Alumni Sandstorm ~ 05/02/05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Bombers sent stuff; 1 Colt and 1 retired teacher funeral notices today: Jerry Oakley ('51), Wally Erickson ('53) Lola Heidlebaugh ('60), Marilyn Baird ('60) Suzie Gunderson ('60), Tobe Roberts ('61) Linda Reining ('64) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* From the new ALL Bomber Alumni GuestBook. >>From: Jerry Oakley ('51) COMMENTS: NONE -Jerry Oakley ('51) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Wally Erickson ('53) To: Marilyn Baird Singletary ('60) Re: Japanese Camps in Washington State I do know that there was a Japanese Camp for Japanese US citizens on Bainbridge Island near Seattle during the war. The reason I know this one of my best friends and his family, relatives were held there until the war was over. I'm not sure of the location on the Island though. My friend is Taky Kimura; he was Bruce Lee's best friend when Bruce lived in Seattle. Taky still teaches "Kung Fu" in Redmond, WA. He has over 40 students and doesn't charge anything. He's 80 years old and looks like he's only 60 years old, or younger. He's a very humble person; we're like brothers for each other. Taky is often asked to go to different parts of the world and USA to talk about Bruce Lee and Bruce's philosophy on martial arts. Most anything written about Bruce Lee is usually clarified by Bruce's wife Linda (remarried), or Taky Kimura. Some of you will remember Brandon (Bruce's son) was killed making a movie several years ago. Bruce Lee was considered very strong during his time pound for pound. He could knock a man almost twice his weight back 10 to 15 feet. They were both buried in Seattle at the Capitol Hill Cemetery. There is always someone there almost every day to pay their respects rain or shine. Most Japanese lost everything during their time in these camps, after the war they had to start all over again. Again, most of them never complained about their losses and having to start over. To: Laura Dean Kirby Armstrong ('55) Re: Kiona Winery Could this be the same John Williams ('56) I knew?? He had a sister Barbara Williams ('53-RIP) and a younger brother Lee. They lived on Thayer Drive across the street from the Finney's. Actually they lived right around the corner of Putnam St. When I was real young, I was impressed the selection of hunting rifles John's Dad had. If you get a chance to see John again, greet him for me (I'm sure it's the same John Williams). When I'm in that area again, I'll have to look him up. Thanks for the info. -Wally Erickson ('53)~ Where the suns been shining all week and cool evenings. Coeur D'Alene, ID. Don't forget to root for the "green and gold" Sonics!!!! ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Lola Heidlebaugh Bowen ('60) Re: Portland/Vancouver 2005 Bomber Picnic Hi Maren - Just noticed we don't have the 2005 Portland/Vancouver Bomber Picnic on the calendar. Would you please put it on the calendar and put a reminder in the Sandstorm for us? Please mark your calendars for the 2005 Portland/Vancouver Bomber Picnic: Saturday - August 13 - Battle Ground Lake State Park ALL BOMBERS WELCOME! Come to the luncheon on May 14 and help plan thr picnic! Thanks! -Lola Heidlebaugh Bowen ('60) - Vancouver - where the sunshine is very, very welcome! ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Marilyn Baird ('60) To: John Adkins ('62) Hey Gang, sorry if I broke up your fun with the Horn Rapids Mystery Camp. I really wanted to know who and what was out there and I doubt that I was the only one. Next time I will leave it alone and let you 'kids' have your fun. Take care from Vallejo, CA -Marilyn Baird ('60) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Suzie Gunderson Chiles ('60) Re: Kathryn Bugbee To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49) You sparked a memory when you mentioned Mrs. Bugbee's name. I remember a Public Health nurse by that name who used to come to our home when we were sick. Could "my" Mrs. Bugbee, and "your" Mrs. Bugbee be the same person? And if so, would you email me with more stories, so I can include them in my journaling. Thanks, Betty. -Suzie Gunderson Chiles ('60) ~ in Omak, WA... where yesterday I spotted a cougar sleeping in a tree just beyond my backyard fence. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Tobe Roberts Taylor ('61) My husband, Carl ('60), and I returned a couple days ago from 3 weeks in Germany. One reason for the trip was to visit Harald Jungmann ('61) exchange student from Germany. We had a great time visiting with him and looking at the pictures he had from his year at Columbia High. He sends his regards to all his former classmates and definitely remembers his year here as one of the best ever!! For those of you who know Christine Romanelli DeVilleneuve ('60), she had heart surgery this past week and is expected to be released from the hospital either today or tomorrow. Please feel free to send her a card and get well wishes at: [street address deleted for Christine's privacy. -Maren]. Or, if her address cannot be published here please send me email and I will send you the address. It will really make her day to hear from you. -Tobe Roberts Taylor ('61) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Linda Reining ('64) Today (Sunday) is May 1st. 52 years ago today, my brother, Tim('71WB), was born. I remember the day, very clearly... it was a Saturday and I was staying next door with the Nobles... Betty (Mrs.) taught Catechism at Christ the King, so she took me with her and had me stand up in front of her class and tell what I got in my "May Day basket". Do any of you remember "May Day baskets"? I remember we made them out of heavy paper and they were a cone shape. They also had a handle so we could hang them on door knobs... also had a dance that we did around the May pole... at Spalding outside on the blacktop and I think our parents came and watched us. I was wondering, do the schools still make those baskets... they don't do it here in Bakersfield. Neither my kids nor grandkids have any idea what I am talking about when I say we made May Day baskets. Remember making "nosegays"? Kids don't make those either. Didn't we make them out of tissue paper? -Linda Reining ('64) ~ breezy and warm in Bakersfield, CA ******************************************************* ******************************************************* Funeral Notice scanned from the TCHerald by Shirley Collings Haskins ('66) >>Martha Supplee Wetherell ('37) ~ 6/22/19 - 4/27/05 >>Monte Elvan Jones ~ Richland Schools, Retired ~ 8/24/31 - 4/21/05 ******************************************************* ******************************************************* That's it for today. Please send more. *******************************************************