Alumni Sandstorm ~ 03/01/05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Bombers sent stuff: Betty Hiser ('49), Jim McKeown ('53) Dean Enderle ('57), Barb Belcher ('72) Vicki Owens ('72), Mike Davis ('74) Gil Blankenship ('81) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Elwin "Gene" Boyle ('64WB) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Patricia Inghram ('72) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Sheri Lukins ('75) BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Deana Shipman ('77) BOMBER LUNCH Today: Ladies of '56 BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar Click the event you want to know more about. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49) Mary Jones Metcalf ('56): When we first came out here we "teen-agers" had to make up our own language. For instance: Haircuts: my girl friend called them Heines, I called them GI's, others called them burrs, crew cuts, etc. It was like learning an entire foreign language. The block that I lived on consisted of 27 families and there was not one family from Richland or the state of Washington. They were from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Ohio, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, New York, Montana, etc. Talk about a mixture. At one point in time my neighbors were from Mississippi and Boston. The lady from Mississippi asked the lady from Boston where she could find some fresh ok-ree and butter beans. The lady from Boston asked me what the heck she was talking about and I told her that she wanted to know where she could find okra and lima beans. This was in the '70s. They were both had some very funny sayings. At one job I had on the Project a gal from Texas started working for us. She told us one day that we talked funny. We told her we didn't talk funny - she did. I love hearing about all your travels. Thanks. -Betty Hiser Gulley '49er - south/government Richland - Guess what? It is sprinkling. YEAH! Kinda dark too. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Jim McKeown ('53) Isn't there a Bomber lunch in Portland on the 12th of March? It appears that I might be in town on that day, and if so, maybe attend. Thanks, -Jim McKeown ('53) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Dean Enderle ('57) Re: More linguistic comment Been reading some of the unusual and quaint sayings and differences in the speech which are usually attributed to regional and national backgrounds. Here are a couple I heard that have stuck in my mind, I had a friend who had spent time in Australia and he used to say if someone was acting a bit silly "you're as daft as a cut snake" and another friend of mine used to reply when asked how he was, "fine as frogs hair". Anyway there you have it, after many thousands of miles travelled and having met a great many people from all walks of life I should probably have more than that but the old brain box doesn't always recall when you want it to. Now I am going to go a little "pc" with reference to an entry by Mary Jones Metcalfe, just for the record, most English people do not like to be referred to as "limeys" much the same as most Americans don't really like being called "yanks". These terms were quite often preceded by some sort of expletive or other, usually very derogative and although we were allies during the war things were not always cordial. I will end the lecture for now, best wishes to all of you out there in "Bomber" land, take care, good health and enjoy life because it really is too short. -Dean Enderle ('57) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Barb Belcher Valinske ('72) Happy Birthday (March 1) to Patricia Inghram Curtis ('72). Also, congratulations on opening your own business, Curtis Counseling, in Richland. -Barb Belcher Valinske ('72) ~ West Richland, where it is raining just a little bit ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Vicki Owens ('72) Re: Talkin' Suthurn My mom was a Cajun from Sulphur, Louisiana who boarded the train to Hanford in the fall of 1943. There she met my dad, born in the foothills of the Bitterroot Mountains near Darby, Montana. In primary school a classmate mentioned something about a "southern drawl" and I asked what that was. They said, "The way your mom talks." I think my response was a brilliant "Uh uhhhhh!" Then I realized that when my mom spoke, all of the canonized members of the Catholic communion were "sants" and the thing on top of the house was the "ruff". And of course every good Cajun is from Loosyana. Growing up in a cross-cultural home, with Dad from "north of the Mason-Dixon Line" and Mom from just off Choupique Bayou, was the best preparation possible for living in Uganda! To: Betty Hiser Gulley ('49) I certainly hope we never get to World War 11, but I remember listening to a news show one night when the reader said, "World War Eye Eye". I wish I could remember the offender, because he was a national figure. To: Jeff Curtis ('69) How I wish I could be at the dedication of the park to your dad! Ernie was my first real boss. When I came home from my first summer in college, he hired me as a recreation leader at Howard Amon Park. Imagine getting paid to play with the kids and organize fun stuff to do?! I'll never forget that idyllic summer. And he was a great boss. He BELIEVED in you. And because he did, you started believing in yourself. He was a good man, and fully deserving of this honor. And you've done him proud, Jeff. -Vicki Owens ('72) ~ Kampala, Uganda ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Mike Davis ('74) Re: Mt. Rushmore and Brad Upton They were going to add Brad Upton ('74) as the fifth head on Mt. Rushmore due to his worldwide comedy success, but they decided it might be too dangerous. The sun reflecting off that bald head of his could possibly devastate the entire population of Rapid City. (Geez, talk about burning up little ants with your magnifying glass!) -Mike Davis ('74) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* >>From: Gil Blankenship ('81) To: Susan Anderson Shattuck ('49) Small world. My parents are from that area (Joplin) - as is a gentleman I have been working with for some number of years now, a Pasco graduate. -Gil Blankenship ('81) ******************************************************* ******************************************************* That's it for today. Please send more. *******************************************************