Alumni Sandstorm ~ 04/09/05
15 Bombers sent stuff: 
Keith Maupin ('47), Betty Hiser ('49)
Doreen Hallenbeck ('51), Jim McKeown ('53)
Mike Clowes ('54), Burt Pierard ('59)
Larry Mattingly ('60), Judy Willox ('61)
John Adkins ('62), Linda Reining ('64)
David Rivers ('65), Gregor Hanson ('65) and Steve Upson ('65)
Bill Wingfield ('67), Brad Upton ('74)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Tere Smyth ('65)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Cathy Weihermiller ('66)

BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
    Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Keith Maupin ('47)

Re: Italians
    Please don't confuse me with facts! I know what I know!
    I remember the orchard workers from the Horn Rapids Camp well, and
while I don't know what language they spoke, the language they spoke
was definitely like no English that I had ever heard. It could easily
have been Italian, or German, or Japanese, but they looked like
Italians more than Japanese. They didn't speak much and they never
actually told me if they were POWs or COs but most people I knew
thought they were POWs. I also know that fruit they tended was some of
the biggest, best, sweetest, and juiciest ever – and it didn't all make
it the federal prison. In fact, my mother canned some of it on Cannery
Row in Kennewick.
    I also know lots of the Italians were here in the forties. There 
was the Lotta family – I remember one was a Don, and there was Frank
Lasasso, but he was half Greek. Then there was that guy named Enrico
something or other. I heard he made it into the areas as far as 100B
Bldg. and that they gave him an office there. Then later there were 
the Corrados and the Francos – professionals all, and highly respected
families by all accounts.
    So please don't confuse me with facts! I know what I know! I'm with 
the old guy on this one.

-Keith Maupin ('47)
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)

Bill Wingfield ('67): Marian Clark O'Rear ('50) lives in Aiken SC. She
and her folks, brother, and sister moved to Aiken when her father found 
out that duPont got the contact for Savannah River so her father worked
for duPont again. Let me contact her and see if she would like to
attend one of your meetings. I will ask her if she would like to be
contacted. Will let you know by email so you can contact her.

Tami Lyons Zirians ('76): A woman chemist invented Wool Wax Creme 
while working on the Project. At that time most people did not have to 
sign patent agreements so she started making it and selling it in the
Richland area. She must have sold 3/4 of her product to the Project. I
went to my girlfriend's parents' house sale and found one of the green
jars that was used to put the Wool Wax in. Later the product was put in
a white plastic container with blue lettering. I used to see it at the
old Payless on Lee but haven't looked for it lately. 

Teachers are important but we usually don't acknowledge it until YEARS
later when it is usually too late. Like every profession there are good
ones and unfortunately bad ones - don't know why they can't get rid of
the bad ones. I had some pretty bad ones in high school - who did not
realize that I could not hear. I told all of them but some just ignored
me - called me stupid, dumb, ignorant, and couldn't learn!!!!! That has
been my broken record ever since.

-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - sun is shining 
             but is chilly outside - we are having a cooling trend for 
             a few days with wind.
>>From: Doreen Hallenbeck Waldkoetter ('51)

Re: Tucson gathering
    Last Sunday afternoon (4/3) Bombers gathered at the home of Sarah
Hightower-Hill ('62) for great conversation and remembering, along with
food (T-bone + brats) and drink. Sara will be forwarding photos. There
are a number of Bombers in Tucson; 13 said they would attend this
gathering, and 6 showed up. Believe me, those who weren't able to
attend missed a wonderful afternoon. Since we only gather twice a year,
perhaps attendance will pick up at the next one. Special thanks to Sara
for sharing her home with us.

-Doreen Hallenbeck Waldkoetter ('51) ~ 
>>From: Jim McKeown ('53)

Re: Prison Camps
    I have been reading, with interest the argument about the Prison
camps in the '40s near Richland... I remember it also, as does my Dad,
who just turned 97. Burt ('59) says no, and McCoy ('45) says yes. I
called the Tri-City Herald, and got in touch with their "librarian",
who researches all of the History things that the paper has written
about. The following is an excerpt from her.....

"There were two prison camps in the area in those days, and they were
as much a part of life here, as was the Hanford Project. The Italian
POW camp was at what is now Port of Pasco's Big Pasco industrial park.
The other prison camp, called Columbia Camp, was at the site of the
existing Horn Rapids Park. It housed conscientious objectors and
prisoners who had broken wartime laws. The camp existed from 1944 to
1947. Inmates offenses ranged from violating price support regulations
to wearing military uniforms without permission."

It would appear that we had not only one but two camps, very close to
the project, and that Mr. McCoy is correct.

-Jim McKeown from the soft touch class of '53
>>From: Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes ('54)

For Messer's McCoy and Pierard:
> From the Truth Will Out Dept.
Re: Horn Rapids Camp 
    One of the little known facts of the early days of The Project 
was the crash of an extraterestrial craft on the north-east side 
of Rattlesnake Mountain. Scores of beings from another planet were
captured/rescued at the site. Needless to say Gen'l Groves was (well
delicacy and the fact that this is a family publication prevent me from
giving the full description of the General's feelings); needless to
say, his chocolate candy stash took a severe beathing that day. Some
method of confinement had to be built and quickly; thus the camp at
Horn Rapids. The "aliens" were kept there until a suitable hanger 
at Roswell Army Air Force Base could be made available. It is my
understanding that some of the "aliens" assisted Dr. Fermi in refining
reactor designs.
    To further any disinformation, stories were started that the camp
was for Prisoners of War or Conscientious Objecters. Not much has been
heard of them, except to note that a few died during a dirigible crash
near the Roswell AAF Base. This crash occurred while they were being
transported to a new underground facility near Groom Lake, NV.
    There is also a rumor that some of the more altitudinally
challenged beings escaped from Horn Rapids via a strange route that
took them through Mabton and Starbuck on their way to a mudpuddle 
near Burbank. All of this information comes from an FBI person who 
wishes to remain annonymous. That person's initials are FM if that 
means anything to any of you.
    I trust this puts an end to the "vicious" bickering about Italians,
Germans, CO's and any other weird elements that have cropped up.

Life is fun when you is a Bomber 
-Bob Carlson, aka Mike Clowes ('54)
>>From: Burt Pierard ('59)

To: Dick McCoy ('45, '46) & Ray Stein ('64)
Re: Columbia Camp
    Come on guys. To be perfectly fair, one must keep to the subject
that is being debated. The original subject was the question whether
Columbia Camp was a POW Camp. In the spirit of the discussion, I was
willing to expand the subject to consider whether there was a single
case of even one POW ever confined at Columbia Camp. I have always
contended that the only arguments that occur about our history do so
when documentation to prove a point does not exist. Then one has to
turn to circumstantial evidence that a "reasonable person" would accept
as proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Fortunately, in this case, the
documentation exists and I have referred to it repeatedly. On the other
side, there have only been memories (the least reliable source) and
scuttlebutt. Nobody has tried to attack the source documentation 
itself (except for McCoy's note about "the powers that were" wouldn't 
tell us & Leslie Groves could say anything he wanted to, whatever that 
was supposed to mean).
    In my view, the "Smoking Gun" document is the Official DuPont 
Final Project Report to Congress. I originally quoted the critical 
part of the Section on Federal Prison Industries (FPI) revealing the
requirement for Security Clearances in my 3/21/05 posting. Since nobody
appears to want to go back and read that (it is available in the
Sandstorm Archives on the Web Site), I will repeat it again.
    "Prison inmates, guards, and others employed in the undertaking 
were cleared by the Protective Security Unit before they were permitted
within the Project Area. The identical rules and restrictions limiting
Project employees applied." Note to McCoy: this is the Clearance
question you are avoiding -- nothing to do with delivery personnel. I
contend that non-USA citizens would not have been cleared for either
confinement at Columbia Camp or employment by FPI."
    I believe that I adequately explained the Italian & German speaking
inmates as Conscientious Objectors (COs) which were officially
acknowledged as inmates. As an aside, since some people do not know
what COs are, they are USA citizens that refuse the Draft on either
religious or ethnic background reasons (like refusal to join the Army
to fight against their Homeland) and since that is a Federal crime,
they are sent to a Federal Penitentiary, such as McNiel Island in this
case. Ray Stein ('64) has raised an interesting point about the Italian
Service Units (ISUs) but all the recollections of Italian speaking
people were about inmates, not employees of FPI, so not relevant to the
discussion (also does not explain the German speaking inmates). Could
ISUs have been employed by FPI? I don't know but I would think that 
the Security Clearance requirement would not allow them (purely my

Bomber Cheers,
-Burt Pierard ('59) ~ Richland
>>From: Larry Mattingly ('60)

Re: Wool Wax Crème
To: Tami Lyons Zirians ('76)
    Wool Wax Crème is still being made and sold. I buy it 2-3 times a
year, a dozen at a time at the drug store next to Albertson's on Lee
Blvd. The lady that took it over years ago, lived in Pasco for a while
and had a chance to move back to the family homestead years ago in a
really small town in Montana. On one of my frequent trips to Montana
about 10 years ago and I found a phone number and called her just for
fun. Nice lady, believes in her product and makes it as needed to
supply users. At that time she said she makes it exactly as it has
always been. Even now it doesn't seem to have changed. Very rich in
lanolin, it is good stuff. Once you rub in it there is no greasy or
sticky feeling.
    I still use it on my hands after working in the garden or anytime 
my skin feels beat-up. I supply a several friends with it. I find 
messages on my home phone to "please bring back a couple of jars next 
time you go to Richland and I'll pay you when you drop it off". I think 
the last I bought was like $4.49 a jar.
    The chain name of that drugstore escapes me right now, but they 
will tell you that any store in their chain can get it for you as it 
is on the "available to order list".

"Happiness is the sky in bloom"
-Larry Mattingly ('60)
[We'll get all you Bombers trained soon.... try this... go to and search for Wool Wax Crème.... here's what I found:  -Maren]
>>From: Judy Willox (Classic Class '61)

To: All Bombers
Re: Green & Gold, Red & White
    Taste the wines of renowned vintner Charlie Hoppes at Club 40's
Spring wine tasting event! Join us on Saturday, April 23 from 6-9pm at
the Hampton Inn, Richland. We'll be pouring wines from Fidelitas, Canon
de Sol, Gamache and Gooseridge wineries. Tickets are $25, and include
wine, light hors d'oeurves and a silent auction to benefit the Richland
High senior graduation party. Tickets are available at the Hampton Inn,
or by calling Maggie Shallman at 627-4295. Only a limited number are
available, so get yours today!
    If you are from out of town and want to attend, attached is a form
to send in to the address on the form.

Bomber Cheers,
-Judy Willox (Classic Class '61) ~ Richland
>>From: John Adkins ('62)

Re: Wool Wax Cream
To: Tami Lyons Zirians ('76)
    I spent about 5 years working in the Data Center at the Hanford
Project - handling paper - carbon - film and all those things that
computers create - I used a lot of Wool Wax Cream. The product is still
available at some local pharmacies - under a different name - but in
the same familiar white canister.

-John Adkins ('62) ~ Richland - the sun is coming up and I can see
                blue sky
>>From: Linda Reining ('64)

Re: Peggy Sue Got Married (the movie with Kathleen Turner)
    the guy was Nicholas Cage.

Re: Wool Wax Creme
    I remember that... my mom bought it all the time and we used it for
everything... rough knees and elbows; chapped lips; chapped cheeks;
chapped hands; and the heels of our feet! Haven't thought about that
cream in years, but, like anything good that works, I'm figuring that
it is no longer being made, although "udder cream" is a pretty good
replacement. I think "Norwegian Hand Cream" might come pretty close,

Re: Tests
    I had the nerve conduction tests done this afternoon (Friday)... 
did it hurt????? Oh yeah!!!!!!!!! Did I cry???????? You bet!!!!!!!!!!
Am I a wimp???????? Damn straight!!!!!!!!!!!! Most of them were
tolerable, but he did one on my upper right arm that hurt like "H E
double toothpicks" and my arm is still hurting! I'll know the results
when I see my doctor on the 14th and then will find out what he decides
the next step should be. Me???? I'm hoping for surgery, as the thought
of cortisone shots gives me the heebee jeebees!!!!!!!!!!!

-Linda Reining ('64) ~ Bakersfield, CA - where this weather can't 
     decide if it wants to remain Winter or jump into Spring! We had 
     87° on Wednesday and Thursday it rained, the wind blew and it was 
     a chilly 57°!!!!!!!! Ain't complaining one bit, though, as I am 
     not in any hurry for the heat of this area to arrive!
>>From: David Rivers ('65)

Re: Letters... we need letters... we need lots and lots of letters
    OK boys and girls... Ms. McKnight ('65) kinda said it all in her
post of yesterday. I've been asked by the Sorry 7 group and lots of
others when I'm gonna send my snail mail letter about the reunion and
I've explained that I gots no info... all I know is that Werner ('65)
was planning the jet boat deal a day early so as not to mess with 
the Friday festivities... but we ain't heard 'bout no Friday '65er
festivities... Carl ('65) talked about a party but the dock is kinda
small for the entire class... Oh... Important announcement... Davis
('65) is planning on staying with Lyman ('65) so somebody warn
Powell... so... What do we need to do? Are we having the traditional
sock hop on Friday? Are we having the traditional din-din (bit din-
din... not the one at Los Marguerites (Margaritas???) which I think is
set up for Friday evening)... but the big dinner where we sit in one 
of the big rooms and watch Simpson's slides or eat outside and chase
napkins in the wind)... And Sunday... what are we doing Sunday... are
we eating at the DI and all telling everybody we'll keep in touch fer
reals from now on?????? I mean this is 'portan' stuff... Freddie ('63) 
is loaning me his class of '63 T-shirt... for cripes sake... I'm
wearing my green and gold high top converse... (tried to get House
('63) a pair... but they stop one size too small... bummer)... I mean I 
wait all year for this and in this case we have waited 40 YEARS!!!!!!!!
I'll bet there is at least one kid that wants to attend that has never 
been to a reunion... I'll bet! So come on group... we need to know how 
much this shindig costs... who to send the moola to and where what and 
when! Hello Sir Gregor, Carl, Mike, Patti and Steve... 
whaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzz uuuuuuuuuup?

-David Rivers ('65)
>>From: Gregor Hanson ('65)
>>From: Steve Upson ('65)

Re: RHS Class of 1965 40th Reunion
To: Fellow Classmates of RHS - 1965
    We are planning the celebration of our 40th reunion of our Columbia
High School - Richland - graduation class of 1965 the weekend of June
24-25-26, 2005.
    The event is scheduled to be held at the Hanford House in Richland, 
WA - (located on GWWay in case some of you haven't visited Richland in 
a while).
    Plans are for a Social gathering in the outdoor courtyard area of
the hotel on Friday evening, and a buffet dinner in the downstairs
banquet rooms on Saturday evening. Hopefully, we can all get together
prior to the Saturday evening dinner for a group class picture!
    We have not finalized the cost for attending the entire event or 
just one evening of the reunion activities, but that information will 
be forthcoming.

First - We are interested in knowing if you are planning to attend, 
and how many will be included your party - particularly so we can have 
a fairly accurate count for dinner arrangements.

Second - We are interested in knowing if you would like to have
music/dancing after the Saturday night dinner and short program.

Third - Are you interested in any other "organized" group activities
during the weekend - i.e. golf get together; Columbia River cruise tour
or jet boat tour; any suggestions? etc.

Fourth - We have "missing" classmates that we have been able to contact
or locate. Please refer to the Class of 1965 web page site at The class roll is shown on 
    If you have information for an e-mail address for those showing 
in yellow color font, please provide that information to Steve Upson, 
and please feel free to contact the person directly to inform them of 
our upcoming class reunion. Also - a listing of missing classmates is 
shown in turquoise blue color font. If you have information on the
whereabouts of any of those classmates, please reply to Steve Upson
with that information, as well. (Special prize for locating Alan

Be aware that the dates for our class reunion are the same weekend as
the Cool Desert Nights classic car show is held annually in Richland so
there are lots of visitors in the Tri-Cities that weekend. At this time
we are uncertain about availability of any rooms at the Hanford House,
and/or if rooms are available if there will be any discount for RHS
Class of 1965 guests. If you need information about lodging, please let
us know and we will provide a listing of options for hotel/motel
lodging in the Tri-Cities area.

Hopefully you can join us for this special weekend celebration of
sharing memories and rekindling friendships from our youthful days of
too many years ago!!

Bomber Cheers and Best Regards!!
-Gregor Hanson ('65)
-Steve Upson ('65)
>>From: Bill Wingfield ('67)

To: John Wingfield (66)
Happy Birthday cuz,
-Bill Wingfield (BRC '67) ~ Augusta, GA - where they actually were 
       able to get in a little chasing of white balls around a very 
       green course, in between rain drops. It's looking pretty good 
       out there now. If you've never been to the Masters, well... 
>>From: Brad Upton ('74)

To: Ron Harman ('77)
Re: Shameless self-promotion
    There's no need to apologize for shameless self-promotion... in 
fact, on Saturday, May 21st I'll be opening for the Smothers Brothers
at the Columbia Theater in Longview, WA. I've worked with the SmoBros 
a number of times, they are better than ever and their act is timeless.

-Brad Upton ('74)
That's it for today. Please send more.