Alumni Sandstorm ~ 04/08/05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Bombers and Vera Edwards sent stuff: Dick McCoy ('45), Dick Avedovech ('56) Ray Stein ('64), Linda McKnight ('65) Bill Wingfield ('67), Tami Lyons ('76) Ron Harman ('77), Vera Edwards (Teacher) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: John Wingfield ('66) BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar Click the event you want to know more about. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Dick McCoy ('45) Re: School Daze To: Mary Triem Mowery ('47) I not only walked to school in the dark cold winter, but it was up hill and against the wind both ways. To: Burt Pierard ('59) The only reason I didn't answer your statement about security passes at Columbia POW camp, is that there was none. Who would think of giving Ed Johnson, Pinky Bloomer and I, milkmen and hi school delinquents all, such clearances? That would be as unbelievable as giving us driver's licenses!! Cheez... Forgive me for calling you poor. I hear you have a substantial stash. -Dick McCoy, milkman from the Class of 1945 ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Dick Avedovech ('56) Re: Churches of Richland during the '50s Mary Jones Metcalf's ('56) comment reminded me of a somewhat sacrilegious activity dealing with a church: During that time there was a large church being built around Hudson Avenue and GWWay. I think it was a Baptist church. When it got dark and the construction people left, a group of us would go there and play hide and go seek. The rafters 2 stories up and the baptismal fountain were great hiding places. It was dangerous but we were kids and a little stupid then. But it sure was fun. -Dick Avedovech ('56) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Ray Stein ('64) Re: Italian POWs Just wondering if the Italian POWs that McCoy ('45), and others seem to remember could have been Italian Service Units (ISUs). Consider the following: Italy "surrendered" or "joined" the Allies in September of 1943. At the time there were over 50,000 Italian POWs being held in the US. When Italy switched sides, about 45,000 (or 90%) of Italian POWs agreed to support the US war effort by joining ISUs. "They were relocated almost immediately to coastal and industrial sites across the US. They worked with American civilians and military personnel in combat related work for the remainder of the war. ISUs were given increased freedom of movement, and as a result had increased interaction with American civilians." Italian POWs were said to have contributed millions of hours to the war effort. They were repatriated in January of 1946. When I read the above quoted passage about Italian POWs ". . . Relocated . . . to industrial sites . . . In combat related work . . . And freedom of movement . . .", it sounded like the situation that some have described about Italians at Hanford. I doubt if we will get a definitive answer though. As one researcher I read lamented, " . . . the story of Italian POWs in the US during WWII is one that has remained hidden in the margins of history." -Ray Stein ('64) ~ Mead, WA ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Linda McKnight Hoban ('65) Re: Class of '65ers 40th Reunion Hi Fellow Members of the Class of '65: Just wondering what the plans are for our big 40th. (I know, I know... didn't I just walk with Terry Krueger to get my diploma... where oh where have the years gone... I feel like Peggy Sue... you know in the movie with Kathleen Turner and who was the guy????). I know on our website it says planning is starting in January. Well, my darling planners, it happens to be April, and we don't know much except the dates have been penciled in at the Hanford House. We already have our reservations there, on the AARP special rate, but... wondering if my hubby and I will be attending just the car show... I have it on good authority that David Rivers will be in town... on Thursday night, at the DQ. Vroom Vroom. If you need help, just give a yell. See you in June, hopefully. Bomber hugs, -Linda McKnight Hoban ('65) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Bill Wingfield ('67) Re: Bomber Reunion - Augusta, GA We've just had the best Bomber Reunion of the '67 BRC. My best friends, (actually more like brothers) Don Andrews ('67), and Diamond Dave McDaniels ('67) came down from the Portland, and Seattle areas respectively, for the 2005 Masters. From Chicago, Rob Holloway (Dona Pfeifer '72's husband), and George Ditore came down, for some sun and golf. We were fortunate enough to get tics for Monday's practice round, and tried to go yesterday to the par 3 tournament, but with tics going for $300 a pop, we decided to pass, after we watched some poor guys getting popped for buying the scalped tics, and this is just the practice rounds. With badges going for 4 figures, this really is the hardest ticket to get. I hate to see my friends going back to their homes, but we sure had a good time. -Bill Wingfield (BRC '67) ~ Augusta, GA - where it was beautiful Mon, Tues, & Wed of the practice rounds, but the sky is getting ready to open up. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Tami Lyons Zirians ('76) Re: Wool Wax Creme Does anyone remember using "Wool Wax Creme"? They used to make it at Kadlec Hospital and sold it in the gift shop there. Is it still being sold there? -Tami Lyons Zirians ('76) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Ron Harman ('77) Re: Back with more shameless self-promotion Any of you in the Portland area who remember hearing me sing in school (or better yet, who sang with me - I would love to see some of you guys!) have a chance to hear me again this month. My partner Rhonda and I are appearing on Tuesday nights at Wilf's restaurant and cabaret at Union Station in Portland's Pearl District. The program is schmaltzy standards and show tunes, from Gerschwinn to Billy Joel, all on the themes of finding love, losing love, and discovering life after love. Yes, Dad (Bob Harman - '51), there's some Nat King Cole in there, and I think of you every time I sing it. Shows are at 7:30 on Tuesday evenings. More details: -Ron Harman ('77) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Vera Edwards (Teacher) Dear Bomber Pals, I have never been so excited as when I stepped into the banquet room of the Cathy Inn in Spokane, on March 20th! As I looked around, I saw so many familiar faces...darling faces from a long time ago. Could it be possible that I would recognize and recall so many of my former students? How fun to walk up to you and call out your name and my memories of our wonderful times together...of course, the name tags helped! My daughter, Gay Edwards ('64), had mentioned that we were attending our first Spokane Bomber Lunch, however, she forgot to mention that this luncheon was in my honor. Wow! This affair surely made turning 85 much more pleasant than I had anticipated!!!! I should have caught on when I saw the balloons and table decorations, that this was not a typical get together luncheon. However, until the Happy Birthday Mrs. Edwards song was sung, I never dreamed that something so special was in the works. Your precious faces are still as beautiful today, as when you sat before me in Carmichael and Chief Jo classrooms. I shall always remember this special birthday celebration as the day you filled my heart with such joy. Many of you traveled long distances to be with me on March 20th, and I am immensely grateful for your efforts in joining our Spokane Bomber group of celebrants. For you who were unable to attend, I have your delightful emails and photos enclosed in a lovely memory album...which I shall enjoy always. In case you wish to 'honor' me again...I'm available at the following contact information. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES! WHAT WONDERFUL STUDENTS I'VE ENJOYED! WHOOPEE! Vera Edwards PH: 509-443-1976 (I don't listen to my voice mail) Harbor Crest Res: Vera Edwards Apt. #164 3117 E. Chaser Lane Spokane, WA 99223 Email: -Vera Edwards (Teacher) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Spokane lunch pictures: -Maren] ******************************************************* ******************************************************* That's it for today. Please send more. *******************************************************