainy Mercer Island, where the weather changes every 10 minutes. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Roy Ballard (Gold Medal Class of '63) To: Jim Hamilton ('63) Finding a good place to eat was not a problem when you were here as a kid, but now you need to know how to look around and find the good places. You have become too spoiled and will go anywhere in Seattle and call it good. We have some great places here in quietville and they are great... just look. By the way, Frank told me that he didn't like you anymore... ooops -Roy Ballard (Gold Medal Class of '63) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Mike Howell ('68WB) To: Clif Edwards ('68) Hi Clif I didn't realize you had anything wrong with you too. I was hooked on prescription drugs from 1977 until 1982. Then after Jackie died I got hurt again in 1986 and have been on some kind of drug ever since. Right now the VA has to be the largest pill pusher in the US. I am taking over 30 pills a day and I don't even ask anymore. As long as I can remember who I am and what I do on a daily basis (with the help of my diary), I am okay with that. I wish I could walk farther than 40 feet without crutches but such is not to be for me. I also wish I had more money to make the passing of time easier but again that will not happen. Like we use to be active and young now we are training aids for our Kids and Grandkids. If you smoke you will turn out just like Grandpa... Grandpa didn't brush his teeth like he was suppose to when he was your age so the doctor had to take all his teeth away... I guess we are good at something after all. LOL. Take care Clif, -Mike Howell ('68WB) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* That's it for today. Please send more. *******************************************************