Alumni Sandstorm ~ 04/14/05
14 Bombers sent stuff and 1 HHS funeral notice today: 
Dick McCoy ('45), Betty Hiser ('49)
Ken Ely ('49), Jim Jensen ('50)
Dick Avedovech ('56), Hal Smith ('56)
Patti Mathis ('60), John Browne, Jr. ('61)
Frank Whiteside ('63), Bill Scott ('64)
Carol Converse ('64), Shirley Collings ('66)
Rick Maddy ('67), Ruth Russell ('71)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Dave Brusie ('51)

BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
    Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Dick McCoy ('45)

Re: school daze
To: good friend Dave Brusie ('51)
    You "sympathize" with my walks to school in St. Paul Minnesota. 
I also had a paper route before school. Plenty of mornings it was 
well below zero. As they say in Minnesota, once it gets below -10, 
it really doesn't matter. I was really abused, but I was tough.

-Dick McCoy from the Tin Can Class of 1945
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)

Jim McKeown ('53): 1944 must have been the year to catch polio. As I
said, the last time I was in the hospital in Cincinnati there were 
so many cases that they had to bring the kids down into our ward 
who were no longer contagious. My aunt also had the Sister Kenney
treatment. Her and a boy caught polio at the same time (they never did
determine where either of them caught polio - they were not friends nor
played together). He had only a mild case of polio and was not given
the Sister Kenney treatment) yet was very crippled. My aunt had
treatments and only had one leg shorter than the other. We had a woman
come to our senior citizens group with post-polio symptoms. She said
there are quite a few people in Richland who belong to this group.

Tell your mom hi. She was such a kick in the pants. Love her.

I asked several people at the Meals on Wheels about the Italians at
the camp and all of them said: Italians for sure. Quite a discussion.

Wally Erickson ('53): The dormitories for the women were from Goethals
(now Jadwin) to Stevens and from Lee Boulevard to Knight Street and
were designated W. The men's dorms were from Goethals to Gilmore (I
believe) and from Swift to Williams Boulevard and their designation was
M. My father lived in M-4 until our house was finished and the family
came to Richland. As they built more houses the W dorms were used for
office buildings (employment office), the old General Electric School
of Nuclear Engineering (GENE - like genie), and the police station. 
You can see some of the dorms around the area: There is one off of Van
Giesen near the fire station that is used for rooms. There is part of
one on Van Giesen and Jones Road (toward West Richland). The IOOF Lodge
is an old dorm. There are probably others that I haven't discovered
yet. I have seen a 1-story building that looks like the top of a dorm.
There were 2-story, had a house mother, furnished, not too bad for a
single person, wash room, community refrigerator, etc. I can't remember
when they were torn down but they were there quite a while. I rode the
Goethals bus to work and half of our passengers were the men from the
dorms. W-5 was either the police station (right in back of the Mart) or
the employment office. All of the Hanford patrol cars were light tan.
Their unmarked cars were a dark blue. How obvious could you get?

Remember the old 703 Building? That is part of the complex in Kennewick
(off of Clearwater - I think it is called Crossroads Mall).

Carol Converse Maurer ('64): I will have to ask my kids - I don't
believe there was a follow up. My kids had both the shot and the
sugar cube. I wanted to make darn sure that they never caught polio.

When I was a kid you caught things because you played with the white
trash in town. Needless to say, the poor white trash kids never had any
friends. The chin bit - this is the first I ever hear of that. Probably
one of those "old housewives tales."

-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - sun shining - 
                   but coolish (supposed to get 58 today).
>>From: Ken Ely ('49)

Re: Columbia Camp
    Can anyone remember what "uniforms" the prisoners wore? I remember
seeing a couple in Kennewick and was told they were brought there to
shop. They had to remain in pairs while there. As I recall, they wore
blue denim trousers and shirts with the letter "P" printed on the back.
Any other recollections? 

-Ken Ely ('49) ~ Cool and sunny Orangevale, CA
>>From: Jim Jensen ('50)

Re: Dorms
To: Wally Erickson ('53)
    In your 4/13 posting you asked about the dormitory situation. The
men's dorms were located on Jadwin and Williams Boulevard (if remember
correctly). The women's dorms were located just west of the old
cafeteria - which was across the street (west) from the "village
green" The south side of the "green" consisted of the Seattle First
National Bank and the Post Office. A tall flagpole was proudly centered
in the "green."

Side note: the Government donated one of the women's dorms to the youth
program. That "teen club" was shortly thereafter replaced by the Hi-
Spot Teen Club which was located in the Richland Community Center.

I was long gone when the dorms were razed or moved. Have no idea what
happened to them. Like most of the Richland structures of that day they
were extremely well built.

-Jim Jensen ('50) ~ In Katy, TX - where an unusually delightful 
           Spring visited us. It's over now and the searing, metal-
           melting Summer is gathering its force. 
>>From: Dick Avedovech ('56)

Re: Polio
    There is an article in the Science section of the Oregonian
newspaper today, Wednesday, April 13th called "Polio's Long Shadow" 
which is quite good. One might be able to retrieve that article by 
going to typing in Science section in the 
Keyword. I contacted polio when I was in Junior High but it wasn't 
diagnosed until many years later when my physician looked at my
deformed feet said that he had the same thing and it was from an early
case of Polio, probably via the swimming pool. I remember an incident
of extreme pain in my lower back and legs and was unable to move for 
a few days at that time. I was diagnosed as probably having a case of
lumbago, which my dad suffered from for many years. Such were the times
in Richland in the early '50s.

-Dick Avedovech ('56)
>>From: Hal Smith ('56)

    The recent anniversary of the polio vaccine discovery brought back
memories of the most inspirational person in my life. C. Ben Graham
contracted polio in the early '50s and was confined to a wheel chair
for life. His brother Tommy and I played baseball together and his mom
was my 5th grade teacher. I spent many a summer day with the Graham
boys at their home on Abbot St. in the South end. Ben was a great guy.
He went on from graduation at W.S.U. to medical school and was a doctor
at the Univ. of Wash. hospital. He was also one of the best wheel-chair
basketball players in the country. I remember going with him to the
movies in his car equipped so he could drive without using his legs. He
would speed up and hop over the curb at the Uptown theater with great
ease. I have lost track of the wonderful Graham family but will always
look back at being taught wonderful things by Ben and his mom.

-Hal Smith ('56)
>>From: Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60)

To: Carol Converse ('64)
Re: Polio
    Touching your chin to your chest was (as far as I can guess) a
test to see if your neck muscles would work and were not constricted.
Odd, thinking back, I never asked that question. Just felt secure in
the knowledge that I could do it, so all was well.

-Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60)
>>From: John Browne, Jr. ('61)

Re: Tooter Tudor Tutor
To: Tami Lyons
    I found something at this URL 
Also mentioned Crusader Rabbit... (not to be cornfused with "..dat
dwatted wabbit!..")  ^..^

-JHBrowne, Jr. ('61) ~ Vashon Island, WA
>>From: Frank Whiteside ('63)

Re: Movie
    Over the last few months, our local area has been besieged by the
film crew of the $100 million dollar movie "All the King's Men," which
is a remake of the 1949 version starring Broderick Crawford. It is
based on Robert Penn Warren's Pulitzer Prize winning novel about a
populist politician named Willie Stark. 
    Actually, it is supposed to be similar to the rise and fall of
Louisiana's famous governor, Huey P. Long, who was assassinated in
1935. In fact, you can still see the bullet holes from the
assassination at the State Capitol in Baton Rouge.
    It stars some big names--Sean Penn, Jude Law, Anthony Hopkins, 
Kate Winslett, Mark Ruffalo, James Gandolfini and our fairly famed 
local actress, Patricia Clarkson.
   About a month ago, the main road from our home was blocked off for a
week and the bayou and road were part of the set. We weren't too happy
about driving 6 miles down our only side road to get to the main
highway. Very soon, the side road will be blocked off to shoot another
part of the film. About 2 miles from my house, they are building a set
which is an elementary school called Mason City Elementary. The local
rumor is that they are supposed to blow it up. Guess we'll find out for
sure when they release the movie in December or when my windows shake
one day in the next week or two.
    Being a big history buff, I'd like to watch the filming, but the 
side road will be blocked off just as the main road was.
    Anyway, I caught a few pictures of the school/set while going down 
the side road to the local grocery store and bank.
    Guess I'll have to see this movie just for the local scenes, as I 
am not a big Sean Penn fan.

-Frank Whiteside ('63) ~ Bayou Gauche, LA
>>From: Bill Scott ('64)

Re: McDonald's
To: Wally Erickson ('53)
    Yes, I remember the McDonald's near Angus Village. It had to be the
first McD in the area. In those days the arches were round, as in half
of a circle, instead of elliptical as they are today.
    On another subject, I also remember getting my polio vaccine sugar
cube at the Community House.

-Bill Scott ('64)
>>From: Carol Converse Maurer ('64)

To: Larry Mattingly ('60)
    Congrats on your granddaughter's accomplishments!! That is so cool!
Re: Polio
    I remember when Gary Enor came down with Polio and was put into an
iron lung. Went to see him a few times, as he was a close friend of
mine when in grade school. Don't know how long he was there or really
anything about it now. Don't know what ever happened to him.

-Carol Converse Maurer ('64) ~ Eureka, CA - where it can't make up it's 
            mind for rain or sun today. More rain than sun now though.
>>From: Shirley Collings Haskins ('66)

Re: Gold Coast on National Register from 4/11/06 TCHerald
    (The alphabet homes which were honored in the Washington Register
have now been honored by the National Register. Shirley) The historic
district includes 162 houses and one park and is bounded by World War
II houses on the west side of Hunt Avenue near the Columbia River,
extending to post-war houses toward George Washington Way.

    The structure and character of the houses has changed little over 
the years, and the collection is considered to be the most intact of
Richland's nearly 3,500 alphabet homes, said Joe Schiessl, Richland's
planning and redevelopment manager. Richland still was a government
town when the houses were built to provide living quarters for incoming
Hanford workers. Each style of house was assigned a letter, with
workers getting a house based on their jobs. Blue-collar workers lived
in A and B houses, which were one- to two-story duplexes and among
those most commonly built. Top administrators and scientists received
the best houses.
    Richland residents have added their own touches to many of the 
ABC homes in the years since, and the city used a dozen volunteers to
survey about 5,000 houses, including alphabet houses. The prefabs, as
they are called, were brought in to supplement the ABC houses as more
workers came.
    No prefabs were added to the Gold Coast district, however, and the
neighborhood remains much as it was during the 1940's. The historic
designation adds a sence (since) of pride but does not restrict
homeowners from making changes to their property in (the) future,
Schiessl said. "This helps identify the neighborhood as unique," he

Re: A dream come true 4/11/05 TCHerald
    Hanford grad Repko off to hot start with Dodgers Jason Repko will
always remember April 2, 2005; on that day, he was told he was a major
    The 1999 Hanford High School Graduate had been working his way
through the LA Dodgers' farm system ever since he was drafted by the
team in 1999. ...Jason played so well in spring training that he led
the Dodgers with a team-high 26 hits during the exhibition season. He
had a.325 batting average, three home runs and seven RBI while playing
solid defense in left field.
     "He's opened a lot of people's eyes, including mine," Dodgers
manager Jim Tracy told last month.

NOTE FROM SHIRLEY: Jason has hit a homer in each of the last 2 out of
3 games. WAY TO GO, JASON!

-Shirley Collings Haskins ('66)
>>From: Rick "Buffet" Maddy ('67)

Re: breakfast, lunch, dinner or supper
T0: Larry Mattingly ('60)

    Thanks for the offer to the Tacoma Rainiers home opener with your
fireworks show after the game but I live to far away. On the other
hand, [and congratulations to your granddaughter] if you decide to send
out a couple of those recipes from your granddaughter... please put me
on THAT list.

-Rick "Buffet" Maddy ('67)
>>From: Ruth Russell Pierson ('71)

Re: Tutor the Turtle
To: Tami Lyons ('76) and Matt Crowley ('75)
    The turtle's name was "Tutor" or "Tooter" the Turtle, and he was on
along with the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show when I watched it. And I am
pretty sure that I usually watched it on the Uncle Jimmy Show, as one
of the featured cartoons. I seem to remember