Alumni Sandstorm ~ 05/09/05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Bombers sent stuff: Mike Clowes ('54), Lola Heidlebaugh ('60) Jamie Worley ('64), Jim Coyne ('64) Mike Perkins ('67), Doug Ufkes ('68) Barb Hogan ('72) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Pete Overdahl ('60) (MIGHT have been yesterday?) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Twins: Bill & Mary Bailey ('64) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Val Trent ('70) BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar Click the event you want to know more about. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes ('54) Re: From the "Well Informed" Dept. It was announced in the May/June issue of "Vets News" (a publication of the Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs; on the web at that the Moving Wall would be in Richland. I quote from that article: "The event in Richland, Washington will begin with opening ceremonies at sunrise on June 8, 2005. The Wall will be open for viewing around the clock (24 hours) at Jefferson Park in Richland until closing ceremonies begin at sunset on June 12. To visit the Moving Wall in Richland take the George Washington Way Exit off 182 heading North and continue approximately 2 miles to Jefferson Park." Be of good cheer, -Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes ('54) - still in slightly damp Albany, OR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [The Moving Wall™ 2005 in Richland is also listed on the All Bomber calendar. Click the link from the calendar and it'll take you to: which has The Moving Wall™ Richland dates as 6/7 thru 6/13. -Maren] ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Lola Heidlebaugh Bowen ('60) Re: Portland/Vancouver Bomber Luncheon DATE: Saturday, May 14 TIME: 11:30 a.m. PLACE: Shenanigan's - The Red Lion on the River at Jantzen Beach (east side of I-5) Please let Lola know if you plan to join the Portland/Vancouver Bomber Luncheon - Come help plan the August 2005 Vancouver/Bomber Picnic! And - don't forget to mark your calendars for the picnic - Saturday - August 13, 2005 - Battle Ground Lake State Park! See you Saturday! -Lola Heidlebaugh Bowen ('60) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Jamie Worley Hills ('64) Many thanks to Dick Avedovech ('56) and Mike Perkins ('67) for your poignant picture in the May 8th Sandstorm. As I am a little behind on my Sandstorm reading I don't know the story of the picture. As I've tried to explain to friends what my company does, this picture speaks a thousand words. We take care of children just like the one in the picture, in their homes. In a few years, barring complications, with excellent home nursing, that baby who probably weighs one pound, will graduate from all his/her tubes, oxygen, ventilators, and nurses, and lead a very productive life. Miracles do occur every day. -Jamie Worley Hills ('64) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Jim Coyne ('64) To all the YOUNG ladies...... Happy Mothers Day. Hope everyone has a great day -Jim Coyne ('64) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Mike Perkins ('67) Re: Basrah Bomber Luncheon. For some reason my co-workers voted down, unanimously, my idea to post a BOMBERS WELCOME HERE sign outside our compound at Basrah International Airport, in southern Iraq. BOMBER SPOKEN HERE and BOMBER FRIENDLY ZONE were other ideas that were also vetoed, soundly, I might add. So, I guess I'll have to rely on the Sandstorm's gentle readers to let me know if there are enough of us in the area to justify a Basrah Bomber Luncheon. Please advise. -Mike Perkins ('67) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Doug Ufkes ('68) When I graduated from high school, all I wanted to do was to get out of that town, like many people all over the world. And like many of those people for the last 15 years all I have wanted to do was to come back home. It is funny how things change for a person but there is no place - and I mean no place - like the Pacific Northwest. I live in Tucson, AZ. Most of the year here is pleasant and I can see why folks want to live here but the summers are dreadfully hot, many summers there are 100 days in a row with highs over 100°... Days with 105°, 107°, 112°, and you can’t walk 100 yards without drinking a gallon of water. You guys who stayed in Richland and built a good life there are lucky and someday, God willing, I will come home -Doug Ufkes ('68) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Barb Hogan Ham ('72) Just wanted to wish my "Big Brother Mike Hogan", and Happy B-Day. Love ya, Big Brother Your sister Barby -Barb Hogan Ham ('72) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* That's it for today. Please send more. *******************************************************