Alumni Sandstorm ~ 03/29/05
8 Bombers sent stuff: 
Betty Hiser ('49), Marilyn DeVine ('52)
Dick Avedovech ('56), Ken Heminger ('56WB)
Patti Mathis ('60), Judy Willox ('61)
Gary Behymer ('64), David Rivers ('65)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Pattie Crigler ('59)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Brian Johnson ('65) 
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Gary Crow ('65)

BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
    Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49)

I want to thank each of you who sent suggestions about having a biopsy.
And for all the people who said they would put me on their prayer lists.

Judy Cameron Ayers: When I first came to Richland (Sept. 1944) I went to
Lewis and Clark (L&C) to register for school. (Registration was 2 weeks
late because they were bringing in train loads of people to work on the
Project.) At that time I was small for my age (those were the days). When
the lady looked at me she said, "Thank God you are not in the eighth
grade - we have no eighth or fifth grades." When I told her that I was in
the eighth she told my dad he would have to take me over to Jefferson
(the school wasn't finished - the gym had stored huge boxes - no PE). We
registered my sister and off we go and I registered. The teacher said,
"Well, you make 52." There were 52 of us in one room - ten books of each
subject and we sat at elongated tables. In 2 weeks there were 72 of us.
They told us to report to the class the next day and they would try to
figure out what to do with the overload. The next day they started
pointing at us. They pointed to me and said report to Sacajawea in the
morning. My dad took me to Sacajawea and there were 120 of us and only
two class rooms. (My dad told me I had to know how to spell Sacajawea by
the time I got home that night.) They sent all of us home and told us 
to report to Sacajawea the next morning. When I arrived they started
pointing at us again. The lady pointed at me and said, "You report here
tomorrow afternoon at 1pm" The next day they explained that they were
building a new grade school (Marcus Whitman) and remodeling L&C so we
would only go to Sacajawea until the Christmas break. The school children
were given tickets to ride the bus system for nothing. We got out at 
5pm - just in time to miss the 5 o'clock bus so had to stand out there
for a 1/2 hr. waiting for the bus. At Christmas break they told each of
us where to go to school. I was to report to L&C because they supposedly
had finished the remodeling. They had not finished Marcus Whitman nor the
new addition to L&C. I went the entire school year, in Richland, from
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. They didn't finish the addition to L&C until the
summer of '45. So at one point in time I went to every grade school they
had in Richland. Does that bring back memories!!!

-Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - had 15 drops of
                          rain yesterday afternoon, wind, and coolish.
>>From: Marilyn DeVine Dow ('52)

Hi Everyone;
    After breaking down 4 times in 3 days, we finally got it all together 
and have had a wonderful time. Will send photos later.
    I am in Austin now, and will return to Albuquerque by a different 
route Wednesday, then back to Yuma, then back to Las Vegas and home by 
the end of the month. Will send more details later, but wanted to get a 
quick note off to you.
    Maren: we won't make it to New Orleans, after all. Boo hoo!

Take care, all, and enjoy this beautiful Spring.

-Marilyn "Em" DeVine Dow ('52)
>>From: Dick Avedovech ('56)

Re: Tulips
    Bill Berlin's entry about the Tulips in Skaget Valley reminded me 
of a time when I was teaching an Anatomy/Physiology course to nursing
students at Clark College in Vancouver, WA. On a quiz I had as an extra
point question: What flower do we find associated with the human head?
Answer: Two Lips (Tulips).

-Dick Avedovech ('56)
>>From: Ken Heminger ('56WB)

Jay Siegel's ('61) comment about Sunrise Services reminded me that we 
in what was then Heminger City, put the first cross on top of Flat top.
Sunrise services were subsequently held every year on old Flat Top while
I lived there. I left for the service in 1955 so don't know after that. 
It was possible to drive to the top back then, but some would elect to 
park at the bottom and climb to the top. During my last trip through 
there in June of 2000, I noticed that a cross was still up there, but the 
top was all fenced off so don't know if services are still held there 
or not. If anyone has information as to why it was fenced off, or if 
services are still held, I'd like to know.

-Ken Heminger ('56WB) ~ Great Falls, MT
>>From: Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60)

Re: Sunrise service on Easter at the Bomber Bowl
    I remember them well. One year Christine Romanelli ('60) and I went 
and you are right, it was truly beautiful. As far as I know, they don't
have them anymore there, but I know there has been some lately in West
Richland. I have heard the older you get the less sleep you need, but not
so in my case. Sunrise services are way too early for me now, but am glad
I went to the one I did.

-Patti Mathis Wheeler ('60)
>>From: Judy Willox (Classic Class '61)

Re: RHS Journalism Class General FundRaiser Form (Printable form)
    Robin Morris of Richland High School Sandstorm and RHS Columbian fame
is asking for help to get her journalism students to the National High
School Journalism Convention in Seattle the first part of next month.
Robin and her students are so dedicated that they are giving up part of
their spring break to attend this convention and they need our help. This
would be a classic Bombers helping Bombers if we could each of us donate,
and sponsor a kid, to help with their expenses. Thanks in advance to you
out there who help them out. 

Bomber Cheers,
-Judy Willox (Classic Class '61) ~ Richland
>>From: Gary Behymer ('64)

Re: Hanford

-Gary Behymer ('64)
>>From: David Rivers ('65)

Re: The Architect and the Boss Jock
    Ho ho ho... Meeeeeeeerry... oh wait... it's march... wrong Holiday... 
"Happy happy birthday baaaaaaaby"... no that won't work either... too
mushy... so you've probably guessed by now that we got two Bomber guys
having birthdays on the 29th. Great guys both of them and I've pretty
much exhausted all the dirt I've got on these two over the past several
years telling their little secrets of years past. The truth is that both
these guys have always been my buds true blue even if our school colors
are green and gold... (tho one of them went to Chief Jo with me and they
had Blue and Gold)... ah what the heck... it's no secret that two of the
guys from '65 are having birthdays and will be showing up at our 40th 

-David Rivers ('65)
That's it for today. Please send more.